“Junior Tianjin Rice, ask for seniors!”

Lin Fan did not hurry to answer, because he had already made up his mind to accept Tianjin Rice as an apprentice.

Not only that, but he also wanted to make Tianjin Fan feel that he was the worldly master they thought he was.

As for whether there were any worldly masters in this Taoist temple, Lin Fan did not know.

Standing outside the door, Tianjin rice and dumplings looked at each other.

Dumpling said suspiciously: “Tianjin rice, will there be no one?” Let’s go in and take a look?

Tianjin Fan hurriedly stopped: “No, dumplings, we are here to study, there must be rules!” ”

Yes!” The dumplings are also obedient.

“Junior Tianjin Rice, come to meet the senior!”

Tianjin Fan asked loudly again.

However, there was still no sound, and Dumpling was ready to use the superpower Foresight ability.

Predict if there is anyone inside.


At this moment, a flat voice came from the Taoist temple: “Come in!” When

Tianjin Rice and Dumplings heard this voice, they were overjoyed, and the two hurriedly entered the Taoist temple.

When they came in, they saw a handsome man in a Taoist robe sitting cross-knee on the Bagua Map, closing his eyes and cultivating his mind.

This person was none other than Lin Fan.

The two of Tianjin Fan were waiting outside the door, and when they called for the first time, Lin Fan thought that since he wanted to make Tianjin Fan feel that he was a superior in the world, then he must pretend to be presentable.

So I found a random set of Taoist robes in the Taoist temple and wore them.

Tianjin Fan carefully looked at the handsome young man in front of him, looking at it from head to toe.

Is this man a worldly master? Or a disciple of a worldly master?

Once again, he carefully felt the other party’s breath, but he found that he could not feel Lin Fan’s breath at all, and he was suddenly stunned, could it be said that he was a worldly master in the Taoist temple?

As a cultivator, he naturally knew that if he couldn’t feel the other party’s breath, then he could only explain two points.

First: the other party is an ordinary person.

Second: the other party’s strength far exceeds their own, so they can’t feel it.

Although this person in front of him is young, his temperament is by no means comparable to ordinary people, and he is definitely not an ordinary person.

Immediately clasped his hands together and greeted respectfully: “Senior, junior Tianjin Rice, come to study, I hope that the senior will accept us as apprentices!”

Lin Fan opened his obsidian-like bright pupils at this time, and a sharp light streaked through.

Tianjin Fan felt this light, shocked, sure enough, this young man is not simple, he is definitely a senior-level figure, and now he is still so young, there may be some special health preservation method.

These Taoists are very particular about the method of health preservation, after all, as long as those big guys are boiled to death, they are big guys.

Lin Fan saw Tianjin Fan’s serious adoring eyes, and knew in his heart that his purpose had been achieved.

“Seeing that you are so sincere, I can accept you!”

Tianjin Restaurant was overjoyed, instantly knelt down, and repeatedly kowtowed to thank: “Thank you master!”

“Di, congratulations to the host for receiving the apprentice Tianjin Rice, obtaining 1 billion combat power, super foreknowledge, telepathic communication, and giant cave waves.”

“Current host combat strength: 2 billion.”

Tianjin Fan saw that the dumplings around him did not react, and hurriedly made a look.

The latter understood the meaning.

Immediately kowtow: “Thank you master!”

“Drip, congratulations on receiving the apprentice dumplings, obtaining 500 million combat power, super spiritual time house, divine qi, and ultimate realm king fist.”

“Current host combat strength: 2.5 billion!”

Lin Fan was ecstatic when he heard the system’s reminder, these things are very good, especially the Super Spirit Time House.

This super spiritual time house is definitely better than the spirit time house of Dragon Ball.

But now isn’t the time to see how these things work.

Looking at the Tianjin rice and dumplings kneeling on the ground, he said, “Get up!” The

two stood up.

Then sit cross-kneeled on top of the tuanpu.

Lin Fan waved his sleeves, bringing a sense of mystery that could not be removed: “Tianjin rice, your most powerful move, called qigong cannon, right?”

Tianjin Fan’s heart trembled uncontrollably, and suddenly looked at Lin Fan, his face was full of horror, how did his most powerful move master know?

I haven’t seen the master before, nor have I contacted him, how can I know my moves?

Subsequently, Tianjin Fan reacted and suddenly slapped his thigh, it must have been calculated by the master, or there is an unknown prophetic ability!

O noble man in the world!

Sure enough, he is a high-ranking person in the world, and he has not found the wrong place.

Instantly, looking at Lin Fan’s eyes became even more adoring.

“Yes, master, the most powerful move of the apprentice is the qigong cannon.” Tianjin Fan nodded respectfully and replied seriously.

Lin Fan continued: “For the qigong cannon, Wei Shi also has some understanding, although the power is good, but there is a fatal weakness, that is, it takes a long time to charge the power.

Tianjin Fan was surprised, but he didn’t expect that the master also had an understanding of qigong cannons, and said the shortcomings of qigong cannons, it seems that the master not only understands qigong cannons, but can qigong cannons.

Think about this later.

Immediately nodded and bowed: “Please teach the master!”

Lin Fan nodded slightly: “The reason why your qigong cannon is slow to charge is because you need to increase your power, but if you don’t have enough power, you are not qualified to be called a qigong cannon!”

Tianjin Fan listened carefully.

He continued: “I have mastered a move, called the Super Qigong Cannon, which is the same as your Qigong Cannon, stronger than the bonus of the Qigong Cannon in terms of power, and less than the Qigong Cannon in terms of power!”

“Now teach you!”

Tianjin Restaurant was overjoyed, and once again respected and thanked: “Thank you master.”

Lin Fan began to explain the theory of super qigong cannons and the key tips for Tianjin Fan:

“The main reason why super qigong cannons can be more powerful and have a shorter charging time than qigong cannons is because of the problem of the method of accumulating power.”

“When charging a super powerful qigong cannon, you can do this… And then like this… That’s it! ”

Tianjin Rice was mesmerized.

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he was still in a state of intoxication, feeling that his heart was pleasant, as if he had drunk a glass of fragrant wine, intoxicated by this wonderful explanation.

Lin Fan looked at the state of Tianjin Rice, knew that he was feeling, and did not bother, and turned to look at the dumplings on the side.

“Dumpling, Master Wei also knows that your main attack means is Dongdongbo, but the power is too weak, and Shi is now teaching you Giant Dongdongbo!”

Dumplings are not interested in cultivation, as long as he stays by Tianjin Rice’s side, it is the greatest satisfaction.

However, the master is willing to teach him, and he is naturally willing to learn.

Thanks: “Thank you master!”

Next, Lin Fan informed the dumplings of the key to the giant cave wave, and because of the foundation of the cave wave, it didn’t take long for the dumplings to comprehend.

At this time, Tianjin Rice also woke up from the realization.

Lin Fan looked at the two.

“Look at the two of you, you have each comprehended!”

“Understood!” The two said in unison.

“Since you have comprehended it, then go outside and show it to the master!”


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