Dragon Ball: The Strongest Training

Chapter 220 Give in, Xiangpa

"Wow! Ah!" Xiangpa suddenly came over angrily.

"Bados, what are you two secretly eating behind my back?" Xiangpa couldn't help drooling as he stared at the food in Bados' hands.

"Oh, this seems to be called corn." When Bados saw the elephant pa coming over, he stopped to look at the elephant pa, and then continued eating.

The golden and full grains of corn dance on the tip of Bados' tongue, and the broken fragrance of corn touches Xiangpa's taste buds.

Xiangpa stared at the corn cob in Bados's hand and drooled all over the floor, but he was embarrassed to say it.

Soon a corn cob was eaten by Bados.

Seeing Bados finish eating, Xiangpa suddenly felt a sense of loss in his heart.

Xiangpa's eyes moved and he looked at Klin next to him.

"Hey, what did Bados eat just now? I want one too." Xiangpa said to Klin in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

"Hehe, no problem." Klin smiled knowingly, then took out a plump corn cob and started roasting it.

Xiangpa, on the other hand, was very smart. He stood behind Klin and wanted to steal Klin's unique skills.

Klin let Xiangpa do it. This simple method can be learned in one go. Xiangpa can become the God of Destruction which is very unusual. He can learn it at a glance. It is a basic operation.

Fragrance spreads...

"Wow! So hot!"

Xiangpa stole the skill from Klin, and now he has roasted five corns in a row, and he is enjoying eating them.

Klin watched Xiangpa continue to eat, and smiled silently, "Super Dragon Ball, I can't run away!"

Bados walked towards Klin.

"Xiangpa hasn't been this happy for a long time!"

Bados looked at Xiangpa with a smile on his face, and felt a little relieved himself.

"Hehe, if you don't control Xiangpa's diet, that's not bad." Klin smiled back.

Bados nodded slightly after hearing this.

"Klin is a person from the Time Realm and knows a lot, and North has no intention of coming forward. It seems that the people from the Time Realm intend to make it more difficult for Klin." Bados secretly thought in his heart. consider.

"Sorry, Klin!" Klin treated himself to so many delicacies, and he was really embarrassed.

"However, we still have to pass the elephant pa level first!"

the next day……

A soft cry woke the three of them.

The three of them were sitting in a sitting position, floating in the void.

"Ouch! What I ate yesterday was so comfortable!" Xiangpa stretched and floated to the ground.

The unknown green plants on the ground were stained with morning dew.

"Klin, what are you eating today? I'm so hungry!" Xiangpa's eyes were filled with stars, full of anticipation.

"Hmm...let me think about it!"

"Generally, you shouldn't eat anything too greasy or high-energy in the morning. In this case, come out and have Xiao Long Bao!" Klin already had a plan in mind.

"Xiaolongbao? What is that? Is it a kind of dragon? I remember eating Tulong, but it tasted like earth, very bitter and unpalatable!" Xiangpa asked with some doubts.

"Hey, you'll know soon!"

"Bang!" After a burst of white smoke.

"High-gluten flour! It's perfect for making bun wrappers!"

Xiangpa opened the bag and saw that the stuff inside was very fine, even finer than fine sand.

Xiangpa took a mouthful of white flour and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Bah! What is this! It has no taste and is so dry!" Xiangpa showed an unhappy look.

"Let's go! Don't make trouble, you will be useful later!" Clin immediately brought over the high-gluten flour.

Then, Klin took out the big basin for kneading noodles again.

Klin's power of time and space was activated, and the morning dew poured towards him. After being heated by the energy, the dew had become warm.

"Haha, make noodles!"

...After a few operations, Klin threw the reconciled noodles into the air.


Klin's space-time power was activated, and a layer of light blue energy enveloped the dough.

The outside world has only passed for a few seconds, but several hours have passed for the dough. At this time, it has woken up and has more than doubled in size.

"This is fun." Xiangpa looked at a small dough. After time, the volume had doubled. He wanted to give it a try.

"Make this meat more delicate for me." Klin gave Xiangpa a large piece of brightly colored pork belly.

Xiangpa took it willingly, seemingly nonchalantly.

"If you don't cook it well now, don't blame me if it doesn't taste good later." Klin said deliberately.

When Xiangpa heard that it didn't taste good, he shuddered and started to get serious.

Xiangpa carefully controlled his energy and allowed his energy to spread along the texture of the meat as gently as possible.


A faint sound sounded, and the large pieces of meat had turned into more delicate meat fillings.

"Ha, good job!" Klin praised.

In the final analysis, Xiangpa is more like a child. Now that he has been praised by Klin, he seems to be very powerful. Naturally, he is very happy in his heart and on his face.

As a good man who must be at home, Klin is naturally good at his craftsmanship. At this time, he slowly pinched the xiaolongbao.

Xiangpa looked at Klin's skills and wanted to try them out.

Xiangpa took the initiative to pick up a piece of skin, which looked impressive.

Xiangpa's every move is very serious.

The elephant handkerchief carefully wrapped one up and placed it on the steamer like Klin's example. ,

"Haha, Klin, yours is not as good-looking as mine."

"As expected, he is worthy of being the God of Destruction. His ability to learn is really amazing!" Klin also praised directly.

Xiangpa has completely mastered it just by looking at himself once. His talent is simply terrifying.

"Haha, those who can do the hard work, the rest will be left to you." Klin took the elephant handkerchief and sat down.

Xiangpa was complimented by Klin, and his vanity was greatly satisfied. His face was full of joy, and he happily took over Klin's work.

"Huh!" Klin stood on a high place, looking at this beautiful planet.

"It is really a pure land in the universe, and the environment is beyond words beautiful."

"It's just that when the universe is destroyed, this beautiful environment will also turn into nothingness."

"Hey, in the final analysis, you still have to be strong enough! Without strength, everything is nothing!"

"Hey, Klin, this is done, what next?" Xiangpa shouted towards Klin in the sky.

"Whoosh!" Klin's figure flashed and appeared in front of Xiangpa.

"Burn!" A faint light appeared in Klin's hand.

There was high energy in the light, and the powerful energy turned into heat, burning the bottom of the pot under the steamer.

This operation may seem simple, but at Klin's level, it is even more important to grasp the power. If the energy of the heart increases, the violent energy can turn the entire steamer into nothingness in an instant.

After just a moment, white mist emerged from the steamer.

The aroma of the buns spreads with the steam.


"What kind of smell does this smell like? Why is it so fragrant?" Xiangpa was not afraid of the heat. He stuck it next to the steamer, sucked the white steam into himself, and enjoyed it to his heart's content.

Thank you, you bastard, for your monthly support.

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