It only took a short time to find the passage.

Yes, this channel is connected to the Demon Realm. This channel is responsible for collecting the negative energy of the universe and then transmitting it to the Demon Realm. Everyone in the Demon Realm has a special liking for these negative energies.

Every universe has such a passage, and every universe has more than one...

So, you must find it! Destroy it!

Klin knew that this passage was connected to the demon world, and it might be transporting something, but this was just a guess in his mind, and he could not be sure.

Klin continued to walk in this space, and Frost followed Klin with ulterior motives.

Krillin suddenly stopped.

When Frost saw Klin stopped, he was suddenly frightened. He immediately dodged back quickly, with panic in his eyes, "Didn't you say you wanted to let me go? Now you want to break your promise?"

Although Frost has evil intentions, he has not yet accumulated enough energy. He is not yet sure of winning. If he accumulates energy for a while...

Klin smiled slightly and said, "Do you think I will let a tiger become a problem?"

"Hoo ho!" Frost stopped pretending when he heard Klin say this.

"Boom!" Frost directly exploded with all his momentum, at least twice as strong as before!

"Hoho, I'm not the person I was before. Am I still your opponent now?" Frost looked very arrogant.

Klin stood there unmoved, "Sorry, I'm not the same person I used to be!"

"Drink! Ah!" Klin shouted loudly, his arrogance rising into the sky, and his basic combat power was 800 million!

"What! How could you have such strong combat power?" Frost finally mispredicted Klin's strength. He originally thought that Klin's combat power was only 500 million, but now it seems that the minimum is 800 million...

"So I said, I will never raise a tiger! Because in my eyes, you are nothing more than a kitten!" Klin said lightly.

"Damn it!" Frost was now determined to give up and wanted to run away.

"Don't waste your efforts!"

"Drink!" Klin's figure flashed forward.

"Bang!" Klin hit Frost's face, and there was a loud sound, and Frost was knocked away.

Klin followed up directly and attacked with all his strength, landing hundreds of punches in one second.

"Bang!" Frost was severely injured and was beyond recognition. He was lying on the ground, his breath was vague, and his vitality was weak.

Frost looked at Krillin with evil eyes.

Klin suddenly rose into the sky, energy condensing in his hands.

"Turtle Style Qigong!" Klin fired a thick blue Qigong from his hand and hit Frost directly.

"Ah! I'm not willing to give in!" Frost's painful cry didn't last half of the time and was already lost in this space.

Klin's momentum did not drop after he dealt with Frost, and he looked around cautiously.

Klin has a premonition that danger is coming!

It was precisely because he felt that danger was coming that he took care of Frost in advance.

Klin used space-time energy to search this space, but found nothing.

"My feeling shouldn't be wrong! It can't be an illusion, because if I have that feeling, it won't appear out of thin air!" Klin wrapped the energy around him without leaking at all.

The feeling of heart palpitations only appeared when I burst out with energy, but it was only fleeting...

Since there is this space, there must be people from the demon world. How powerful the enemy is, I have no way of knowing. I am in the light and the enemy is in the dark. "It's difficult!"

"How can we destroy this space?" Klin knew that destroying this space was his ultimate mission.

"There is no other way but to follow the source of these weakened energies to explore!"

Klin used his own spiritual power to wrap himself. This time he did not use the power of time and space, because he had heard from evil critics before that he used time and space energy to wrap himself. In their eyes, he was like a firefly in the dark night...

"It seems that the source of the demonic energy is there!" Klin looked towards the depths of this space.

Krillin is sneaking in this space. Here, he no longer has enough power to tear apart the dimension, so he can only use his own speed to move forward!

With the blessing of the power of time and space, Klin's flying speed is still very fast, and he can fly hundreds of millions of miles away in an instant.

"That's right, this is it. The energy in this demon world is getting stronger and stronger." Klin could easily feel the intensity of the energy at this time, almost becoming substantial.

"What is that?" Klin suddenly saw a blood-red sculpture.

Its shape is like a dragon, but it is different from the dragon in my impression.

Klin stepped forward. The sculpture seemed to be alive, giving Klin great pressure, and Klin's heart palpitated.

"It's just a dead thing, can it have such pressure?"

Klin directly released his energy and forcibly withstood the pressure of the carving.

"What on earth is this?" Klin stepped forward and stretched out his hand to touch it.

His hands were cold, as if he were putting his hands in an ice cellar that had been frozen for tens of thousands of years. He only touched it slightly, and his blood was about to freeze.

"System, what on earth do you think this is?" Klin asked tentatively towards the system.

[Ding dong, destroy the world, steal the support of the negative energy of the sixth universe]

"What? Stealing the negative energy of the sixth universe?" Klin was confused.

"The negative energy has been stolen. Wouldn't it be better if the sixth universe had less negative energy?" Klin asked in confusion.

"The law of the development of the universe is always balance. Where there is positive, there is negative. The sum of positive and negative energy is always equal. If the negative energy decreases or the positive energy increases, there will be only one result in the end, the energy of the universe. The trial calculation is unbalanced!" The system slowly explained.

Klin understood immediately, "When the universe is out of balance, the probability that the universe will be taken advantage of by the demon world will be greatly increased. At that time, the entire universe may become a subsidiary of the demon world."

"Theoretically, yes!" the system said in agreement.

Krillin nodded thoughtfully.

This floating thing is called Mie Shi. It seems that this thing is the support point of this space.

"What will happen to this space if I take this thing away?" Klin asked again.

"Collapse!" the system replied.

"Shit! What about all this energy? What to do with all this negative energy?"

"It is very likely that it will escape into the universe."

"This... the explosion of so much negative energy is not a simple matter. Such a large amount of negative energy can destroy a relatively large galaxy!" Although Klin does not say that he is a great hero who saves the universe, he does not want to be blamed for his To destroy other galaxies.

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