A huge black shadow with a figure of more than three hundred meters appeared very abruptly in front of King Yan Luo, his face changed greatly in an instant, and his heart trembled wildly.

Although he didn’t understand what kind of monster suddenly appeared in front of him, King Yan Luo had a palpitation at this time, and he felt that this monster in front of him could easily tear himself to pieces.

After IBM’s upgrade, Ross, whose divine power skyrocketed, was surprised to find that he was able to completely control it, and even choose whether IBM was in front of people.

Obviously, he was retaliating against King Yan Luo’s previous appetite-hanging, deliberately releasing IBM to scare the other party.

The effect is very remarkable, didn’t you see that King Yan Luo, the big man, was scared stupid?

The careful Ross never missed any opportunity to hit others.

Now he is confident that as long as the destruction god does not come out, few can threaten his existence.

Even if IBM’s existence is known, will anyone dare to question themselves?

This is obviously an unlikely thing, didn’t you see that the King of the Realm, King Yan Luo and the others were all so only 15 Nono in front of themselves?

This is the privilege of the strong!

Ross acts without explaining to anyone!

At this time, Ross seemed a little inflated…

In King Yan Luo’s shocked and inexplicable gaze, the black long silk that surrounded IBM’s body suddenly moved, and the shape of the long strip changed instantly, and a huge ‘black cloth’ appeared above the heads of the two.

Before King Yan Luo could come to his senses, the black curtain suddenly pressed down, quickly wrapping the colored bubbles tightly.

Not long after, when the black curtain returned to its original state, King Yan Luo was shocked to find that the huge colored bubble had disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

What about bubbles?

And what about a big colored bubble?

Why did it suddenly disappear?

How did He do it?

Countless questions swirled in King Yan Luo’s mind, and he couldn’t figure out what kind of monster Ross had summoned, but he just released a long silk, and in a few moments a large group of resentments was gone.

You know, if you rely solely on grudges to work. It will take years to dispose of all the grievances in this bubble.

However, how long did it take for Ross to use this method?

Five minutes? Ten minutes?

Slightly embarrassed, King Yan Luo, who had just been in a state of shock and fright, did not have time to calculate carefully.

Anyway, he estimated that it would not take more than ten minutes at most.

At this thought, his tall body couldn’t help but tremble with excitement, as long as Ross didn’t bother, it would only take a few months at most to clear up the grievances here.

This is a great deed that no previous Hades have been able to accomplish!

Thinking that he was fortunate enough to participate in such a great cause, King Yan Luo’s whole person became excited, tears welled up in his eyes, and he couldn’t wait to look up to the sky and roar.

Not understanding how excited the other party was, Ross secretly scolded King Yan Luo for being an idiot, and went straight to another bubble with IBM.

Along the way, long aya wrapped bubbles were released, IBM secretly absorbed the resentment in it, and Ross and Yan Luo Wang had nothing to do at all, but followed IBM boredly.

At first, King Yan Luo would show shocked and shocked expressions, but over time, no amount of shock would gradually become numb.

At this time, King Yan Luo was wooden, mechanically following Ross and the black monster.

At this moment, watching the other party easily eliminate the grudge that had caused the prefecture a headache for countless tens of thousands of years. He couldn’t help but have a thought in his heart: What the hell is our prefecture doing after so many years of conscientious work and desperate efforts to clear up grievances?

It is simply the greatest dereliction of duty that such a simple thing has not been completed for countless years.

King Yan Luo, who seemed bored, began to self-examine, secretly deciding that after this matter, he must improve the work atmosphere of the prefecture, and could no longer be as perfunctory as in the past. It is necessary to improve the work efficiency of the demons in the prefecture and make certain results.

Ross naturally didn’t know what Yan Luo Wang was thinking, and if he knew, he would definitely tell the other party that he was thinking too much, and not everyone had IBM’s work efficiency of not eating, drinking, or even getting tired.

At the same time, they will also sympathize with the little ghosts who are about to face the oppression of the capitalists, and will silently light wax for them to show encouragement.

Ross, who walked straight behind IBM’s ass, finally couldn’t stand it, and directly left it and King Yan Luo, and went back to Pandora Star to rest.

After IBM upgraded, it was also found that the other party could leave him in a short time, just look at it every few days, and it could always exist under 860

Today’s IBM will not bear the burden of consuming too much black matter or appearing for too long to dissipate, and as long as Ross does not let it go back, it can even stay with him.

It’s just that it must also keep a close distance from Ross, and if the two of them are too far apart and for too long, IBM will automatically dissipate

Ross roughly estimated that in five days at most, if he did not appear in front of IBM, this guy would automatically return to his body.

He also couldn’t understand how such a large mass of black matter crossed the void and returned directly to his body.

In the days that followed, Rose played happily with Alice while paying attention to the changes in the values on his personal interface.

Sometimes teach Sun Wukong’s practice, and occasionally run to the undersea experimental base to find Evra to spend a few words.

Time passed in a hurry, and three months flew by.

Finally, one day three months later, IBM voluntarily returned to Ross. He knew that the grievances that the prefecture had collected for countless years had been devoured by IBM.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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