"If you are extremely beautiful, you are extremely powerful!"

Su. Rose also shouted, and the three beautiful girls gathered together.

They jumped to the top of the rock, posed in beautiful shapes, and shouted in unison.

"Natural beauties... Let you see our charm and our power!"

"Brian. Brian. Brian..."

When the three girls shouted the slogans of transformation, they were also shrouded in pink love bubbles and transformed into another form.

Brian. De. Chateau transformed into a fat man as fat as a ball, claiming to be a pink female warrior.


The purple Su. Rose also transformed into Luoji with a weird purple hat.

In addition, the brown-haired Sanka. Ko transformed into the only blue-haired catwoman who was barely good-looking among the three girls, Kakunsha.

As the light of the pink bubble faded, some of the gods of destruction and angels who were originally paying attention to this side turned their heads to avoid his gaze.

"Tsk... What kind of transformation is that? So disgusting..." Idas quickly looked away and looked at the Kai King God Fuwa.

This green fat man is also better looking than the fat woman in the second universe.

"Transformed, disgusting, right?!" Surt hurriedly lowered his head and took out a cigarette and lit it.

It was too damn eye-catching, fortunately he lowered his head in time.

"It's really disgusting, too ugly to look at!" Xiangpa, who was taught by Bardos to lose weight for 200 million years, also hurriedly covered his eyes.

"If I can avoid being eliminated, I will start to lose weight the next moment I survive!"

"Is it so exaggerated?" Beerus looked at the reactions of the people around him in surprise, scratched his cheek, and said.

"I think it's OK, and it feels a little cute..."

"Wow, Master Beerus, do you have such a strong taste?" Whis closed his eyes and smiled when he heard this.

"But I suggest you just watch it!"

Next, Beerus became the host, explaining the fighting situation on the ring to everyone present.

The fat woman sent out a huge heart, covering No. 18 in it.

Krillin was anxious and hit Bribuan with a Qigong wave.

The fat woman made a heart gesture and released a beautiful pink light, which should be a Qigong wave.

Krillin and No. 18 were both imprisoned because the fat woman sent out a lot of

heart-shaped Qi bombs.

"Were they imprisoned by the Qi bombs?"

Whis frowned slightly and asked Beerus, who was not explaining professionally at all, in confusion.

"No, it seems that after the explosion of the gas bombs, a strange smell will be produced..." Beerus crossed his arms and thought about the words to explain.

But before he could think of the words, the battle on the ring changed, so he explained again.

"The slightly fat girl turned herself into a sphere and crashed into Krillin and No. 18!"

"No, No. 18 was knocked to the edge of the ring..."

"No. 18 will be hit by the heart-shaped Qigong wave!"


King Shin heard this and didn't care whether it was hot or not, and hurriedly opened his eyes and looked over.

Seeing that No. 18 was about to be hit and fall outside the ring, No. 17 just arrived.

He kicked the gas bomb away and pulled No. 18, who was about to fall, back, "No. 18, are you okay?!"

"It's okay, these guys are a bit tricky!" No. 18 shook his head slightly and gave Krillin a soothing look.

"Let's deal with them together! Pick one each!" No. 17 gave No. 18 and Klin a look and said.


Just as the three of them were posing their starting positions, preparing for a one-on-one duel.

Behind the three Bribuan women, a blue liquid suddenly appeared like a wall.


With a wild laugh, the blue liquid quickly attacked and was about to wrap up the three Bribuan women.


Faced with this sudden liquid, the three Bribuan women were a little confused.

Before they could dodge, they were restrained and pressed to the ground by the liquid that came over them.

Looking at Luoji, who was sticking to his hands and feet like glue, he shouted, "Ahhh, what the hell is this?!"

"It's sticky and disgusting. I can't move..."

Under these delicate moans, Krillin shuddered for no reason and looked sideways at No. 18 and No. 17 and asked.

"Or, let's take this opportunity to leave here!"

He didn't want to touch or face such a disgusting liquid.

But veryUnfortunately, before the three of them left.

Bribuan, with the advantage of being able to make her body grow huge, had already broken free from the blue liquid that partially suppressed part of her body.

"Damn... You actually do such rude things to super beautiful beauties!"

As soon as the huge Bribuan regained his freedom, he roared and attacked the blue liquid.

"Fist of Love!"

An indescribably huge fist blasted towards the liquid.

The strange blue liquid was shaken up by the huge force, splashed into the air, and slowly gathered into a human shape.

It was the transformed warrior of the third universe, Maji Kayo!

"It's getting bigger..." He was slightly shocked when he saw the towering Bribuan.

But before he could act, a sudden Qigong wave appeared, knocking him out of the ring in mid-air.

"What's going on?" Krillin and the other two saw this scene, and instantly stood back to back on guard.

Even Bribuan quickly looked around, trying to find the attacker, "Who is it?"

"Why can't I see anyone?" Kakunsa and Roji walked slowly towards each other while on guard.

But before the two could meet up, they were hit to the edge of the ring by invisible punches.

"Kakunsa! Roji!" Seeing that both of them would soon fall out of the ring, Bribuan was anxious.

She ran quickly, and the huge footsteps were deafening.

"Boom boom boom"

In this panic, she didn't know whether she tripped herself or was hooked by something.

She fell to the ground, completely knocking Kakunsa and Roji out of the ring and falling!

"Swish swish"

Accompanied by two screams, Bribuan's figure was also quickly pushed out of the ring by an invisible force.

"What the hell is this thing?!"

No. 18 looked around, but found nothing.

Klin narrowed his eyes and said seriously, "It should be the invisible man... I can feel his aura!"

At the same time, Bribuan's huge body was completely pushed to the edge of the ring and fell down.

"Damn, what's going on?"

Looking at the three Bribuan girls who were inexplicably eliminated in an instant, the Egyptian girl was angry.


Seeing Heles's uncontrollable anger, Quitla laughed like a pig being slaughtered.

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