"Well... Good risk! Klin muttered.

Now he is still afraid for a while, if Wu Fei cannot resist the energy bomb launched by Buu, the earth will inevitably explode in an instant, and they will also die.

Fortunately, Wu Fei successfully blocked it.

"Uncle Wu Fei is so powerful!"

"Uncle Wu Fei is really too strong!"

Now Trunks and Wutian have become Wu Fei's loyal little fans, and their eyes are full of adoration.

"Just because you want to destroy the earth? Amusing! Wu Fei looked at Buu with disdain.


Then he rushed to Buu again.


Wu Fei directly kicked Buu around like a leather ball.


Buu's face was full of resentment, but there was nothing he could do.


Buu's body slammed heavily on the ground.

"That's awesome!"

"Buu was completely teased by Wu Fei!" Klin sighed.


"This is complete crushing!"

Everyone now also sees the huge gap in strength between the two sides.

Buu has no possibility of winning this battle at all!

"What an abominable fellow!"

Buu returned to his original state, regained his breath, and floated in front of Wu Fei again.

"It seems that even if you absorb the Monkey King, it will not be good?" Wu Fei said coldly.

"What a disgusting fellow!"

Buu's eyes were full of anger when he looked at Wu Fei.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth rose and a gloomy smile appeared.


"Since I can't beat you, then I'll turn you into chocolate candy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the tentacles on his head emitted a pink light.

And the light hit Wu Fei directly.


For a moment, Wu Fei was shrouded in pink light, and then his body slowly shrunk, and it turned into a black chocolate candy!


This scene surprised everyone.

"Wu... Mr. Wu Fei, he... It was turned into candy!

Klin was so horrified that he couldn't even speak.


"I didn't expect Buu to have this kind of move?"

Gohan clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

At this time, he felt that it was definitely not a good thing for Wu Fei to turn into a candy.

"How so?"

"Won't anyone be able to stop Buu?"

Originally, seeing Wu Fei's steady win, the Realm King God was extremely happy in his heart.

But I didn't expect the situation to take a sudden turn, and Wu Fei was suddenly turned into candy by Buu!

No matter how powerful Wu Fei was before, he was just a candy, and he would eventually become Buu's food.

Now the heart of the Realm King God is full of despair.


"Abominable fellow, be careless!"

Buu laughed, his voice resounding through the sky.

Since discovering that he could not defeat Wu Fei with his true strength, Buu was thinking in his heart how to defeat Wu Fei.

After some thought, he planned to directly turn Wu Fei into his own food!

After turning Wu Fei into candy, no matter how strong he was before, he would eventually lose his combat effectiveness!

He thought of being surprised and attacking him, but he didn't expect to really succeed, and he easily turned Wu Fei into candy!

"It's really exciting!"

An unconcealable smile appeared on Buu's face.


"Stupid guy, didn't expect it! You will eventually turn into a candy and become Uncle Ben's food!

Staring at the black chocolate candy in front of him, Bu Ou smiled proudly.


"Idiot, you don't really think you'll win this way, do you?"

Buu was stunned.


He looked around, still not knowing who was making the noise.

"What about this! Idiot!

Following the sound, Buu saw candy dancing in the air.

Now Buu's whole person froze, and he couldn't believe such a situation.

"These words? Is it really from this candy? "

He knows best what he is capable of.

The light emitted by the tentacles above your head can turn others into anything you want.

After everyone is hit by his light, they will completely lose consciousness and vitality.

But the guy in front of him doesn't seem to be affected by these!

"Could it be that the light I emitted failed?" Buu's heart was full of doubts.


"Your tricks are useless to me!"

"After all, my strength is much stronger than yours!" Wu Fei's voice sounded again.

"Abominable fellow, what an unforgivable!"

"I'll eat you now!"

"Even if you have great skills, it's just a small candy now!"

"As a candy, you should have the consciousness of being eaten!"

Buu was furious, and his face turned hideous.

At the same time, as soon as he stretched out his hand, his arm directly lengthened and directly grabbed Wu Fei, who had been turned into candy.


Candy does not retreat, but advances, and heads on.


"I didn't expect you to take the initiative to send it to the door!" Buu sneered.


The candy flicked directly into Buu's palm.

Buu tried to grab the candy, but a strong numbness suddenly hit him, causing him to lose strength in his arm.


And a strong thrust made him constantly fly upside down.

"How is that possible?"

Buu couldn't believe that at all.

He was actually repelled by a candy!

How can this be endured?

Buu shouted, and the breath around his body soared.

He stretched out his arm again, trying to grab the candy.


However, the candy kept flashing and he couldn't catch it at all!


Candy suddenly appeared behind Buu, who immediately stretched out his right arm to grab it.

In an instant, Candy came to Buu again.

Buu immediately stretched out his left arm, still to no avail.

Immediately afterwards, candy appeared on the right, left, above, below...

No matter how Buu catches it, he can't catch it!

And his whole person was completely stunned by candy.

Not only did he not catch the candy now, but he tied himself up!

His hands are so flexible that he has now completely wrapped his body!


"It's so funny that that idiot actually tied himself up!"

Trunks laughed out loud.

"yes, that guy is so stupid!" Goten also pointed at Buu and laughed.

"Uncle Wu Fei is so powerful!"

"Although it turned into a candy, Buu still can't do anything with him!"

"Uncle Wu Fei is completely playing Buu like a child!" Sun Gohan sighed with emotion.

"Fortunately, things are not so bad!"

The Realm King God put down his heart, and the whole person was much more relaxed.

When Wu Fei was turned into candy, he was already in despair, afraid that no one would be able to stop Buu.

But what he didn't expect was that although Wu Fei turned into candy, he could still play Buu!


The author has something to say:

the state is not good today. One more chapter to be released later!

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