A shocking explosion came immediately!


Wang Teng's whole person quickly retreated!


Fire fills the battlefield!

The figures of the two immediately moved rapidly throughout the battlefield.



It's incredibly fast!


Wang Teng's body was directly thrown out!

Laugh at!!!

I saw that he supported the ground with his palms and stabilized his body that was constantly flying back.

Wang Teng slowly raised his head!

"I saw it!"

After increasing his strength, Wang Teng was pleasantly surprised to find that he was actually able to see the speed of the ancestral dragon!

Right now!

The ancestral dragon floats in the air!

"Boy, don't get too carried away!"

"Since you can keep up with my speed, then I will release Sancheng's power!"

"It was just Issei!"

Wang Teng heard that the other party had actually forced him to this point with only Yicheng's strength!

My heart is like a stormy wave.

Next second!

The golden divine aura immediately dyed the sky golden, and the powerful divine power filled the entire space!

The fallen angel immediately protected several people!

Because if they are not protected, I am afraid that this force like a mountain roaring tsunami will shake them to pieces.

Wang Teng stiffened and rushed directly over!


Goku only saw a black figure pass by!

Wang Teng's fist smashed over!

I saw that Zulong just stretched out a finger and blocked Wang Teng's such a terrifying punch!


The fierce wind immediately spread towards the surroundings!

Wang Teng gritted his teeth and launched several attacks in a row!

Two consecutive fist shadows blasted over.

Bang bang bang!!

Zulong directly blocked many fist shadows with one finger.


The wind keeps blowing down!

Both figures stopped in the air!

Next second!!


The ancestral dragon's palm flashed!

The huge wave of qi immediately flew Wang Tengzhen out!


His body immediately turned on his back!

It took several flips in the air to stabilize his figure!

"Well... So strong!!

"This guy's strength is actually so much ahead of me!"

Wang Teng swallowed hard, this was the first time he felt so weak.

The eyes are full of disbelief!

I saw the ancestral dragon floating in the air, as if it were a supreme existence!

"Boy, you have performed very well, it has greatly surprised me!"

"You are also the first to force out my strength of three percent."

"Even if you subdued the fallen angels back then, you only used two percent of your strength."

At this moment, Zulong's heart was still as calm as water, as if the battle just now had nothing to do with him!

Wang Teng's strength could not affect him at all.

Right now!

Wang Teng stood up, and his whole body power poured into his fist!

"Less nonsense."

"I bet all my strength on this punch."

"If you can, let's try it next."

"Thirtyfold Realm King Fist !!!"


The crimson aura immediately rose!

The whole space was shaking violently!


The terrifying wave of qi continued to spread towards the surroundings.

The crimson energy rose directly into the sky, straight into the sky.

"Dragon Fist !!"

I saw Wang Teng's fist wrapped with blood-red qi flames, and he directly punched out towards the ancestral dragon in the air.


In the midst of his loud shouts, explosions came!

A golden dragon immediately rushed towards the ancestral dragon!

Looking at such a powerful punch, Zulong's eyes were also slightly moved!

His golden figure also swept out quickly!

The golden dragon and the ancestral dragon fist immediately collided together!

Loud dragon groans continued to sound in the battlefield.


A strong storm immediately dispersed towards the surroundings!

Both maintained their punching motions.

They are all constantly pumping energy!

Next second!


The terrifying power exploded directly.

The terrifying countershock force immediately shook the two of them out like a fist wave.

The terrifying qi wave directly blew Wang Teng away for a whole hundred zhang.

And Zulong only took two steps back to stabilize his figure.

"It's not bad, boy!!"

And Wang Teng's eyes widened at the moment, and he couldn't believe it!

He superimposed the Thirtyfold Realm King Fist on it, but he still didn't hurt the ancestral dragon.

Right now!

He only felt a terrifying wave of qi coming!


I saw Zulong's golden figure instantly appear in front of him.

Wang Teng was shocked in his heart!

"Realm King Fist fifty times!"


The red aura immediately collided with the golden aura of the ancestral dragon!

The terrifying energy is constantly awakening!



The fists of the two immediately collided together.


The two began to fight each other!

In the battle, Zulong's strength was stronger than one punch, and Wang Teng was doing his best to resist it.

At this moment, the potential of the Saiyans of the Fighting Nation was squeezed to the extreme by Wang Teng!

The two immediately turned into two streamers and constantly collided in the air!

Bang bang bang!!

Gold and crimson light shine continuously!



Sonic boom circles keep appearing, and they are getting denser!

Zulong was also more and more surprised in his heart!

Because he had already increased his strength from three percent to four percent, but he still couldn't suppress Wang Teng!

"This kid can, he can actually compete with the ancestral dragon."

"Weiss, I'm getting more and more sure of our plans."

"Bardos, are they coming?"

Wess heard the words of the fallen angel and nodded.

"Mother, don't worry, all the angels are ready!"

"Just wait for the final war."

The fallen angel smiled and nodded.

After the previously killed angel was resurrected by Wang Teng with the Black Star Dragon Ball, she did not expect to be arranged by the fallen angel in her plan.


Wang Teng and Zulong dealt another blow.

"This guy is a little weird, obviously he has reached the limit, but he knows the strange exercises to improve his strength, and he has to fight quickly."

Zulong thought of this!

The strength in his hands suddenly increased.

"Give me death."

The figure of the ancestral dragon suddenly swept by, and disappeared in place.

Wang Teng immediately prepared for defense.

But the speed of the ancestral dragon is too fast!


His fist slammed into Wang Teng's abdomen!

Suddenly, the space seemed to be cracked!

A mouthful of blood immediately spurted out.



Wang Teng's body smashed heavily on the ground.

Right now!

An incomparably huge ball of energy had already condensed above the palm of the ancestral dragon!

"Zulongbo !!"


In the shocked gaze of everyone, Wang Teng was completely devoured!

The terrifying golden energy directly formed a pillar of light in the space!

The characteristic harsh sound appears immediately!

Over time, the energy light waves slowly dissipated!

Wang Teng's figure slowly appeared!

I saw him lying motionless on the ground, and the blood had already stained the ground red!

And the masks on his face have been shattered into slag.

Zulong looked at this scene, clasping his hands to his chest, obviously very satisfied!

"Finish off!"

"Time to go back."

"Alice, let's go, don't let me do it."

I saw the fallen angel raise his head and look at the ancestral dragon with a victorious face!

She smiled.

"Do you think I'll go back with you?"

"Weiss, get ready!"

I saw that Weiss immediately began to contact the rest of the angels!

Multiverse high!

The angels are holding hands, constantly stimulating the power of the bloodline!

Their bloodline power immediately intersected with Weis's bloodline power and slowly passed into the body of the fallen angel!

The black divine power suddenly appeared!

The entire space began to shake violently.

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