A generation of kings of the demon world, directly died at the hands of Vegeta!

Except for Wu Fei, Sun Wukong, and Buu, who remained calm, the rest were very shocked.

Now the Realm King God and Jebbit's eyes widened, completely unable to believe this scene.

That's Dapura, the king of the demon world!

Although the Realm King God is a generation of creation gods, he believes that his strength is inferior to Dapura.

And after Dapla was demonized by Babidi, his strength went to a higher level, and he only became stronger.

However, even the strengthened Dapura is no match for Vegeta.

And Vegeta didn't seem to be serious and easily defeated Dapura.

"Well... What a strong force! "

Now the Realm King God can't even say anything.

At the same time, he also realized that he had underestimated Vegeta's strength before.

Although Vegeta was punched by Wu Fei, compared to them, Vegeta's strength was still ridiculously strong!


Vegeta folded his arms in front of him and snorted coldly.

His eyes were full of disdain for the Realm King God.

"Realm King God? It's just a hillbilly!

"I was shocked by this level of power!"

Now Vegeta has no reverence for the Realm King God.

Before, he was still afraid of the noble status of the Realm King God, but after discovering that the strength of the Realm King God was not worth mentioning, he had already found that the Realm King God had no majesty to speak of.

Now Sun Wukong also discovered the horror of the Realm King God.

He looked confused now, he couldn't understand why the Realm King God had such a big reaction?

Isn't this a routine operation?

What is there to be shocked about this level of power?


"Realm King God, what's wrong with you?"

"That's nothing surprising!"

"After all, Vegeta is far from taking out his true strength!"

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, a thunder sounded in the mind of the Realm King God.


"Vegeta's strength is much more than that?"

The Realm King God and Jebit became more and more frightened.

Jebbit, in particular, couldn't help but feel ridiculous when he thought of his previous prejudice against humans.


"I've solved one!"

"That pink guy, it's your turn!"

Vegeta looked coldly at Buu.

"Da... Dapura!

Now Babidi is still in the shock of Dapura's annihilation by Vegeta.

This result was completely beyond his expectations.

Dapla was painstakingly recruited.

And he has always been his right-hand man, and he can be said to be a rare opponent in the universe.

However, it was such a tough subordinate who was actually killed by a hateful guy!

He couldn't stand such a thing at all!

Of course, it wasn't that Dapla's death made him unacceptable.

What he couldn't accept was that someone dared to provoke himself!

In his opinion, killing his subordinates in public is a provocation to him!

Suddenly, he laughed wickedly.

The smile squeezed out of his ugly face was quite terrifying.


"You can actually kill Dapla, you do have some skills!"

"But it's still useless, I still have the ultimate weapon, Majin Buu!"

"Dapla's waste is not at all one-thousandth of Majin Buu!"

"Majin Buu, tear that guy apart for me!"

Babidi's eyes were particularly gloomy.

However, after hearing Babidi's words, Majin Buu was unmoved.

Babidi was stunned and continued: "Buu!

"Can't you hear me when I told you to kill him?"

However, Buu still stood dumbfounded, ignoring Babidi at all.

Anger filled Babidi's eyes, and he was now very dissatisfied.

He had already given the order several times, and it turned out that Buu didn't hear it!

Buu didn't obey his orders at all!

He went to great lengths to resurrect Buu in order to be able to control Majin Buu and use his powerful power to do things for himself.

However, now it backfired!

Buu has indeed been successfully resurrected, but he is disobedient!

Suddenly, a weird smile appeared on Babidi's face.

"Majin Buu, since I can resurrect you, of course I can seal you again!"

"If you still disobey, I don't mind sealing you again!"

His tone was full of menace.

After hearing these words, Buu's calm face finally changed a little.

But what appeared on his face was not fear, but a sneer.


Buu stood up and walked slowly towards Babidi.

Then he spoke, "It doesn't matter!

"If you seal me, you won't have any combat power around you!"

"And if you really want to do this, there is only one fate waiting for you, and that is to be killed by them!"

"Huh?" Babidi's face suddenly changed.

He once thought that as long as he proposed to seal Buu again, the latter would definitely relent and obediently obey.

But the development of events was far beyond his expectations!

He didn't expect at all that Buu was not only not afraid, but was threatening himself!

And he didn't have the power to refute Buu's words!

Indeed, Buu is telling the truth.

If he seals Buu, he will be reduced to fish in an instant, and let Vegeta and others slaughter.

After all, his low combat power had no power to fight back in front of Vegeta and the others!

Now Buu also made him realize one thing: the two were already grasshoppers tied to the same rope.

If he really sealed Buu, he wouldn't want to live.

"Hasn't Buu always been simple-minded and well-limbed? How can you even use your brain now? This is a question that Babidi has been unable to solve.

However, he did not intend to back down: "Hmph! Die and die!

"Big deal, neither of us will live, if you disobey again, I will seal you immediately!"

Babidi looked coldly at Buu.

However, although his tone was very tough, he was still very afraid in his heart.

If it wasn't for the last resort, he wouldn't want to seal Buu!

Now Babidi is very cautious, as long as there is a change in Buu, he will immediately start sealing Buu!

"Lord Babidi!"

"My subordinate was wrong just now, I will definitely listen to you in the future, I don't want to go back to that broken egg!"

To Babidi's shock, Buu actually relented!

This also put his hanging heart down.

"If you are obedient!"

"I will not blame the past, and the past will be cleared."

"Go, be sure to defeat that nasty guy!"

Babidi pointed to Vegeta and gave orders to Buu.

"Yes, Lord Babidi!"

This time Buu became honest and walked slowly towards Vegeta.

"As my subordinate, you should be obedient!"

"Abominable fellow, you will die a terrible death next!"


Babidi laughed loudly, so to speak, very proud.

"So naïve!"

Wu Fei looked at Babidi coldly and couldn't help but feel funny.

In the next instant, Babidi's laughter stopped abruptly.


Babidi's eyes widened and he was full of horror.

A pink palm grabbed his neck directly!

Now Buu and Babidi are fifty meters apart, but Buu's body can be extended indefinitely, and this distance is not a problem for him at all!


Now Babidi wants to speak, but he has been choked by Buu's throat and can't speak at all!

He didn't expect that Buu would suddenly rebel while he was unprepared.

"I was so careless!"

He now regretted it extremely and wanted to seal Buu immediately.

But sealing Buu requires chanting spells and casting spells, but he can't do anything right now!

Buu looked at Babidi coldly, without a trace of emotion.

"I'm glad you were able to revive me."

"But I'm not happy that you dare to order me!"


A flash of light suddenly shot out from Buu's head and struck towards Babidi.

Babidi looked terrified, but couldn't dodge it.


Immediately afterwards, he was turned into a piece of chocolate by the light!


Buu grabbed the chocolate and put it directly in his mouth.

A magic mentor Babidi directly became Buu's food!

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