This sentence from Asidine was immediately captured by Gohan!

"You're not from the multiverse, what the hell are you?"

"Could it be... Are you from the Supreme Universe?

"Are you King Daqo's subordinate?"

Asidin smiled and said, "Haha..." "

King Daquan is not worthy of me being his subordinate!"

"Okay, do what I say, or your father will die!"

An energy bomb immediately appeared in the palm of Asaddin's hand!

Gohan immediately remembered what Wang Teng had taught him!

A roar!


Suddenly, the entire Supreme God Realm shook!

Gohan's hair grew longer immediately!

Red runes appear on the body!

His hair turned white and red, and silver-white lightning kept wrapped around him!

"I won't wave anymore, I'm going to defeat you and protect Daddy!"

Asidin saw that Gohan was actually able to transform, and was surprised to disperse the energy bomb in his hand!

"Kind of interesting!"

"The strength actually reached Wei!"

"Then I'll play with you!!"

Gohan's power is still expanding, and he transforms into his strongest Super Saiyan Eight in one go!

The terrifying power immediately surrounded him!

Asidin looked at the transformed Gohan without any fear, but beckoned to Gohan!

"Make a move, let me see the power of the Nether!"

Gohan's face was full of anger!


"What are you so superior!"



The red and white hair is fluttering in the wind, and Gohan has rushed out!

Goku gritted his teeth and spoke: "Goku~ Gohan, hurry up and contact Lord Wang Teng, the enemy is too... It's terrible! "

At this moment, Gohan has rushed over!

His heavy punch has already slammed through!

Facing his fist, Asidin didn't have any expression on his face!

Seeing that Gohan's fist has hit Asidin!

At this moment, his fist pierced directly!

Only a shadow was left in place!

At this moment, a faint voice came!

"Where are you fighting!"

Gohan just turned around and punched him directly!


Laugh at!!!

Gohan was directly hit in the face by a punch, and the whole person flew out directly!

A long mark was cut on the ground before he stabilized his figure!

Gohan slowly got up!


"Tenfold Realm King Fist !!"

The red arrogance immediately continued to rise!

On the basis of Super Saiyan Eight, the Realm King Fist was superimposed again, and Gohan's Qi rose to a terrifying level!


In the next second, his body disappeared directly in place!

Yasidine smiled!

"That's not bad!"

At this moment, there is only a black shadow moving fast in the battlefield!

Goku, who was already unable to move on the side, was shocked!

"It turns out that Gohan has become so strong!"

Just as Goku thought of this, Gohan was already behind Asidin!

"Give me death, bastard!"

The whole body was entangled in crimson qi, and he directly punched Yasidin!

At this moment, Gohan is confident!


But in the next second, his eyes suddenly widened!

Because his fist was actually directly resisted by the other party with his palm!

Asidine raised his head!

"Is that all you can do? It's really disappointing! Such

a situation couldn't help but remind Gohan of when he was training against Wang Teng, no matter how hard he attacked, he could never get the other party!

If you get it, you will also be easily resisted by Wang Teng!

Gohan roared!

"No way!!"

"You can't be compared with Lord Wang Teng!"

Hearing Gohan's roar, a weird smile appeared on Asiddin's face!

"Wang Teng?"

"Soon, that guy will be my prisoner!"

"Hahaha..." Hearing

Asidin's mocking voice, Gohan's deep voice came!

"No nonsense!"


Gohan's palm immediately condensed two air bombs!



Then he threw it towards Asiddin!

The two air bombs carry an extremely terrifying aura of destruction, which can be said to be very destructive!

Right now!

A red divine fierceness appeared on Asiddin's hand!

The two air bombs stopped a meter away, and then, with a gentle shake of Yasiddin's hand, a terrifying divine spiritual power erupted, and the air bombs disappeared in place!

Subsequently, the spiritual power of the gods in his hand disappeared again!

"What? It didn't work at all? A

complicated expression appeared on Gohan's face!

The energy bomb that he condensed with all his strength was actually destroyed by the other party as an understatement!

Think of Gohan teeth here!

"In that case, I can only let you try this trick!"

Gohan's body immediately lifted into the air!


The golden and crimson aura immediately rose!

In an instant, he opened his qi to the maximum!

A terrifying force immediately rushed straight into the sky!

Silver-white lightning is constantly wrapped around it!

"Super Turtle Pie Qigong !!"

As Gohan drank heavily, a white-blue ball of energy immediately condensed into both palms!

In an instant, a white-blue light filled the entire space!


The ground of the Destroying God Realm immediately cracked into countless bullet cracks!

Countless rubble slowly rising!

"Go !!"


The white-blue Turtle Sect Qigong immediately rushed towards Yasidin!

"It's really boring moves, the gap between us, not these boring moves can make up!"

Asidine looked at the white-blue shockwave that swallowed him and said!

Then, I saw him jump up quickly!

A heavy kick on the turtle pie qigong!

The powerful white-blue energy ball directly deforms!


The Super Turtle Pie Qigong condensed by Gohan was kicked out and flew towards the sky!

Gohan took several steps back!

"Well... It's so strong!

"Who the hell is this guy?"


At this moment, Asidin suddenly appeared in front of Gohan!

A heavy punch hit him in the abdomen!


Spit out a mouthful of white acidic water!

The arrogance on Gohan's body immediately disappeared and he became an ordinary person!


Gohan also fell heavily on the ground like Gohan!

Asidin sat on Gohan's body unceremoniously!

"Now we can have a good talk!"

Gohan gritted his teeth!

"There is nothing to talk about between us!"

At this moment, Asiddin's voice came again!

"You need to do one thing, I will spare your father and the entire multiverse!"

"Otherwise, I'll make them disappear now!"

"Even your powerful Wang Teng won't have time to rescue!"

Hearing this, Gohan's face was filled with anger!


"What do you want to do?"

Asidine smiled and said, "Nothing? It's actually quite simple! "

I want you to go to the Palace of the Kings and lead Wang Teng to the Spiritual Time House of the Earth Heavenly Temple, and your mission will be completed, and the multiverse will be rescued!"

"How? It's simple!

"I understand that Wang Teng will not refuse the request of this apprentice of yours!"

When Gohan heard this, he yelled, "No, I won't do that!"

"Master treats me like a mountain, I won't let him be in danger!"

Hearing that Gohan was actually unwilling to do it, a smile appeared on Asidin's face!

"Good, really backbone, but I learned a good method from you humans!"

I saw a figure that I had never seen appeared in his palm!

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