Riburian slammed into Goku's body hard!


A deep pit immediately appeared on the stone wall behind Goku!

Subsequently, Riburian launched a fierce attack on Goku!

And Goku put his arms around his chest, constantly resisting her impact!

After some attacks, Riburian launched his last attack!

Goku looked at her who was rushing quickly and immediately counterattacked!

I saw Goku knock her out with one kick!

Riburian took several steps backwards and quickly stabilized his figure!

Goku looked at her and praised, "Your energy is super powerful!" Hearing

this, Riburian said immodestly: "Then it is necessary to say, I must win and then get the Super Dragon Ball!"

"For the purpose of my love!"

Then she quickly jumped to a peak!

"My purpose is to become a god myself, and I want to become a goddess of love loved by all mankind in the universe!"

Then, Ribrian's body immediately rose with a pink terrifying aura!

In the next second, two wings actually grew behind her!

Goku looked at her and smiled, "I can feel her super energy!" At

this moment, Riburian jumped up quickly, and an energy bow and arrow immediately appeared in his hand!

"Bow of Love!"

Suddenly, an energy ray went towards Goku!

In the face of her attack, Goku quickly dodged backwards!

In the next second, a rain of arrows shot from above, and Goku quickly flipped backwards!


The rain of arrows immediately exploded on the ground, and thick smoke billowed out!

Ribrib rushes fast!

"Are you just hiding? It's so ugly! Then

, she unleashed a rain of arrows at Goku again!


Goku's figure became blurred!


He instantly appeared behind Riburian, and a heavy punch slammed into her body!

Seeing that she was about to hit the boulder, the wings behind her drove her fat body to fly directly!

Then, Ribrian, who was standing in the air, released ten thousand golden rays of light, and in the next second, a huge red heart attack quickly went towards Goku!

Goku looked at the fast attack and moved at high speed!


The amazing explosion sounded immediately!

A fierce wind immediately spread towards the surroundings!

After the smoke cleared, a deep pit of red hearts appeared on the ground, and Goku's figure had disappeared!

At this moment, Goku instantly appeared behind Riburian, and a sharp kick directly blasted her out!



Her body directly crashed through the giant peak and kept rolling backwards!

Finally, her body stayed at Gillian's feet!

As soon as Riburian looked up and saw Gillian's face, he was so frightened that he took more than a dozen steps back!

And Ji Lian didn't put her in his eyes at all, his eyes looked at the Monkey King who transformed into super blue in the air not far away!

The two looked at each other from a distance!

The Eleventh Universe King God looked at this scene and said, "It's almost time!" Hearing

this, he smiled beautifully: "Yes! Then

he connected with Gillian with his heart!


After a while, Gillian's voice came!

"I hear you!"

Wei Mei continued: "The time when you need to save your physical strength is over, defeat Sun Wukong first!"

"Little minions can be ignored!"

"Over to you, Gillian!"

After making contact, Gillian immediately opened his eyes!

He walked slowly towards Goku!

Suddenly, the entire ring shook!

Vegeta exclaimed, "This breath is so strong!" "

Everyone turned their eyes to Gillian!

Standing on the giant peak, Frieza was surprised: "Oops, the super amazing monster seems to be starting to move!"

Wang Teng's mirror image avatar raised his head and muttered, "Even the entire Void Realm is trembling!" "

Sun Wukong immediately landed on the opposite side of Jilian!

"You finally have the intention to compete with me!"

At this moment, Jilian's eyes widened sharply, and an astonishing momentum immediately burst out!

Goku put his arms in front of his chest, constantly resisting Gillian's terrifying momentum!

His body took several steps back, and deep marks appeared on the ground!

Beerus was shocked: "It's amazing!

"Is this just the breath of a warrior?"

The two kings said excitedly!

"It's amazing!"

"What is going to happen?"

"Super heartbeat!"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

The terrifying momentum slowly dissipated!

Goku and Gillian looked at each other from a distance!

In the next second, Wukong exploded violently, and the white qi wave instantly rose!

Turtle Pie Qigong instantaneous!

A white-blue shockwave quickly rushed towards Gillian!

Looking at the rapidly striking white-blue shockwave, Ji Lian didn't even raise his eyelids, and an amazing momentum immediately resisted the shockwave like a shield!

Wukong is constantly pumping energy into the Turtle Pie Qigong!

But as soon as the shock wave arrived in front of Gillian, it immediately dispersed and dispersed around!

First Universe Destroyer Ewan was surprised: "This is? Hearing

this, the First Universe King God smiled and said, "The terrifying momentum seems to have turned into some kind of shield!"

Looking at the amazing competition in the battlefield, Realm King Shenxin wondered, "Why didn't he turn blue!"

"Is it disdain for the enemy?"

Hearing this, Weiss laughed: "No, on the contrary, Goku is testing the power of him and this Gillian!" "


Wukong looked at the useless turtle pie qigong, and he immediately withdrew the shockwave and exploded violently!

Transformed into a Super Saiyan, he instantly arrived in front of Gillian, and a heavy punch slammed into Gillian's face!

Subsequently, Goku made several moves at Gillian, but Gillian didn't move, as if he didn't feel someone attacking!

Looking at this scene, Goku shouted, directly increased his power to Super Saiyan 2, and slammed a heavy kick on Gillian's body!

But Gillian is still not moving!

Goku then quickly shot several more moves, but none of them worked!

In the face of Goku's quick attack, Gillian has been observing his power!

Attack Goku who is ineffective, retreat quickly!

In the next second, Goku exploded violently, and instantly entered the realm of the Super Saiyan God!

Goku, who was wrapped in red divine flames, quickly rushed towards Gillian!

His heavy punch was blocked by Gillian with a finger!

Suddenly, the terrifying power immediately spread towards the surroundings!

Then, Goku launched an amazing attack on Gillian!

The terrifying force keeps the ground sinking!

Goku's fast fist was easily resisted by Gillian one by one!

The terrifying energy aftermath made the surrounding pits bigger and bigger!

Gillian never moved!

The gap in power at a glance!

Wukong, who was dressed in red divine qi, slowly took two steps back and said softly, "You can't use your true skills like this!"

"Then I'll come!"


A low roar came from Goku's throat!

Countless gravel rises quickly!

The whole ring shook!

In the next second, a blue divine aura immediately rose!

Goku has finally transformed into Super Saiyan Blue!

The blue divine aura wrapped around Goku, and the terrifying momentum immediately spread out!

Wei Mei looked at this scene and said with a smile: "He finally showed the power of Super Saiyan Blue, but this is also a senseless struggle!" "

And the Realm King God has a different opinion!

"It's not a needless struggle, my lord!"

"It's going to be an important battle!"

Hearing this, Wei Mei was surprised: "What do you mean?" "

At this moment, the Realm King God pointed to the ring!

I was surprised to find that eighty percent of the people in the ring were watching this battle!

The voice of the Eleventh Universe King God came again!

"The Monkey King of the seventh universe is also quite a powerful character!"

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