Sun Wukong never expected that the 17th would have such a move.

Looking at these continuous air bombs as dense as drizzle, constantly avoiding them, it is really impossible to avoid, so I block them with my arms.

Also at this time, No. 17 saw Sun Wukong blocking the gap of the qigong bomb with his hand, and rushed towards Sun Wukong with the momentum of the mountain and the sea.

“Bang ——!”

One punch blasted.


He did not hit Sun Wukong’s chest, but was blocked by Sun Wukong’s palm.

And, he saw a smile on the other side’s face.

Instantly he reacted.

Could it be that Sun Wukong was deliberately waiting for himself?

He guessed correctly, Sun Wukong did it on purpose.

Because Sun Wukong knows that it is a little difficult for him to take the initiative to approach No. 17, because the other party has unlimited energy, but he can lure No. 17 to take the initiative to come up.

Now it seems that my approach has been very successful.

No. 17 was about to withdraw his hand, but was grabbed by Sun Wukong’s backhand.

Pull it closer.

“Bang ——!”

At the same time, the fist of the other hand had already smashed towards No. 17’s chest.

“Bang bang ——!”

In an instant, dozens of punches had already been smashed, and the sound of nourishment came from the Bafang Absorption Energy Shield, constantly exploding.

Sun Wukong raised his fist at this time.


Condensing the power of the whole body, the heaven-destroying punch slammed on the 17th Bafang Energy Absorption Shield.

“Snap ——!”

The Bafang Energy Absorption Shield suddenly shattered, and Sun Wukong’s punch directly slammed into No. 17’s chest.

Sun Wukong also let go of No. 17’s hand at this moment, and put his hands on his waist.


” “Bo ——!”


A supreme energy condensed into a turtle faction qigong wave, rumbling towards the 17th, and the clouds were surging, terrifying.

“Boom ——!”

The extremely strong energy bombarded No. 17’s body, and smoke rose one after another, and I saw No. 17’s body fall rapidly.

When Sun Wukong saw this scene, he reacted instantly, and his face was full of embarrassment: “Ah! I don’t seem to have a good grasp of the strength! ”

Fly up quickly.

Hold No. 17 to prevent him from falling into the volcano.

Lift your state and return to normalcy.

Hurriedly apologized to No. 17, who looked embarrassed: “No. 17, I’m sorry, I didn’t control myself just now, so I just…” No. 17

smiled with difficulty.

“It’s okay!”

At the same time, he also realized in his heart that there was still a big gap between himself and Sun Wukong, and he originally thought that he was only thirty times inferior to his Ultimate Realm King Fist.

Now it’s only twenty times, I can’t carry it myself, I have to train at full strength.

However, after such a battle, his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

Sun Wukong looked at No. 17, whose face was covered in blood and had a huge wound on his chest, and asked again: “Are you really okay?” ”

No. 17 really wants to scold Sun Wukong for being a wooden fish head, he has become like this, and ask himself if there is anything wrong?

Something must be wrong?

But can you say you’re in trouble? Obviously you can’t, otherwise where is your face stored?

“It’s okay!”

Sun Wukong clearly saw at this time that the wound on No. 17’s chest was healing at the speed of the naked eye.

Shocked, he asked, “Ah, No. 17, how can your wound heal on its own?”

Number 17 just smiled, this is the ability to regenerate mechanical cells, but he didn’t tell Sun Wukong because it was his hole card.

If you tell others your hole cards, wouldn’t you be dangerous?

Sun Wukong saw that No. 17 just smiled, did not answer himself, was even more curious, just about to continue to ask, he felt his body fluttering.

The mental power was a little trance, and suddenly he understood that his spiritual power should be exhausted.

“On the 17th, my mental power is exhausted, I want to go out first, after I come out, we will compete again!”


Sun Wukong’s figure disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared.

And he suddenly disappeared, and the 17th fell down again.

Fell to the edge of a volcano, and his thighs were just inside the fire.

The sea of fire kept melting No. 17’s thighs.

No. 17 couldn’t help but scold:

“Sun Wukong! You’re not just a monkey, you’re a real dog! ”

Also at this time, the earth of the Super Spirit Time House is rapidly returning to its original state, exactly an hour after the last recovery.

Super Spirit Time Outside the House.

Lin Fan’s consciousness sounded.

“Drip, apprentice Sun Wukong increases basic combat effectiveness: 3 billion, and Master gets double boost: 6 billion.”

“Current host basic combat strength: 36 billion.”

“Di, Apprentice No. 17 increases basic combat effectiveness: 3 billion, Master gets double boost: 6 billion.”

“The current basic combat strength of the host: 42 billion.”

Lin Fan suddenly heard the system’s reminder sound, and his mood was like a pot of burning fire, hot and baking, great, and increased by 12 billion.

It didn’t disappoint me at all.

Combat is indeed more effective than boring training.

In the future, there will be more apprentices, do you want to pull them together to compete?

In that way, if you look at the game yourself, your combat effectiveness will soar.

poked his slender finger.

Tian Zizi thought, “This seems to be a very good idea, but there has to be a reason, otherwise they would not be so desperate, not everyone is a martial artist like Goku.”

“By the way, I can hold a Lin Clan disciple competition, and when the time comes, I will give some good rewards, which will definitely attract everyone to compete hard!”

“Good, this method is really good!”

“Master Lin Fan!”

Just as Lin Fanmeizi was thinking, a magnetic voice came.

Just by listening to the voice, I knew it was Sun Wukong.

Open his eyes and smile.

“It’s out!”

Sun Wukong nodded happily.

Clenched his fists and said with great joy: “Master Lin Fan, I feel that I have improved a lot!” ”

You improved a lot? Then I just doubled!

However, Lin Fan did not say this idea, but encouraged: “Keep up the good work, you are just getting started.” Sun

Wukong did not get carried away, because he knew that his road was still far away, and his goal was to catch up with Master Lin Fan.

Think of these.

He immediately said, “Master Lin Fan, you teach me the way to become a god!”

“I want to fight you early!”

Lin Fan is not afraid of Sun Wukong at all now, so he has nothing to hide: “Yes, you first have a good night’s rest, come to me tomorrow, I will teach you how to control your breath!” Originally

, he wanted to tell Sun Wukong that as long as 6 righteous Saiyans focused the light of their righteous heart on one of them, he could become a super Saiyan god, but he thought about it for a while and still forgot it.

Because at this moment, Sun Wuhan’s daughter-in-law Bidiri is not pregnant, even if she is pregnant, she has not formed a fetus, and without the addition of her granddaughter Xiaofang, Sun Wukong cannot become a super Saiyan god.

“Control the breath?” Sun Wukong didn’t quite understand, isn’t controlling breath a very basic cultivation?

Why teach it?

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