
"It's all scum!"

Vegeta moved his muscles and slowly walked towards Sun Wukong and the others.

However, he has no intention of continuing to challenge Sun Wukong now.

After all, from the battle just now, he already knew that he couldn't beat Sun Wukong at present.

And he is extremely competitive, he will definitely not admit defeat!

"Abominable! Prince Ben must surpass Kakarot, you low-level warrior! "


After defeating Frieza, the atmosphere became quite relaxed.

The earth-shattering battle just now is finally over!

And this earth-shattering battle also caused a lot of damage to Namix.

The originally beautiful Namux Star has now been in ruins.

The ground is full of giant pits and giant cracks, countless landslides, rough waves, broken shores...

Namux has become devastated.

"This matter is over!" Wu Fei muttered.

"Let's go find the Great Elder!"

Then Wu Fei opened his palm.


five dragon balls collected by Frieza and the one collected by Vegeta all flew to Wu Fei's side.


Wu Fei flew forward with six dragon balls.

Sun Wukong and the others immediately followed Wu Fei's figure.


"Prince Ben's Dragon Ball was snatched away by you just like that!"

Vegeta could be said to be very unwilling, and immediately followed.

Now he still has an obsession with immortality.


In the stone house, the Great Elder's face was calm, his eyes were slightly squinted, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.

"Great Elder! The battle has stopped!

"Who won?" Neru asked anxiously.

He only knew that the battle just now was earth-shattering, but as for the result, he did not know.

A smile appeared on the Great Elder's face: "Mr. Wu Fei won!"

"Okay! Namex is saved! Neru said excitedly.

"That guy actually won and successfully helped Nami Buster solve the crisis!"

Now that Neiro has eliminated his prejudice against Wu Fei, he is quite grateful to the latter.

By judging the aura of the battle just now, Neru knew that the enemy who invaded Namixi was quite strong.

If he plays, he has no chance of winning!

And he is already the strongest of the Nami nemesis!

If Wu Fei does not appear, I am afraid that Nami Nemesis will really suffer a catastrophe!

There is no doubt that Wu Fei saved Nami Nemesis!


, Neru sensed several powerful auras outside, and he found them extremely familiar.

It was Wu Fei and his group!


Neru immediately rushed out.

He changed his previous indifferent expression, and now he was in a good mood.

"You're back! Thank you for saving Namix! "

Come in!"

Then Nelu took Wu Fei and his group into the stone house.

Now the Great Elder still looked amiable.


Fei put down the six dragon balls, and then spoke: "I said before to help you solve the crisis, but now I have done it!"

The Great Elder said in a calm tone, "Thank you, Mr. Wu Fei, so that our Nami Nemesis can continue to continue."

"I'm just fulfilling my promise!" And to thank you for helping us unlock our potential!

Then the two had another polite conversation.

Peace after a big crisis always feels so relaxed.

In this big battle, the Na'vi Nemesis were killed and injured countless times, and the Na'vi Nemesis became devastated.

Namux is in a state of ruins.

And now it is the Dragon Ball that can help Namixi quickly complete the reconstruction.

"Neru, summon the Divine Dragon!" The Great Elder said slowly.

"Yes! Great Elder! Neiro

took the dragon balls that the Great Elder had been collecting, picked up the six dragon balls that Wu Fei had brought, and walked outside the stone house.

Seven Dragon Balls have gathered!

"Shenlong! Polunga! Show up! Neiro said in a language that Wu Fei and the others could not understand, it was Namixing.

Suddenly, the sky darkened, and the seven dragon balls on the ground shone brightly.


The seven dragon balls shined brightly, and the light gathered in the air, slowly turning into the appearance of a dragon!

"Is this the Nami Star Dragon?" Sun Wukong looked surprised.

The dragon of Nami Buster does not look the same as the earth dragon.

Polenga is noticeably larger, with two black horns on his head and two horns on his shoulders.

Compared to the Earth Divine Dragon, Polenga is more domineering.

And Polunga can make three wishes at a time; It can also bring a person who died unnaturally to resurrection an unlimited number of times; The cooldown period is only 130 days, which is almost a third of the Earth Dragon.

These are the advantages of Polenga.

However, Polenga also has a disadvantage, that is, only one person can be resurrected at a time, while the Earth God Dragon can resurrect multiple people at the same time.

"Okay, now make your first wish!"

"Polenga, change Namixi back to its original form!"


Polenga made an "OK" gesture.

Immediately, his eyes flashed red.

Namix, which was still in ruins and devastated just now, instantly became the same as before: blue sky and white clouds, beautiful scenery, green, full of life!

Now everyone was quite shocked: "What a powerful divine dragon!

And Vegeta, who saw the power of the divine dragon for the first time, was even more shocked.

"Is this the Divine Dragon that can grant any wish?"

Vegeta looked at Polenga in the sky, his eyes blazing.

Here's your chance!

Vegeta immediately flew in front of Polenga and said loudly: "Shenlong, help me achieve my wish for immortality!"

"Hahaha! I did it! Vegeta laughed excitedly.

His long-dreamed wish has finally come true!

Wu Fei shook his head, the corners of his mouth raised, and he called out funny.

"Vegeta, don't you bring an interpreter? Polenga is the divine dragon of Nami Order, and what you say Polunga can't understand at all!

"That is, your wish has not been fulfilled!"

Hearing Wu Fei's words, Vegeta finally reacted.


"No wonder that Namux keeps saying things I don't understand!"


Vegeta immediately rushed to Neru and said eagerly: "Tell the dragon quickly, let me live forever!"

However, Neru did not do what Vegeta said.

Although Vegeta came with Wu Fei and the others, Neiro had long seen that Vegeta's mind was not pure, and he would not help such people achieve their wishes.

"You look for death!"

Embarrassed, Vegeta immediately attacked Neru.


Neru fought directly with Vegeta.

"This is Namuxing! But it's not your turn to be wild! Vic

also took the initiative and teamed up with Neru to fight Vegeta.

If it's at his peak, Vegeta can pick two of them.

But he had already been seriously injured by Sun Wukong, and his body had not fully recovered.

Soon, he was defeated by the combined attack of Vic and Neru.


Vegeta gritted her teeth.

Wu Fei watched this scene with interest, and he did not intend to make a move.

"Vegeta, it seems that your wish for immortality cannot be fulfilled!" Wu Fei muttered.

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