The voice of the Great Priest sounded slowly!

"And the last one, there are three people left in the eleventh cosmic tube!"

"There are still ten people in the seventh universe, and they have an advantage in numbers!"

Quan Wang immediately replied excitedly: "Oh oh! The

angel Macharita said, "There are only three of us left, and the number is relatively unfavorable, dear!" Hearing

this, Wei Mei smiled and said, "The remaining three are headed by Jilian!"

"It's the top three players in this universe!"

"The number of people is not a problem, quality is more important!"

"And Gillian and Topo are basically unharmed!"

"We can be considered superior!"

In the ring!

Suddenly, Tispo heard a strange sound!

Torpo asked, "What's wrong?" Tis broke!

Hearing this, Tis broke: "There was a strange sound just now..." At this

moment, a blue figure filled with liquid appeared behind Gillian!

"I won!"

I saw him quickly punch at Gillian!

Looking at this scene, Tispo immediately rushed at high speed!

"Look at me!"


Tis broke and slammed into the blue figure's body!

The blue figure kept retreating and hit the boulder behind it hard!

Looking at the enemy's frustration, Tis immediately condensed red air bombs in his palms!

"Justice crushes !!"

With a loud drink, two gas bombs quickly swept towards the blue figure!


The amazing explosion came immediately!

Smoke billowing out!

Tis looked at hitting the enemy and said with a smile: "The raid is also too despicable!" "


After the smoke cleared, the blue figure had been shattered, leaving only a liquid blue head wailing!

"Don't... Don't hit me!

Looking at the enemy, Topo reminded: "This person's body is weird, don't be too careless!"

Tis smiled and said, "I understand!"

"I'll kick him into the audience soon!"


In the next second, Tiss burst out!

"Kick of Justice!"



Tis kicked heavily on the blue figure's face!

At this moment, the blue figure immediately showed a smile!


The blue body that was destroyed around immediately turned into a strip, firmly tying Tis!

Subsequently, Tis Po was smashed heavily in the ring!

Tis broke and wailed in pain!

"Nope... No way! Then

, the blue strips of meat on his body instantly turned into the body of the blue warrior!

"It's true this time!"

Looking at the scene in the ring, the King God of the Fourth Universe Realm immediately laughed!

"It is worthy of the extraordinary body that Maggie Caillu possesses!"

I was surprised to look at this scene!

"The exploding body will be regenerated and restored immediately!"

"And there was no damage left!"

Tis, who was firmly bound, roared: "Bastard, you just pretended?

Hearing this, Maggie Caillu laughed: "Your ears are too big, get in the way of movement!"

"I'll cut it out for you, maybe you can run faster!"

Then, a blue scissors immediately appeared on his hand!

Tuo Po looked at the defeated Tisi Po, and said in a deep voice: "Tisi Po can't deal with it!" Saying

that, he was about to step forward, and at this moment, Jillian's voice came!

"Get out of the way!"

"Let me go!"

Maggie Caillu smiled and said, "The general has finally appeared!" At

this moment, Tis broke his hand and shot an air bomb, shattering the blue liquid that bound him, and quickly retreated!

"Gillian, I'm sorry!"

Gillian immediately took an attacking stance!

Maggie Caillu said quietly, "Actually, the target was you from the beginning!"

"Let me see your power!"

In the next second, his blue fist kept getting bigger!

Then, he raised his huge fist and rushed towards Gillian!

Ji Lian looked at the huge fist that attacked, and threw a straight punch!


Maggie Kayu flew out upside down!

Thick smoke immediately filled half of the ring!

Everyone looked at this scene in shock!

The whole king immediately destroyed his avatar!

"It's gone!"

Looking at the terrifying Gillian, the King God of the Sixth Universe Realm said sadly: "This is embarrassing!"

Hearing this, Xiangpa roared: "Tired to death, don't be embarrassed if you don't move!" The

Realm King God continued, "But this man Gillian... It seems to be unimaginably strong!

Xiangpa's face sank, "The largest number of people left in this conference will win!" "

The priority is to deal with the seventh universe first!"

At this moment, Bardus bent down, lowered her beautiful long white hair and laughed: "Lord Elephant Pa!

"He seems to have just started moving!"

I saw Frost rushing quickly towards Vic who was resting on the side!

And Gohan is being entangled by the three enemies of the second universe in front of him!

Vic gasped, he had lost too much physical strength when dealing with the invisible sniper just now, and now he was constantly recovering!

At this moment, Froth's voice came!

"You look tired!"

Vic immediately got up and looked around!

In the next second, Frost appeared directly behind him!

"Where are you looking!"


An air bomb slammed heavily on Bike's body!

He was buried directly in the rubble!

Frost walked towards Vic step by step, directly lifting his body!

"So there is no resistance, but it makes people feel bored!"

Then, he threw Bick out again!


His body hit the boulder hard again!

Vic spoke with difficulty, "Hara... It turned out to be you!

"Aiming at the injured person, you still like to use despicable and shameless means!"

Hearing this, Frost smiled and said, "Your words seem to be a bit much!"

"What a hassle!"

"I'm going to get you out of the ring immediately!"

As soon as the words fell, Frost slammed a punch!

At this moment, Vic drank violently, and the billowing white wave immediately rose!

Frost was immediately shaken out by the sudden burst of power!

Vic immediately lengthened, grabbed Froth's retreating body, and smashed it heavily on the ground!

Suddenly, the rocks flew and the smoke and dust billowed out!

Vic stood in place and gasped heavily, and at this moment, Frost's body suddenly appeared behind him!

"I didn't expect that you still have such strong strength!"

"But it's a pity!"

He flicked his tail directly and threw Vic out!


Vic smashed into the boulder!

Frost walked forward slowly!

"It's quite difficult to master the proportions and not kill the opponent!"

At this moment, rubble flew everywhere, and Vic appeared in the battlefield again!

Frost was stunned and said, "Damn, you can actually stand up!" The

two immediately fought to the point of lifting, and the amazing impact sound kept coming!

Frost hit Bick several punches, and under the anger, his fingertips constantly shot red shockwaves!

Bang bang bang!!

Bick suddenly fell down scarred!

Frost looked at the fallen Bike!

"It's really dangerous, I didn't expect you to hide such power!"

Saying that, Frost also touched his abdomen, and obviously a few punches from Vic also caused him a lot of damage!

In the next second, a red gas bomb immediately appeared in Fross's broken hand!

Get ready to blow Vic out of the ring!

At this moment, Wang Teng's mirror doppelganger instantly appeared in front of him, and kicked him out with a heavy kick!

"I didn't expect that I spared you last time, and this time I actually dared to use such despicable means!"

Hearing this, Frost covered his face and stood up, "Your Excellency recognized the wrong person, it seems that we are meeting for the first time!" "

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