"Hmph, I want to see how capable you really are?" Xiangpa looked at Wu Fei with disdain.

He still felt that Wu Fei was just an ordinary Saiyan and nothing special.

And the Saiyans do have a glorious history.

But that's in the past after all, and now the Saiyan clan has declined

!" "I'm not losing to you like that waste of Beerus!"

"What an arrogant fellow!"

Xiangpa's figure flashed, and instantly appeared in front of Wu Fei.

"Ah!" At

this moment, Wu Fei shouted.

Red hair and black hair, grim complexion, terrifying momentum.


Xiangpa was slightly startled, and he felt the very violent aura on Wu Fei's body.

"Hmph, it's just a bluff!" Soon

, Xiangpa had already adjusted and continued to attack Wu Fei.

Wu Fei did not dodge, and directly punched out.

The two collided directly, pure power fighting!

"Boom!" "Boom!"


seemed to stand still, and a wave of qi surged around, causing a great shock.

If Weiss hadn't already set up a barrier, I'm afraid that an innocent planet would have suffered.

"It seems that Mr. Wu Fei is really powerful!" said Bardos with emotion.

Now Wu Fei's strength has exceeded her understanding of the limits of human beings.


" "Lord Elephant Pa's shuttle block is gone!" muttered Bardos.

In her opinion, it was impossible for Xiangpa to win.

This time the collision, Wu Fei had the upper hand.

Xiangpa was directly bombarded backwards one after another.

"Damn, I didn't expect your strength to be really extraordinary!"

Xiangpa flicked his arm, and the slight numbness in his arm did not disappear.

But he's still confident.

The reason why he fell behind just now was completely because he didn't take it seriously.

Even though the other party burst out with an aura comparable to that of an ancient Saiyan, Xiangpa still felt that he could win!

"Huh!" However

, Wu Fei's figure flickered, directly dodged the attack, and appeared behind Xiangpa, punching Xiangpa.

However, what he hit was a phantom

! "Hmph! Are you going to hide?"

Xiangpa's voice came from above Wu Fei, followed by a heavy hammer smashing towards Wu Fei.

"Huh!" At

this time, the corners of Wu Fei's mouth rose slightly.

"What?" In

the next moment, Xiangpa's voice shouted, Wu Fei in front of him was an afterimage, and he hammered a lonely!

Wu Fei's figure appeared again and held Xiangpa's tail.


Hurrah!" he spun in a circle.

Xiangpa wanted to break free, but he couldn't do it at all, and he was now completely controlled by Wu Fei.

"Go you!" Wu

Fei's face turned cold, and he directly threw Xiangpa out.

"Turtle Sect Qigong Wave!" The Turtle Sect Qigong Wave


"Boom!" the

qigong wave exploded directly.

The figure of Xiangpa appeared, while he was still smoking, his hair was blown off, and there was even a burning smell.

And at this time, the elephant eyes of Venus, the whole person is dizzy, it can be said that it is very embarrassed.

"Hahaha, dead fat guy, it's so hilarious!" Beerus laughed mercilessly.

Seeing Xiangpa's embarrassed appearance, he felt very happy.


Bardos held his forehead and sighed, the current elephant is indeed a little embarrassed.

After a while, Xiangpa eased up.


Xiangpa looked at Wu Fei angrily, he knew that he had been teased.

Being toyed with like this by a human was something he had never experienced before.

"I'm going to destroy you completely!"

Xiangpa burst out and rushed towards Wu Fei again.

This time he no longer reserved, he was already giving it his all.


Xiangpa punched Wu Fei, which was dodged by Wu Fei.

Wu Fei returned the punch and was easily dodged by Xiangpa.

Xiangpa leaned down and punched Wu Fei again.

"Bang!" This

time Wu Fei could not dodge, he was beaten to the head back, and he was about to fall backwards one after another.

However, Wu Fei immediately adjusted, and after adjusting, he threw a punch at Xiangpa.

The speed of the fist was extremely fast, Xiangpa could not dodge, and his face was crooked by Wu Fei.


Xiangpa attacked again, and Wu Fei rushed forward.

"Boom!" The

two collided, both retreating, and neither side took advantage.

"Abominable!" Even

with all his might, he failed to gain an advantage, and Xiangpa was obviously in a hurry.

He became very cranky, and although his strength was greater, he was clearly more flawed.

"Bang bang!" the

earth-shattering battle intensified.


Now Xiangpa is quite tired.

"Why? Destruction God is this? can't it?" Wu

Fei's face was still very relaxed, in sharp contrast to Xiangpa.


Xiangpa's face was hideous, he was not as good as a human being, he

adjusted his state and attacked again.

"Then solve you completely!" "

Yaha!" Wu

Fei shouted, and a dark red aura suddenly rose.

He used the Realm King Fist!


Xiangpa's face was full of horror, he didn't expect Wu Fei to hide a stronger power!"

"Wu Fei, this guy has finally shown his true ability!" muttered Beerus.

He knew that when Wu Fei made this move, Xiangpa would lose very badly.

Facing the imposing Xiangpa, Wu Fei directly punched back.

"Boom!" A

wave of qi erupted in all directions, and Xiangpa was knocked upside down and flew hundreds of meters before he could barely stand up.

"What a strong force!" Even

the invincible Xiangpa, now he really felt the power gap between himself and Wu Fei.

Wu Fei's attack did not stop, but continued to launch a pursuit.

"Boom!" he

flashed in front of Xiangpa, and punched Xiangpa.

"Huh!" Before

Xiangpa could react, Wu Fei had already reappeared.

He treated Xiangpa as if it were a leather ball, and directly kicked it away.

"Boom!" Immediately

after that, a turtle faction qigong wave directly blasted Xiangpa.

Now Elephant Pa has completely fallen into the downside!

However, Xiangpa was not convinced, and even though he was full of wounds, he continued to attack Wu Fei.

Wu Fei would not be polite and suddenly shot back.

Xiangpa's strength was already weaker than Birus, and when Wu Fei superimposed the Tenfold Realm King Fist in the form of Chuanchao Super 4, Xiangpa had no power to resist at all.

It was completely unilaterally crushed, and Xiangpa was violently beaten by Wu Fei.

However, he really had thick skin and flesh, and he persisted for a long time before falling.


After a fight, Wu Fei struck a heavy hammer and directly stunned Xiangpa.

This time, Xiangpa finally had no power to fight again.

Xiangpa was covered in bruises and bruises.

He was already fat, and now he was beaten like a pig's head.

"Give you back your kitten!" Wu

Fei appeared in front of Bardos and the others with an unconscious elephant in one hand.

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