Look at Moro who is wrapped in black aura!

Gohan appeared directly behind him!

Under Mora's surprised gaze, Gohan grabbed his ankle directly and began to throw it quickly!


Mo Luo's body fell heavily on the rock!

Gohan looked at him!

"I thought my strength would increase somewhat!"

"It turns out that it has only increased a little, what a waste of feelings!"

Mora's forehead was constantly bleeding, and he looked at Gohan angrily!


If I can fully grasp that dark power in my body, I can definitely defeat this guy!"

Then Moluo shouted!

The terrifying power burst out immediately!

"How is that possible?"

"How could I lose to you!"

The terrifying black aura keeps rising!

Countless rubble keeps rising!

Looking at the suddenly erupted Mora, Gohan smiled, "I'm sorry!

"Now you are a weak chicken compared to me!"

"It's so ugly!"


In the next second, Gohan disappeared directly in place!

When he reappeared, he was in front of Moro!

Continuous fast punches greeted Moluo!


Receiving Gohan's quick attack, Mora's screams kept coming!

Rubble immediately flew behind him!

Mo Luo suffered a serious blow at this moment!

Look at this scene!

Goku laughed, "Well, it seems that you can win, just knock him down like this!"

Bardos on the side spoke, "Indeed!

"Gohan's power can suppress Mora, but I always feel that something is wrong!"

"Can't be taken lightly!"

Vegeta suddenly shouted, "Gohan!

"Take advantage of Mo Luo's inability to fight back now, quickly solve him with one move!"

Hearing this, Gohan nodded!

A purple destructive gas bomb appeared again in his palm!

Moluo secretly shouted badly!


At this moment, a crack appeared in the sky!

A black star dragon ball flew over again!


Two dark dragon balls appeared on Moluo's body!

Suddenly, he felt a surge of power gushing out!

Mo Luo's injuries recovered immediately!

His strength has not only recovered, but also become stronger!

Wang Teng looked at the space that was restored again!

"Being able to tear space, at least the strength is also the power of a fourth-level angel!"

"Who the hell is manipulating Moro!"

Moro's qi immediately startled Goku and Vegeta!

"Moluo's qi...!!"

"What's going on?"

At this moment, thick magma emerged from the ground!

When everyone reacted, Moluo had already disappeared!

Goku and Vegeta were surprised to find that not only had Moro disappeared, but also his breath!

Gohan looked around with solemn eyes!

"Dad, be careful, Moluo is still around!"

He became Gohan of the God of Destruction and transformed into Super Saiyan Five, his perception is not known how many times stronger!

He clearly sensed that Moro was still nearby!

At this moment, Beerus and Ves arrived on the battlefield!

Ves's voice came slowly!

"Gohan-sama be careful, that Mora may eat this planet!"

"I looked up the information of this Moluo on my way here!"

"He has the ability to eat the energy of the entire planet to increase his power!"

At this moment, the whole earth trembled!

Goku exclaimed!


"He must be absorbing the energy of this planet... !!"

Wang Teng looked at this scene indifferently, because an enemy of this level of Moluo could not arouse his interest!

At this moment, Wang Teng pointed to the void of the Nemesis!

"That guy should be in that direction!"

Knowing the direction, Goku immediately used teleportation to teleport with Vegeta and Gohan!

And Wang Teng and the others also turned into white streamers and disappeared in place!

Everyone instantly appeared in front of Mo Luo!

I saw that Mo Luo was greedily absorbing the energy of that Mei Nemesis!

Goku and Vegeta were furious, and directly transformed into super blue and rushed over!

Rushed to Mora with Gohan!


The rapid attacks of the three all attacked towards Moluo!

Moluo's power has increased too much!

I saw his body constantly shaking!

Just dodged the fists of the three in an instant!

What their fists hit was only the afterimage of Moro!

At this moment, Gohan raised his head and said, "He's over there!" "

I saw Mo Luo standing not far away, still absorbing the energy of that Mei Nemesis!

Seeing this, Vegeta immediately shot a gas bomb!


Goku directly launched an teleportation attack over!

However, whether it was Vegeta's air bomb or Sun Wukong's teleportation attack, it was still Moro's shadow!

Goku was stunned and said, "What the hell is going on here?"

"It's kind of weird!"

Gohan on the side immediately saw the truth of the matter!

"His body is not here!"

"He's there!"

I saw Moluo standing on a rock in the distance!

And Wang Teng and several people also went to the void!

Beerus spoke, "Master Wang Teng, should we make a move!"

Hearing this, Wang Teng said, "No!

"Gohan can handle it, this is his chance to actually fight!"


Pick the Moro in the distance!

Goku was directly wrapped in blue qi and rushed over!

Gohan immediately saw that things weren't easy!

"Wait a minute, Dad!"

"Further ahead is the universe, and the Saiyans will die if they go to the space!"

"Let me go!"

"I am now the body of God!"

The voice just fell!

Gohan rushed straight over!

But Gohan's movements were still slow, and at this moment, Moro had already eaten all the absorbed planet energy!

Gohan slammed a heavy punch on Mora's body!

However, Moluo does not change color!

After the strength of the two Dark Dragon Balls was strengthened, and then by absorbing the energy of the entire planet Namek, his power was actually incredibly strong!

Mo Luo laughed, "You nasty brat!

"Let me avenge the revenge just now this time!"

Then, Gohan launched a fierce attack on Mora!

The space is covered with golden fists!

And Mo Luo stretched out his hands and kept moving his palms!

Bang bang bang!!

Gohan's attacks were all resisted!

Subsequently, Moluo directly disappeared in place!


His body appeared like a ghost above Gohan!

With a heavy kick, Gohan flew out directly!

Moluo also flew over!

The two disappeared into space!

Goku and Vegeta stood stupidly in place!


came Wang Teng's faint voice!

"The battle has begun!"

"Gohan, let him see your true strength!"

Gohan is constantly moving his body in the air, while Mora directly summons several meteorites to attack Gohan!

Look at the constant stream of meteorites!

The destructive power on Gohan's body immediately exploded!

All meteorites have turned into nothingness!

Goku's palm is aimed at Mora!

"Destruction !!"

The purple destructive gas bomb immediately flew over!

Seeing this, Mo Luo was hiding behind a satellite!



The destructive power of terror exploded immediately!

The entire satellite has already been blown to smithereens!


Moro flew out of the satellite debris!

"What a terrifying power!"

"What the hell is this guy's power!"

Moro was surprised to find that he was unable to absorb Gohan's destructive power, which surprised him very much!

At this moment, Mora directly struck towards Gohan with a head vertebrae!

Gohan immediately put his arms against Mora's body!



Gohan's body hit a meteorite hard!

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