“Lin Fan, who is your mother?”

Me Nima? Is there something wrong with this great priest? Asking this kind of question when you come up is like a large-scale recognition scene.

Wait a minute!

No, how could such a thoughtful person as the Great Priest ask this question?

The things in this are certainly not simple.

See Tricks.

I’d love to see what your purpose is.

A slight smile.

“Great Priest, this is a private question, I should not have to answer it!”

After speaking, he kept observing the eyes of the Great Priest to see if he showed any signs of anger.

However, Lin Fan found that the Great Priest was not angry at all.

It was still that expression that was not shocked.

Amiably said:

“It is indeed a private question, you don’t need to answer it, but I need you to answer it now, then you don’t have any personal questions, you have to answer!”

Lin Fan’s heart trembled uncontrollably, lying in the groove, this big priest was really a guy who hid a knife in a smile.

On the surface, he is amiable, but his face is harmless.

But in fact, they are extremely domineering, they all admit that this is a private question, and they even have to force themselves to answer, and if they don’t answer, they can’t.

With the means of the Great Priest, if you deal with me now, it may be as simple as pinching an ant to death, it is simply …. Strength! Strength is really too important!

How should I answer it?

The eyes rolled vigorously, and suddenly, the eyebrows lit up, okay, come up and ask who my mother is? Then it means that you really don’t know who my mother is, so I’ll make it up.

Let you understand that I, Lin Fan, am also a person with a background, and I don’t want to move, and come to a “empty city plan”.

The most important thing that people in the new era of the Dragon Kingdom lacks is scheming.

“Okay, since the Great Priest is so interested, then I’ll confess!”

“My mother is not in the universe!”

When the Great Priest heard this, his eyes moved slightly, but it was fleeting, very fast, but Lin Fan still caught it.

It seems that my words have a little effect.

“Not in the universe? So where is she? The Grand Priest continued to ask.

Lin Fan pondered for a moment and continued to flicker: “What do you say?” Now the universe is divided into twelve universes, and the universe we are in is the seventh universe!

“Great Priest, I’m not wrong!”

“That’s right, I even know this!” The Great Priest secretly thought, it seems that Lin Fan is really likely to be his sister’s son, otherwise he has just become the King God of the Western Realm, how can he know these things?

It must have been his sister or the rude Saiyan who told him.

Lin Fan touched his nose gently.

For a person who knows the background of Dragon Ball, all aspects of Dragon Ball, fooling Dragon Ball characters, I am a professional!

“And my mother is not in this twelve universes!”

“And the place where she is not under the jurisdiction of the whole king, and naturally it is not under the jurisdiction of the high priest.”

The Great Priest’s tone became a little excited: “Then where is she?” ”

It’s not within the jurisdiction of the king, then it’s in the Dark Demon Realm, sure enough! This person in front of him is his sister’s son!


Of course in Huaxia!

However, Lin Fan did not say this.

Oh? It actually drove the emotions of the great priest, and it seems that his story is very successful.

Wait, did the Great Priest misunderstand something?

Think of yourself as the son of some mighty one or something? If so, then you face two dangers yourself.

First: This mighty man is the sworn opponent of the great priest, and after knowing his origin, he kills himself.

Second: This mighty man is a friend of the great priest, and after knowing his origins, he takes care of himself.

Depend on!

Choose one of the two, how do you choose?

Suddenly, Lin Fan thought of a question, could it be said that the post analysis was correct?

Lin Fan once read a post analysis about the current Great Priest, saying that the Great Priest was just like Weiss, Bardos, and them a long time ago, they were just overseers of the God of Destruction.

Because of his strong strength, he was promoted to become a great priest, but above the great priest, there is an even more powerful angel, that is, the sister of the great priest.

Originally, this high priest should be his sister’s, but because his sister was in love with a Saiyan, how could the noble Protoss marry? So after all kinds of obstacles, the two fled away and fled to the Dark Demon Realm, which the whole king could not govern!

Thinking of this, Lin Fan secretly thought in his heart, “Could it be that the Great Priest mistook me for his sister’s son?” ”

If that’s the case, how can he take care of me!

Even if you don’t take care of me, you won’t hurt me, even if you hurt me, you won’t mess with me on the surface, right?

But anyway, you still have to answer vaguely, let him make up his own brain!

“My mother is in the Dark Demon Realm!”

After the Great Priest got this answer, there was excitement in his eyes, sure enough!

He really is my sister’s son!


In an instant, an energy shroud the Great Priest and Lin Fan together, isolating the outside world.

Lin Fan was stunned slightly, the Great Priest was really a good means, and without making a sound, he created an energy shield.

The Great Priest explained: “The conversation between the two of us next will not be overheard by anyone!”

Lin Fan instantly understood, it turned out that this was an energy shield that isolated the outside world, why did the Great Priest do this?

He is a great priest, and with him, who dares to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two of us?

Could it be that there are still people that the great priest fears?

All kings?

But I feel that the great priest does not seem to be very afraid of the whole king, so there is no need for this!

The Great Priest spoke at this time: “Lin Fan, did your mother tell you who I am to you?”

Lin Fan’s face was full of confusion.

What are these words?

Who can you be mine? Is it hard or is my true love not working? You are a man, you can’t become my true love, I can’t do this kind of thing to welcome a man.

It seems that he really thinks that he is his sister’s son!

However, for this kind of thing, Lin Fan decided not to take the initiative to say it, if he said it wrong, his previous fooling was in vain, and if he didn’t do it, his life would be put into it.

Shaking his head: “I don’t know.”

The Great Priest steadied his mind: “Then I tell you, I am your uncle!”

“What did your mother send you out of the Dark Demon Realm for?”

Although Lin Fan had already guessed a rough idea in his heart, he still showed a shocked look: “Ah!

“Are you my uncle?” Why didn’t I hear my mother say it?

The Great Priest returned to his original calm: “I haven’t heard of it, it’s normal, he may want you not to be clean!”

“However, you have a noble Angel God Race bloodline, as well as Ancestor Saiyan blood, you want to keep a low profile, it is impossible!”

“Strength does not allow!”

“Lin Fan, what did your mother send you out of the Dark Demon Realm for?”

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