"I'll help you break the shield! Then you can talk it out, and everything will be fine once the conflict is resolved!"

Kers said as she raised her scepter and released a strange magic towards the shield.

The eldest son and daughter of the high priest both have magical magic that subsequent children cannot possess.


When the magic touches the shield, the shield is popped like a bubble.

As the shield disappears, Bardos also instantly feels the aura of Surt and Makarita.

"Surt, are you okay? Did Makarita hurt you..."

When Bardos rushed into the temple, she saw a very embarrassing scene.

Women on top and men on bottom!

Women are superior to men!

Her Surt has absolute initiative in her hands.

But now because of Makarita's confinement, this rule has been broken? !

"Makalita, I'm going to kill you. You even stole my people and hurt him!"

Bados was completely irrational in the face of this scene.

She waved her scepter and attacked Makarita who was about to fall on the bed.

"Hey, Bardos, what are you doing?"

Kers, who was walking slowly behind, saw Bardos so furious and hurriedly grabbed her scepter to block an attack.

"Makalita..." After seeing the situation on the bed, Kes hurriedly covered her eyes quickly, her face flushed.

"You... What are you doing? Makarita!"


Sute silently took out a cigarette from the pocket of his clothes at the head of the bed and lit it.

This social death scene... Oh!

Five minutes later.

The chaotic scene calmed down a little, and under Kes's mediation, the four of them sat on the sofa.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, and there was an inexplicable ambiguity.

"Nothing to say, Surt, let's go!"

Bados stretched out his hand towards Surt, and said angrily that he wanted to take people away.

"That won't work. Half of Surt belongs to me now! You can't make a decision alone!"

Seeing Bardos's behavior, Makarita was also unhappy and pulled Surt's other arm.

Bardos turned his head and looked at Makarita fiercely.

"What are you talking about? For humans on Earth, they have to be loyal to only one person for their entire lives!"

Makarita argued with reason and refused to give in.

"You are talking about humans. How many years do they live? We are angels, naturally different from those humans!"

Bardos likes Surt, and she wants Surt to be the strongest in the universe. These two goals are not contradictory at all!

Isn't it good for the three of them to live in peace?

She has made such a big concession, why is Bardos still not giving up?

If they live in peace, Bardos accompanies Surt, and she teaches Surt to become stronger, what's wrong with that?

Of course, the main reason is that Makarita has little contact with humans, and she doesn't have the inherent concept of humans at all.

She just thinks that Bardos is a bit too much for Surt to monopolize!

What she wants is Surt's talent and potential, not his people...

It can't be said that she doesn't want his people, how should I put it, anyway, she has nothing to do with love for Surt, she just wants Surt to become stronger!

To become the strongest human in the universe.

For this goal, she can dedicate everything, of course, this is also her initiative and selfish!

Only by making the same contribution as Bardos can she occupy a place in Surt's heart.

In this way, Surt will sometimes care about her thoughts and empathize with her.

Makarita's calculations are thunderbolt, but Bardos on the opposite side is not clear.


Hearing Makarita's words, Bardos felt confused.

It seemed that, I didn't know when she started, she actually brought herself into the role of a human.

Could it be that she was too close to humans?

She is an angel!

What about one person living with another person for a lifetime, isn't that a civilized joke?

Angels don't say this, even their father, the high priest...

There is more than one woman...

The mind was instantly clear, but Bardos was still uncomfortable with the matter of dividing Suter in half.

So, she turned her attention to Suter, the point of contradiction, and asked.

"Suter, what do you think?!"

"What do you mean by what do you think?" Suter asked Bardos puzzledly.

What can he think?

He still likes to watch the drama of these two women fighting for one man in front of him!

The key is that he is the man being fought over!

"Do you like me, or do you like Makarita?"I like both!" Bardos frowned at Suter and asked word by word.

"I like both!" Suter said bluntly.

Makalita's initiative is different from Bardos'!

He also knows what Makalita is thinking, but he doesn't care.

As a man, he has the confidence that Makalita will fall in love with him one day!

Besides, multiple-choice questions are for children, and adults of course want all of them!


Bardos pursed his lips and asked aggrievedly, "Then after you like Makalita, will you no longer like me as much as before!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! I can swear to heaven..." Suter said, and stretched out three fingers with a solemn oath.

"...No need to swear, I believe you! "Seeing that Suter was so serious, Bardos reached out and covered his lips.

It was her fault. She was incompetent and gave Makarita an opportunity to take advantage of her.

"Okay... Makarita, let's just forget about this matter this time, but next time you must not..."

Seeing that Kes was still sitting next to her, Bardos hurriedly stopped the topic and planned to talk to her privately.

"Have you reconciled? That's great!"

Although she was confused, Kes was still very happy to see Bardos and Makarita reconcile.

"Then I'll go back!"

"Wait, Suter, I promised Sister Kes to give her some snacks and cakes, can you make some?"

Seeing that Kes was about to leave, Bardos hurriedly told Suter what he had promised before.

"Oh, no problem! "

Sutter had no reason to refuse, and immediately prepared the ingredients and started making pastries.

While Soutter was busy, Bardos and Makarita whispered something to each other.

In short, the two seemed to have reached some agreement and reconciled strangely.

At first glance, they were as good as sisters!

"Thank you for your snacks, then I'll go back, I plan to share with Lord Rumsey, goodbye!"


After seeing off Kes, Soutter looked at Bardos and Makarita who were holding his arms on both sides, and felt helpless.

"So, after all this fuss, what should we do next?"

"Of course, go to the 4th universe you wanted to go to before!" Bardos glanced at Makarita and said with a smile.

"Why go there?" Makarita frowned slightly, full of confusion.

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