
Frieza fell into the pit while constantly gasping for air.

Now he is scarred and looks very embarrassed.


"No one has ever made King Ben so dirty!"

Now Frieza was completely enraged.


Exuding a furious aura, he slowly rose into the air, and the ground continued to crack.

"King Ben hasn't met such a powerful opponent for a long time!"

"But if you think you can defeat me here, then you are too naïve!"

"King Ben is the Cosmic Emperor Frieza!"


Frieza kept accumulating strength, and at the same time his aura was constantly skyrocketing.


His furious aura caused the ground to shake and wave, and the entire Nemesis trembled!



Sun Wukong knocked Kinyu away with a qigong wave and turned his head to look at Frieza.

Now he was quite shocked, he did not expect that Frieza would even transform.

After the transformation is over, Frieza's power will inevitably increase significantly!


Vegeta looked at Frieza with a horrified face, he never thought that Frieza still had hidden power!

In the shocked gaze of everyone, Frieza's body was constantly changing.

His originally petite body began to grow stronger, and at the same time, the two horns on his head became larger and sharper.

In the end, Frieza becomes a tall "minotaur".

Compared with the original petite him, these are completely different images.

Now Frieza's face is full of confidence, and the whole person's aura is even stronger.

Now Vegeta and the others are quite shocked, he has never seen this look of Frieza!

Even Team Kinewt, who had been working under Frieza for a long time, had never seen Frieza like this.

"King Frieza! What a powerful force!

"That guy must not be King Frieza's opponent this time!"


Kinu laughed arrogantly.

Now Wu Fei looked at Frieza quietly, and then spoke: "Frieza, you should have done this a long time ago!" "


Now Frieza was faintly surprised.

His transformation is something that very few people know.

But he found that Wu Fei was not surprised, and his face was quite calm, as if the latter had already known.

"I haven't looked like this in a long time!"

"And everyone who has seen my appearance is dead, and so is your fate!"

Wu Fei responded, "You still talk so much nonsense!"

"Arrogant fellow, go and die!"

Frieza immediately attacked Wu Fei, who went head-on.


The two faced each other again.

The two were safe and sound, and the surrounding area was already landslides and cracks, and the waves crashed on the shore.

A large pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and Frieza's subordinates with low combat effectiveness were also seriously injured by the energy generated by the fight between the two.

"Hmph! But so! Wu Fei said contemptuously.

"Abominable fellow!"

In Frieza's opinion, this is simply humiliating!

How could he have been treated like this?

Only others bowed to him, but no one else mocked him!


Frieza threw another punch.

Wu Fei stretched out his right arm and successfully blocked Frieza's attack.

"That's it?"

"Didn't you use your strength?" Wu Fei continued to understatement.

"Don't be too arrogant!"

Now Frieza's anger has peaked.


Frieza launched a fierce attack on Wu Fei.

He didn't want to retain his strength now, but wanted to use all his strength to teach Wu Fei a good lesson.

However, Frieza's face became more and more ugly.

The attack he tried his best to attack was either blocked by Wu Fei or dodged.

He didn't cause any harm to Wu Fei at all.


The high-intensity attack just now had already made Frieza feel tired.

And now Wu Fei was standing in front of Frieza calmly.

Frieza's energy consumption was huge, while Wu Fei was still in his peak state.


Frieza couldn't believe this fact at all, he had now completed his transformation and had a combat power of one million, but he still couldn't help Wu Fei!

He is the Cosmic Emperor Frieza, who has dominated the universe for many years and has never suffered such frustration.


Frieza began to charge up and continued to attack Wu Fei.


This time, Frieza had burst out with maximum energy, however, it did not cause any substantial damage to Wu Fei.

Whether it was speed or strength, he was far inferior to Wu Fei.

Wu Fei kept dodging Frieza's attacks, obviously playing Frieeza as a monkey!


Frieza's attack fell short again, shouting angrily.

However, he was just incompetent and furious.

He wanted to punch Wu Fei in the face, but was dodged by Wu Fei again at a critical moment!

"Have you hit enough?"

Wu Fei stood in the distance and said lightly.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said playfully: "Then next, it's time for me to attack!" "


In an instant, Wu Fei had already flashed in front of Frieza.


For the speed Wu Fei displayed, Frieza was even more shocked.

At the same time, Wu Fei waved his fist and was about to attack Frieza.

Frieza crossed his arms in front of him and made a parrying motion.

However, it didn't do much.


Wu Fei punched Frieza firmly, causing Frieza to hurt in his arm, and Frieza was also beaten by Wu Fei.

"What a strong force!"

Frieza, who regarded himself greatly, also marveled at Wu Fei's great power.

Even though he was fully prepared, he still failed to resist Wu Fei's attack.


Frieza just wanted to adjust his body's balance and launched a counterattack against Wu Fei.

Wu Fei had already come to Frieza again.


He punched Frieza in the face.


Frieza screamed in pain and spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Fei hit Frieza on the chin with an upper-hook punch.


Frieza instantly felt like his teeth were going to be shattered.

Now he wanted to rise up and resist, but Wu Fei had already taken the initiative.

Under Wu Fei's fierce attack, Frieza could not react at all, and could only be beaten by Wu Fei.


Left hook, right hook, upper hook...

Now Wu Fei has used Frieza as a sandbag and continues to practice boxing.

And the poor "Emperor of the Universe" simply has no chance to fight back!

After a critical attack, Wu Fei grabbed Frieza's tail and kept shaking Frieza's body.


Wu Fei threw Frieza out.

Then a yellow disc appeared in Wu Fei's hand.

"Go, Qi Yuanchop!"

Qi Yuancho struck towards Frieza with a terrifying aura.

Frieza tried to dodge, but it was too late.

His pupils were wide open and his face looked terrified.


The Qi Round Slash directly cut Frieza's tail in half!

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