"Here it comes!"

Sun Gohan stared at the sky, his expression extremely serious.

"Huh!" Everyone

saw a huge black shadow coming.


The spacecraft rubbed violently against the air, and sparks continued to burst out.

The spacecraft did not land, but suddenly stopped in the air.

At this moment, Sun Gohan and the others also felt great oppression.

The spaceship opened, and countless figures poured out.

All kinds of aliens, numbering in the thousands.

These are soldiers of the Frieza Legion.

Then two figures flew out, and the soldiers all looked very respectful.


!" "It's really them!" For

the two brothers Frieza and Gula, Son Gohan and the others can be said to be very familiar, and now they recognize it at a glance.

Now Klin looked at Gula in horror, and he now remembered the tragic experience of his own killing.

He also thought of revenge in his heart, but when he thought that there was a huge strength gap between him and his opponent, he retreated.

After all, he had no chance of defeating Gula at all!

Frieza and Gula looked at everyone very arrogantly, their faces full of disdain.

"Yo, so many people, are you all here to die?" "

Actually took the initiative to send it to the door, but it also saved this king a lot of effort

!" Frieza pointed to Vic and said slowly: "I remember you, you are the Namux man!" "

Oh, little bald, I remember you too!"

"What, why is that hateful Wu Fei not here, where is he hiding

?" "Are you afraid of King Ben?"

Frieza looked around and found that there was no Wu Fei's figure, and he had come to seek revenge on Wu Fei this time.

And he found that there were several figures that he had never seen before.

"Nami nemesis, King Ben asked you: Where is that hateful guy of Wu Fei hiding? Frieza began.

"No comment!" said Vic coldly.

"What a coward, he must have known that I was coming for revenge, and he was afraid!" "

It's ridiculous that he didn't dare to appear, but let you weak guys come forward!"

"You talk nonsense, my father is not a coward!" As

soon as she heard Frieza say bad things about Wu Fei, Xiao Rou was the first to refuse.

Now Lazili was also a little puzzled when she was angry: "He came to find Wu Fei to seek revenge?

It turns out that these two guys are here to seek revenge.

"Oh, you said Wu Fei was your father?"

Frieza was stunned and looked at Xiaorou with a puzzled face.

That abominable Saiyan actually has children?"

"Since I can't find Wu Fei, as long as I kill you, I don't believe he won't appear!"

Frieza's weird laughter sounded again, his face very hideous.

"You guy, what kind of ability is it to bully children?" said Son Gohan loudly.

"Hmph, I care who she is, as long as I can lure

Wu Fei out, that's enough!" "And she is Wu Fei's daughter, Wu Fei is my enemy, I naturally can't let go of my enemy's child

!" "Also, I remember you, you are also a Saiyan! I didn't expect that the hairy boy had grown so big!"

You guys, kill them all for me, I'll see how long Wu Fei can hide!"

After Frieza spoke, the people of Frieza's legion rushed up.

More than a thousand people, a piece of black pressure, attacked all the Z warriors together.

"Let's go up!"

Son Gohan shouted and rushed straight up.

All the Z warriors shot one after another.

Bick, Tianjin rice, Yamu tea...

Even the turtle immortals made a move.

"Goten, it's time to fight!" laughed Trunks.

"Yes, Trunks!" Sun Wutian was also very excited.

"Then let's use a trick together

!" "Good!"

"Fusion!" The

two directly fused and turned into a combined warrior - Gotenks.

"Hahaha, let the little master come and destroy you all!"

"Mom, I'm going too!" After

Xiao Rou learned that this group was looking for revenge on her father, she decisively chose to strike.

And she hasn't fought for a long time, it's not bad to beat someone up.

"Xiaorou, be careful!" Lazili

did not hesitate and decisively rushed forward.

Klin stood in place, looking at Gula with horror on his face.

The thought of the tragic experience of being killed by Gula made him feel cowardly.

And now he found that even Xiao Rou also went to war!

"Xiao Rou has faced the battle, why should I retreat!"

Klin finally overcame the fear in his heart and stepped forward to meet the enemy.


round of discs appeared in Klin's hand, and he threw them directly at his opponent.


I have to say that Klin's strength is still quite strong.

Everyone went to battle, and Bulma, who had less than 5 combat strength, was able to cheer for everyone.

The Z warriors engaged in a fierce battle with Frieza's legion.

Although the number of Frieza Legion is as high as thousands, while the Z warriors are only 10, all Z warriors have a huge advantage with one block and hundred.

The soldiers of the Frieza Legion are not bad and have a large number, but the Z warriors are even stronger.

"Turtle Sect

Qigong Wave!" "Magic Flash!" "

Qigong Cannon!" Sun

Wuhan and the others burst out Qigong wave, and the people of the Frieza Legion could not resist it at all.

"Boom!" explosions

rang out.

The screams are also endless.

Frieza's legion was now heavily killed and wounded.


Frieza was shocked at the sight.

Throughout the universe, the Frieza Legion has great combat power and rules countless planets.

However, now they have been crushed

! Thousands of people have been beaten by ten

people! "Damn! Why are these people so strong?" He

only remembered that Wu Fei was very strong, but except for Wu Fei, the other people were very weak, and he didn't put them in his eyes at all.

However, now he found that everyone showed super combat effectiveness.

That Nami nemesis has increased his strength so much.

And the hairy boy back then, now he is also easy to meet the enemy.

He also discovers that the strange fit is a soldier who is teasing him.

What shocked him even more was that Wu Fei's daughter was so strong.

The soldiers of the legion could not hurt her at all, but suffered heavy losses.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Frieza was shocked and angry again.

If this situation continues, his Frieza Legion will have to be destroyed, and then he will become the commander of the light rod!

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