He always likes to carry pots, pans, and utensils in the universal capsule, so he is not afraid of not having kitchen utensils.

Even if there is none, the omnipotent angel should be able to conjure them, right?

"Bados, I need a table!" Thinking of this, Su Te asked tentatively.


Bados nodded, waved the scepter in his hand, and a huge long table appeared in front of Su Te.

He also found that in addition to the long table, there were also several chairs.

"Hey, Bados, who is this guy?"

Xiang Pa yawned sleepily, came to Bados and asked.

Before Bados could answer, he saw that when Su Te waved his hand, a full of ingredients appeared on the table.

"Wow... they all look delicious!"

Xiangpa kept sniffing his nose and sat down at the table with his big belly, "Smells so good, smells so good..."

"Indeed, these things are all crisp and sweet!"

Bados couldn't help but approach the table and took a tomato to smell it.

"If you want to eat it, you may have to wait..." Suter said, and started to get busy, arranging various kitchen utensils.

Just when he showed the knife and wanted to take the vegetables, he found that Xiangpa was already holding a cabbage and eating it raw.


"Uh...Are you hungry?" Seeing that Bados was also eating tomatoes in small bites, Suter was a little confused.


Seemingly realizing that the way of eating was wrong, Bados hid the tomatoes behind him and accused Xiangpa.

"Master Xiangpa, I'm asking you a question!"

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Xiangpa, with vegetable residue on the corners of his mouth, looked up at Bardos blankly.

"Wait a little longer, these things are not eaten like this!"

Sute said to Xiangpa, but his eyes were always on Bardos.

"These things need to be processed before they can be eaten! Of course, the red fruits can be eaten directly!"

"For example..."

Sute pulled out Bardos's hand hidden behind his back, and at the same time, sprinkled a little white sugar on the tomatoes.

"This way, the taste will be sweeter!"


Looking at the white crystals dotted on the red fruit, Bardos suddenly blushed.

A closer look showed that this strange person was quite good-looking, much better looking than Master Xiangpa.

Moreover, he was very careful, considerate, and gentle.

"Host, you are taking advantage of the angel..." As soon as Sute let go of Bardos's arm, the system's voice rang out.

Sutter ignored him, picked up a whole cabbage from the table, put it on the chopping board and started to cut it.

"Uh... do you still need to cut this thing to eat? Isn't it redundant?"

Looking at Sutter's actions, Xiangpa looked at the cabbage in his hand, which had been gnawed beyond recognition, and asked.

Suddenly, it felt inexplicably not delicious!

"This is called cabbage. There are many ways to eat it. You can boil, stir-fry, and blanch it, but no one will choose to eat it raw like you do!"

While Sutter was busy, he glanced at Xiangpa with disdain.

"Of course, there are people who eat it directly like this. For example, I know you and a pig!"

"Pig? Who is that?"

Xiangpa was very slow and didn't realize that Sutter's attitude towards him was very different from that of Bados.

He asked in bewilderment and in silence, "Who is that?"

"When will you take me to see it?"

"If it can eat the same way as me, I think it will definitely become my confidant and friend!"


Sute sneered and quickened his movements.

"His movements are so smooth that I find them pleasing to the eye!"

Bados sighed as he watched Sute busy cutting vegetables and cooking.


Xiangpa also nodded, swallowing his saliva, smelling the fragrance, and urging Sute.

"Can we eat now?"

"Is it ready?"

"How long do we have to wait?"


Under Xiangpa's urging, the four dishes and one soup cooked by Sute were already placed on the table.

"It's time to eat!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiangpa couldn't wait to reach out and grab the bright red plate of mapo tofu on the table.

The consequence of grabbing it with bare hands without chopsticks is that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

"Ah... hot, hot, hot!"

The fat cat's hands were fine, but his tongue was miserable!

"This..." Bardos looked at the crying Xiangpa, and then looked at Suter with a mocking look on his face.

How should she eat?

Just as sheConfused and puzzled, Suter picked up the long chopsticks and picked up a piece of tomato from the tomato scrambled eggs.

He also blew away the hot air on it and handed it to Bados's mouth, "I'll feed you... Open your mouth, ah..."


Bados opened her cherry mouth and swallowed the tomato.

"Hmm... It's delicious!"

Bados couldn't help but reach out and touch her cheek, her eyes shining, exclaiming.

Suter continued, "And this egg... Ah..."


"This is also delicious!"

"Hey, where's my uncle?" Xiangpa finally calmed down, walked to Bados's side with his hands on his waist, and opened his mouth wide.

"Ah... This... Ah... Ah..."

Xiangpa opened his mouth and pointed, signaling Suter to feed quickly.

Sute ignored him and continued to feed Bados, saying with disdain, "There are chopsticks on the table, pick them up yourself!"


Xiangpa closed his bloody mouth and picked up the chopsticks with a curse.

But the first time to pick up chopsticks...

Oh... cat, how can it be so easy to pick up food? !

"Asshole! I want to feed too!"

After several unsuccessful attempts, Xiangpa threw down the chopsticks angrily and yelled at Sute.

"If you don't know how to use chopsticks, then use a spoon!"

While continuing to feed Bados, Sute threw a disposable plastic spoon at Xiangpa without even looking at it.


Looking at the warm and ambiguous atmosphere between the two, Xiangpa carefully scooped up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and put it in his mouth.

"Hmm...Is this meat? It's sweet..."

"It's delicious, delicious..." The next moment, Xiangpa picked up the whole plate on the table and wanted to pour it into his mouth.

"Master Xiangpa..." Bardos swallowed the food in his mouth and stared at Xiangpa with a sharp gaze.


Feeling the cold murderous intent, Xiangpa immediately backed off and continued to scoop with a plastic spoon.

"Don't just feed me, you should eat too!" Bardos looked at Sut who was still trying to feed her with food and smiled.

This person is so nice!

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