"Mr. Dodoria, let's go to the front line." Slag is his old rival. When Slag was young, he suffered a lot of losses at his hands. Now it's time to regain his position.

"King Frieza, isn't it enough to have Team Ginyu come back? Do you have to go there in person?" Dodoria asked with some confusion.

"Oh ho ho ho" Frieza laughed and said, "Mr. Dodoria, please don't underestimate Slug. He is a figure of the same era as my father."

Dodoria suddenly thought of the Kurdish King, with some cold sweat on his head: "Oh my God!"

"Let's go, Mr. Dodoria!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Frieza's huge spaceship flew into the sky and flew towards the battlefield ahead.

"King Slag, Frieza is coming soon." Ankiela said nervously towards Slag.

Slug was soaking in the green plant liquid when he heard Frieza coming, but he immediately opened his eyes.

He unplugged the ventilator from his mouth and slowly opened the medical device.

"Tick tock, tick tock!" Slag stood on the recuperation device, with green liquid dripping from his body.

Slag looked at his skin with some obsession, how smooth, young and powerful it was now.

Immediately afterwards, a fierce look flashed in Slag's eyes. Unfortunately, this healing instrument only had a short-term effect, and he would return to his old age after a while.

"No, I must grab the Spiritual Fruit!" Slag thought of his old state and vowed in his heart that he would snatch the seeds of the Spiritual Fruit from Frieza no matter what.

Frieza had already arrived at the front line, sitting on the flying chair, watching the fierce battle erupting in the starry sky in front of him, but he still felt some joy in his heart.

"Mr. Dodoria, look at that spaceship. It exploded with a bang. Isn't the sound wonderful!" Frieza looked ahead with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"But King Frieza, our soldiers are obviously at a disadvantage. Do you want me to go?" Dodoria watched as his fleet suffered a devastating blow and couldn't help but ask Frieza. Opinion.

Frieza slowly stretched out his palm, stopping Dodoria's actions.

If Slager doesn't take action, he will definitely not take action first because of his face. However, Slager's special forces have arrived on the battlefield, but his own Ginyu Special Forces have not yet arrived. Now letting Dodoria come on stage will only serve food.

When Dodoria saw King Frieza reaching out to stop him, he didn't ask too much, and just stood aside and observed the battle carefully.

At this time, Sabo heard that King Frieza was coming, but he hurriedly flew towards Frieza.

"King Frieza, my subordinates failed to defend well, please punish me King Frieza!" After Sabo saw Frieza, he immediately knelt down and apologized to Frieza.

"Hey, Sabo, who loves and protects him so much, was actually transformed into such a miserable state. Sabo still had to go through a tough battle." Frieza laughed.

"My subordinates also hate this ugly look, but there is nothing we can do about it." After saying that, Sabo returned to his usual elegant look, but the combat uniform was full of holes, and Sabo looked very embarrassed.

"Boom!" The five fighting circular spaceships landed successfully.

"Hoho, Team Ginyu is finally here!" Frieza said with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Dodoria, why hasn't Vegeta arrived yet?" Frieza was thinking of the wild monkeys of the Saiyans at this time.

"King Frieza, I've already informed Vegeta. Maybe it's because Vegeta is far away and won't be able to come back for a while!" Dodoria didn't think too much and explained objectively at this time.

At this time, an astronaut in charge of liaison stepped forward and said respectfully to Frieza: "Your Majesty, Vegeta said that they were ambushed in the β system. The spacecraft was damaged at this time, and I'm afraid they won't be able to make it back. "

"Hmph! Vegeta is still a very good toy. It would be better not to die on that planet." Frieza said about Vegeta with a worried look on his face. Frieza just regarded Vegeta as his pet. , if his pet dies, the owner will be very sad.

"Ginyu, Ginyu Special Forces, come and report!" The five Ginyu people were making strange movements again, and Frieza and his group were also very confused.

"Ginyu, long time no see!" Frieza greeted elegantly.

"It's my honor to serve the King!" Ginyu flattered Frieza.

"Oh, ho ho ho!" Frieza smiled tremblingly.

Then Frieza's eyes flashed with blood-red light and he looked toward the sky.

Frieza slowly performed a flying chair and flew into the universe, while the group of people below waited quietly.

Frieza flew to Spaceman, Frieza can survive in a vacuum.

Flying out from the other side, a smaller spaceship.

"Oh, ho ho, long time no see, Slug. You've gotten a lot older." Frieza hit Slug's pain point at once.

But Slug felt that Frieza was deliberately mocking him.

"Let Kurto hand over what you snatched from my hand!" Slag said viciously.

"Kuldo?" Frieza was a little confused. Who is Kurdo? He even robbed Slager’s things? This...this is really great!

Frieza said deliberately: "Now that the thing is in my hands, do you still want to go back? Hahaha" Frieza smiled devilishly.

Slug listened to Frieza's generous admission, which confirmed his suspicion at this time, and Frieza's current behavior was a greater provocation to him.

Slag's aura slowly strengthened.

Frieza's tail swayed on the chair and his aura began to increase.

The two looked at each other, their eyes filled with blood, but then their auras suddenly weakened and returned to their previous appearance.

The two of them turned around in unison and walked towards their own bases.

Frieza and Slug are both ultimate bosses. Wouldn't it be a loss of face if they started fighting in front of their subordinates?

The young Slag himself was indeed no match, but how much strength does the old-fashioned Slag still have now? Frieza is also very cautious.

Slag knew that it would be difficult to defeat Frieza in his current state, and he would have to go to a medical device to recover for a period of time. In the end, he would have to fight Frieza, but not now.

"King Frieza, what should I do?" Dodoria asked Frieza again.

"Look!" Frieza pointed at Slug's fleet slowly rising into the sky in the distance.

"I understand!" Then Dodoria and Sabo quickly organized their own fleets and ascended into the universe.

The Star Wars mission is about to begin...

"There have been rumors recently that my dear brother's mecha army was completely wiped out. This is really an exciting moment. From now on, the Ginyu Force is the number one in the universe." Frieza said to the side. Team Ginyu said.

"Really?" All members of the Ginyu Special Forces looked a little excited.

"Slug's special team is the last obstacle that prevents you from becoming the best special team in the universe." Frieza smiled gloomily and looked in the direction of Slug.

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