Looking at the "Magic Light Killing Cannon" in front of him, Raditz couldn't help but feel palpitations.

The energy contained in it made him very frightened

, even if he was extremely conceited, he did not dare to resist this attack.

However, the speed of the "Magic Light Killing Cannon" is extremely fast, and Raditz has no time

to dodge! In the face of this terrifying energy, Raditz can only try her best to dodge.

He jumped and flashed to the right.



the explosion sounded.

A huge mountain range was directly razed to the ground!


Vic gasped, in order to make this move, he had used all his strength.

Now his face was full of regret and helplessness.


it! Just a little!" Yes, he was just a little close to hitting Raditz!


Cough cough~"

Sun Wukong kept coughing, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and loss.

He would love to get up and keep fighting now.

But in the end, there is a weak heart.

Just now he received a fatal blow from Raditz, and he has completely lost his mobility.

His hands and feet were extremely sore, and even standing up was a luxury!

"It's dangerous!" Now

Raditz is still afraid for a while.

He now has a feeling of escaping from death.

He wears a Saiyan-only combat suit, which is extremely defensive and very hard.

Even if it is subjected to a violent impact, it will not have any impact on the combat suit, and the combat uniform can still be intact.

However, the "Magic Light Killing Cannon" just now directly cut off the left shoulder armor of his combat suit!

and the subsequent impact directly destroyed a giant mountain range.


importantly, through the detector, he found that the energy value of Vick's "Magic Light Killing Cannon" just now was as high as 1400, which was enough to threaten his life!

He now walked slowly towards Vic Ker.


!" "You don't have a chance!"

Raditz clenched his fists, his eyes murderous, and

looking at Raditz who was approaching him, Vic was also very scared.

He is not Raditz's opponent at all

, and as for the "Magic Light Killing Cannon", he can use it again.

The "Magic Light Killing Cannon" has extremely terrifying power, but the shortcomings are also very obvious.

If no one gave Vic time, he would not have been able to complete the charge.

And Sun Wukong, who gave him time, is now immobilized and has lost his ability to fight.

Vic was in despair.

Could it be that he the Great Demon of Vic is going to die here today?"


Suddenly, Raditz came to Vic Lord.

Bike's face was so horrified that he didn't see Raditz's movements at all!


Ah!" Vic opened his mouth and covered his abdomen with his hands, his expression was very painful, and a strong pain spread throughout his body!

"Ah!" Vic

cried out again in pain.

Raditz didn't give Vic a chance to react at all, attacking again.

"Boom!" When

Raditz went all out, the battle between the two sides was completely a hanging!


Raditz ended with a shockwave, and Vic was completely incapacitated.

Now Sun Wukong and Vic can't move.

As long as Raditz mends the sword, the two of them will die in Huangquan!"

"Sun Wukong, I have been cultivating hard for five years, and I want to fight with you again."

"I didn't expect that we would both be killed before we went to war!"

shouted Vic with the only strength he had left.


" "When we get underground, we can still have a good fight!" Sun

Wukong is open-minded by nature, and at this point, he also calmly accepts death.

"Dada Da~"

Raditz slowly approached the Monkey King.

"Hey, Kakarot, I invite you to join us again!"


said Monkey King firmly.

"Don't give a

face!" "Ask you again, if you want to join us!"

Raditz's right foot stomped directly on Son Goku's face.

And he keeps increasing his efforts, wanting to force Sun Wukong to submit.

However, he still underestimated the Monkey King.

Even though his face was deformed and his body was in pain, Sun Wukong's firm gaze did not change.

"No!" Sun

Wukong made his position clear again.

"In that case, farewell, my dear brother!" Raditz

slowly condensed an energy bomb in his palm, and was about to launch the final blow at Sun Wukong.

"Don't bully my dad!" came

a childish voice from behind Raditz.

Sun Wukong raised his head with difficulty and saw a familiar figure.


!" "Run!"

he shouted.

At this point, Raditz also turned around.

He found Gohan looking at him angrily.

"Yo, isn't this Kakarot's son!" he

realized something was wrong.

"Wasn't he locked up in a spaceship by me, how did he get out?"

"880, 950

, 1000..." Now only horror remained in Raditz's mind!

"What, this kid's combat power is as high as 1000? At

the same time, Sun Wukong and Vic were also shocked.

Gohan's aura erupted was much stronger than the two of them!

"Bad guy

!" "Don't bully my dad!"

Gohan said angrily, and then rushed towards Raditz.

"This little ghost's combat power actually reached 1323?"

Raditz was shocked and immediately raised his spirit.

"Boom!" Unable

to dodge for a moment, Raditz was hit by Gohan's "head hammer impact"!


the powerful impact, Raditz took several steps back before stopping.

And at this moment, Gohan has fallen to the ground and lost consciousness.

Raditz turned on the detector again and found that Gohan's combat power was only 1!

"Abominable!" "

It was actually made a little ghost!" Now

Raditz was furious and rushed directly towards Son Gohan.

Even though Son Gohan was his nephew, he showed no mercy.


shouted Son Goku with tears in his heart.

Now a strong sense of powerlessness arose in his heart.

When his son is in danger, he is powerless

! "Abominable

!" Son Goku cried out in pain, but he was helpless when he was incapacitated!

"Little ghost, go and die!" Raditz

came to Son Gohan, clenching his fists.

Everyone knew that as long as Raditz threw this punch, Son Gohan had no chance of survival.

Sun Gohan is in danger!......

Wu Fei in the distance always watched all this.

At this time, a systematic voice sounded in his ears: "Ding! The time has come, please start acting!" "

After watching the play for so long, is it finally time for me to make a move?"


Wu Fei ejected and rushed straight towards Raditz...

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