"Hahaha! Frost, well done! Seeing

Frost win the showdown made Pa feel good.

"Although I lost, I did a good job!"

For Klin's outing, Beerus doesn't blame him.

After all, he had long seen Klin's true strength, and Klin's ability to defeat the yellow bear in the first game and achieve a reversal was beyond his expectations.

If you want to let Klin win Frost again, it is definitely difficult for the strongman, after all, the gap in strength between the two is too big.

And now the seventh universe still has

"Accepted, Mr. Klin!"

Facing Klin, who fell off the field, Frost said with a smile.

It's just that his ugly face makes his smile look very hideous.

"Frost, it's you who is too strong!" Klingan bowed down.

"Sorry, I'm out!"

Klin returned to the audience, his face somewhat apologetic.

"It's okay, you've done well enough, at least you've eliminated an opponent!" Monkey King comforts Klin.

"Vic, it's up to you next!"

"No problem!"

Vic immediately got up and flew to the ring.

"Are you all ready?"

Vic and Frost both nodded at the same time.

"Okay, the third showdown of the sixth and seventh universes, Vic vs Frost, officially begins!"

The referee's words sounded, and both became focused.


Vic threw away his white cloak, and a pit was suddenly smashed into the ground.

Taking off his cloak also means that Vic is serious.


Vic took the lead in attacking and punched Frost.

Frost hurriedly parried, blocking Bike's attack.

However, Bike's fist came again.


This time, Frost couldn't dodge, and his body kept retreating.

"It seems that this guy's strength is very strong!"

"It seems that you have to be serious!" Frost said in his heart.

In the next instant, Vic had already appeared in front of Frost.


With a hook, Vic punched Frost directly into the air.


Vic moved quickly again, came over Frost, and hit Frost directly in the head with a heavy blow.


Frost was hit hard and cried out in pain.

As soon as the game began, Vic already took the initiative.

Frost's body fell rapidly.

And Vic did not stop attacking, his fists were like raindrops, and he kept swinging out at Frost.


And Frost also adjusted at this time, flipped his body, and resisted Bike's attack.

However, he is only passive defense, and the condescending Vic is clearly more dominant.


Under the oppression of Bike, Frost's body fell heavily to the ground.

"Magic Light Killing Cannon!"

Vic blasted out a qigong wave, hit Frost, and exploded with a bang.

Suddenly, the smoke filled the air, and the floor of the ring had been blown out of a large hole.

"Wow! Uncle Vic is so good!

"It looks like Uncle Bick is going to win this game!"

Son Wutian and Trunks shouted excitedly.

Anyone can see that now Vic has the upper hand.

And Bike, who had a clear advantage, was expressionless at this time, looking coldly at the billowing smoke.


The smoke cleared, and Frost's figure reappeared.

At this moment, Frost was covered in bruises and very embarrassed.

"I still underestimated this guy!" Frost said in his heart, a flash of ruthlessness in his eyes.

"Don't hide! Become the strongest and show your strongest power to fight me! Vic said coldly.


Frost was shocked in his heart, but he didn't expect that this guy in front of him knew his details.

He does hide more power.

"Hmph! What's so strange.

There is a guy in our seventh universe who is very similar to you, you look almost the same, presumably you are the same race.

Although you are in a different universe, the overall difference is not much.

That guy, like you, has a normal, a second stage form, and, of course, a final form.

You better turn into your final form to fight!

If you keep it this way, I'll beat you up mercilessly!

"Boom! Indeed!

I do hide stronger power, but that terrifying power that even I can't fully grasp.

It wouldn't be good if I missed and beat you to death.

I divided my strength into several levels in order to suppress my own strength.

But in order to win this showdown, it's time to lift the seal.

Now let you see my true power! "


Frost shouted loudly.

The floor of the ring was constantly shaking, and the rubble was already floating in the air.

And Frost's aura is constantly climbing, and at the same time, his appearance is also changing.


Suddenly, with Frost as the center, a strong wind erupted.

Now Frost has changed his appearance again.

Overall, it is not much different from Frieza's final form.

To say the difference, it is nothing more than the color of the skin.

And the most important thing to ignore is his breath.

Under Frost's petite body, it exuded violent energy.

"Hahaha, Frost actually hides strength, say it earlier!"

"It seems that the 'messenger of justice' of the sixth universe still has some strength!" Elephant Pa said loudly.

Originally, Xiangpa was still worried that Frost would lose the game, but seeing the latter's strength skyrocketing, he immediately calmed down.

"Hmph! What bells and whistles!

Beerus was quite impatient with this.

"This is Vic dangerous!" Sun Wukong said.

He could now feel that Frost's strength was stronger than Bick's.

"Hmph! It's okay if he loses, I'll fix that guy! "

For Vic to win or lose, Vegeta doesn't care.

"Mr. Bike, this is my final form, you have to be careful!"

"Let's do it!"

Vic got his hands on it again.

In the face of Bike's attack, Frost did not dodge and chose to meet it directly.


The two collided directly.

The ground suddenly dented and the floor collapsed.


Without any bells and whistles, purely an absolute clash of forces.

Vic punched out, Frost turned his head, dodged the attack directly, and swept and kicked Bick.

Vic stretched out his right arm and successfully resisted.


Frost, on the other hand, flicked his tail and hit Vic directly in the lower abdomen.


"Pedal on!"

Vic is attacked and keeps going backwards.

There were already blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

It seems that Frost's attack just now is indeed not small.

At this moment, Bike's expression also became quite solemn.

Now that he is in the inferior position, if he continues like this, sooner or later he will have to lose this matchup.

To win, he had to come up with something else.

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