(Today’s third change, the current results are dismal, please collect flowers!) )

The dry wind blew across the plain, carrying a hint of sultry heat, kicking up the dust on the ground.

After easily devouring Kinu, Ross found that the other party’s spiritual power was not very high, only four hundred points. It is estimated that his ‘Swap Body’ skill belongs to the racial talent and does not require much mental power.

However, the level of ‘Mind Transfer’ surprised him a little, and it seemed that when he acquired skills, he would automatically evaluate the level by referring to his own strength.

Ross, who was in Terbystar, tested this skill a little and found that LV.5’s ‘mind shift’ could move 100 tons of boulders to a distance of five hundred meters at most, which surprised him a little, and it seemed that this skill was not so useless.

After returning to the Exocet, Ross told the Jellyfish to continue heading towards the depths of the Dark Star Domain.

That’s right, that’s the name he gave to the spacecraft and the brain, it’s really not at any level.

Passing through several habitable planets along the way, after Ross killed a few cosmic people with a combat power of more than 10,000, he gradually lacked interest, after all, the Dark Star Domain was sparsely populated, and it was not so easy to encounter people with superior strength.

After a month of continuing the voyage, Ross began to consider whether to return. After all, it took a whole month to increase tens of thousands of combat effectiveness in such a barren place, and the speed was too slow.

Suddenly, more than twenty strong auras appeared in his perception like fireflies in the dark.

These auras are basically above 10,000, of which five are even more amazing, and Ross predicts that its combat effectiveness will be at least 100,000 or more. To be honest, it had been more than a month since he entered the Dark Star Domain, and he had never seen so many strong people gathered together.

Most of the people Ross met before were scattered people who liked to go alone. Even if it was a small temporary team of three or five people, it could not pose any threat to him. Now that more than twenty powerful beings were gathered together, he couldn’t help but hesitate.

However, this is more than twenty rich combat powers, five of which add up to hundreds of thousands, and Ross is unwilling to give up.

“Would you like to go over and take a look?” Muttering, after a moment Ross finally made up his mind.

Soon after, a large meteorite appeared in front of Ross’s eyes, which was a meteorite belt that the spacecraft probe showed was extremely large, rotating in a circular shape, and seemed to be wrapped in the middle, which the probe could not detect.

Ross docked the jellyfish here, let it automatically devour meteorites to replenish energy, and drove a small spacecraft towards the depths of the meteorite belt.

The small spacecraft is operated by a subroutine split from the ‘jellyfish’, and Ross has nothing to worry about. I saw the small spacecraft passing through the dense meteorite belt like a dexterous crucian carp, and did not touch a single meteorite.

Two hours later, Ross was in the heartland.

The head of the small spacecraft has two transparent semicircular bubbles, like two fish eyes, through the ‘fish eyes’, Ross can clearly see the scene outside.

When he entered the central area, he was obviously a little surprised, and saw a huge palace suspended in space. Although the purple-gold palace is slightly dilapidated, the desolate and magnificent momentum still hits people’s hearts and has a great visual impact.

Ross couldn’t understand who built such a palace in the meteorite belt, and for what purpose? He only knew that the more than twenty breaths he sensed earlier were gathered inside.

The spacecraft probe spotted a strange energy wrapped around the palace and asked Ross if he wanted to keep approaching.

Ross was a little puzzled, he didn’t perceive any strange energy, but after thinking about it, this should not be biological energy, so he couldn’t sense ‘qi’.

Signaling the ship to slowly approach, Ross noticed that the energy did not stop him from entering.


Deep in the palace, in a dimly lit hall, a group of people with purple-gold luster were gathering here.

Five of them formed a circle, looking up at the high platform rising from the ground in the circle, their faces full of reverence. Eighteen people with similar forms to them on the periphery knelt on the ground, mouthing something as if they were chanting.

Suddenly, one of the five, a guy with a strange instrument, spoke, “Someone has come in!” ”

“How come? Does anyone still know about the temple? ”

“Probably not! All that came in was a small spaceship, which could carry up to two or three people! ”

“Well, it should just be a mistake into the temple, the energy shield will fail when the temple is opened, and it is not surprising that one or two small fish touch it… In this way, Gerdo, you immediately take a squad out and destroy the other party as soon as possible, and never let the news of the temple circulate. ”

The five men talked for a while, and one of them issued an order.

One of the men kneeling on the ground took the order and left the space with five of his men.

On the high platform, a dark purple strange light constantly flashed, flickering on and off, the light seemed to capture people’s hearts, and people couldn’t help but be intoxicated.


The five people called reverently, looking confused and looking quite excited.

Suddenly, the light on the high platform suddenly brightened to the extreme, and a black shadow appeared there.

Long time….

When everything calmed down, a dark golden finger levitated above the high platform.


The cloister in the dim palace twisted and turned, and Ross, who left the spaceship outside the palace, walked leisurely towards the depths, guided by ‘qi’, and he did not have to worry about losing his way.

There are many people on the other side, and Ross does not dare to use ‘teleportation’ rashly, in case he gets caught in the encirclement net in the past, it will not be fun. Although you won’t die, your body will hurt. So generally speaking, as long as he does not encounter the danger of death, he definitely does not want to taste the feeling of ‘death’.

Sensing that five people were rapidly approaching him, the corners of Ross’s mouth curved and he laughed happily.

Break them one by one, just to his heart’s content.

Stopping, Ross at this time was like a big bad wolf quietly waiting for five little white rabbits to come to the door.

Without much effort, Ross easily took out the five-man squad, released IBM to devour it, and continued to move forward.

The feeling of upgrading while fighting monsters is simply not too cool. Ross is not in a hurry, anyway, what he has for the time being is time.

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