Looking at Wu Fei's smiling and groaning appearance, No. 18's face instantly turned red.

She also knew that she was beautiful, but she still felt very shy from what he said.

And after all, she is a girl who has not been involved in the world, and she is still very shy in her heart at the moment.


She feigned anger and shouted.

She felt that Wu Fei was teasing her!


Wu Fei sneered, and then said indifferently.

"You are a smart person, and you know the current situation."

"It's really easy for me to kill you, otherwise the 17th would have been destroyed long ago."

"But you're not as bad as you think, and I'm not going to destroy you!"

"If you want to die, you can attack me again at any time."

Then Wu Fei let go of his hands and threw No. 18 out directly.


The 18th landed smoothly.

Wu Fei turned his head to look at No. 16: "How is it?" Do you want to have a few tricks with me?

No. 16 shook his head: "I don't like fighting."

"Dr. Groh created me so that I could kill the Monkey King."

"I will not forget my mission, and as a last resort, I will not fight anyone other than the Monkey King."

"Besides, my strength is not as good as yours, so why bother myself?"

The corners of Wu Fei's mouth rose and he smiled slightly.

"It seems that you are quite self-aware! This is commendable!

"Or you'll end up just like someone!"

Wu Fei's gaze turned to No. 17.



Now No. 17 is still very unconvinced.

The loss of combat ability by Wu Fei's punch made him very unwilling.

Even if he has the ability to repair himself, he cannot fully recover without two or three days of buffer time.

"Are you all right?"

No. 18 stepped forward and helped No. 17 up.

"It's impossible to fight now!" Number 17's tone was somewhat frustrated.

"There's no point in staying here now, let's go!"

No. 18 glanced at Wu Fei, but when Wu Fei's gaze met him, she immediately dodged again.


Then the 18th took the 17th and left with the 16th.

During the flight, No. 17 found that No. 18's expression was always a little wrong.

The sister in his impression was very cold and unsmiling.

But now her expression is constantly changing, which is very abnormal.

"Sister, what do you want?"

No. 18 looked forward, looking thoughtful.

It took a while for her to come to her senses.

"Huh? Did you just call me?

No. 17 was stunned for a moment, then laughed.


"Aren't you thinking about that guy named Wu Fei?"

No. 18's expression changed: "How is it possible!"

"That's a rogue, what do I think he does?"

Now No. 17 is still smiling: "I see, he is probably interesting to you!"

"You see, he just punched me away without mercy."

"But you shot without any harm! What else do you say you can't bear to do it? It really gave me goosebumps!

"Honestly, are you also interesting to him?"

"You're not too old, it's time to find a boyfriend!"

"Although it makes me very upset that he knocks me away, I am very happy if he is my brother-in-law."

"Look, that guy is tall, handsome, and powerful, and he is simply the best candidate for my brother-in-law!"

In the end, the more the 17th is spoken, the more serious it becomes.

Listening to No. 17's words, No. 18's heart beat faster and faster, and his face was slightly red.

But she was now staring coldly at No. 17, obviously angry.

"What are you talking nonsense!"

"You're talking nonsense, do you believe I just threw you down?"

No. 17 ignored No. 18 and continued: "Hahaha!

"I'm right, you're moved!"

Now No. 18 is about to spew fire under his eyes: "Stinky boy, I see you have itchy skin!" Then

No. 18 let go and threw No. 17 directly.

"Eh! If I say it through, don't turn your face and don't recognize people! I'm your brother! "

Wu Fei's powerful punch just now has completely destroyed No. 17, and he can't even fly in the air now!

His body fell sharply and soon hit the ground hard.

Seeing that it was impossible for No. 18 to save himself, he shouted loudly: "No. 16, don't you just care?"


No. 16 snorted coldly, looking very indifferent, but he still saved No. 17.

Now No. 18 has no mind to take care of No. 17 at all, but falls into a state of contemplation.

Wu Fei's face flashed in her mind, and she couldn't help muttering: "I have to say, it's quite handsome!" "


Another future space-time.

Trunks returns from the main time and space, his strength has soared, and he takes the initiative to challenge the cyborg No. 17 and No. 18.


"Trunks, long time no see! I didn't expect that you, a coward, actually had the courage to come out! Number 17 said coldly.

"Less nonsense, I'm already tired of playing, just kill him directly!" No. 18 looked very cold.

They are different from the 17th and 18th of the main space-time, they are pure evil.


"This time I'm here to bring you down!"


The Trunks didn't say much, directly turned into a Super Saiyan, and decisively attacked the androids.


His cultivation effect was quite remarkable, originally he could only barely resist one of No. 17 and No. 18, but now he directly knocked No. 17 and No. 18 down with overwhelming strength.

"How is that possible?"

For Trunks' strength, Nos. 17 and No. 18 were quite shocked.

They didn't expect that just after a while, Trunks' strength had increased to such a terrifying point!

"Accept fate!"

"You turned the earth into the end times, now I will send you to hell!"


Trunks' figure flashed and suddenly appeared in front of No. 17.


He directly blasted No. 17 into smashes with a qigong wave, and No. 17 completely disappeared!

"It's your turn now!"

Trunks looked coldly at No. 18, ready to finish the latter in the same way again.


However, a figure suddenly appeared and blocked in front of Trunks.

This figure is a green insect with a spike at the end of its long tail, which is simply a strangely ugly "ugly monster!" "

He is none other than the ultimate artificial human created by Dr. Gro - Sharu!

However, he has not evolved into a complete body now, just the first form.


The author has something to say:

Xiaofan can't write interactions, forgive me

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