After he said this, everyone probably understood.

The reason why the Southern Saiyans are so distressed about the Northern Saiyans is because of the potion that improves their combat effectiveness. Without the potion, the Northern Saiyans are not as strong as them.

At that time, whether it is fighting or anything else, they are not afraid.

Lian Suo nodded gently: "Then how do we find the location of their potion storage?"

"Well, we can only send people in to investigate."

"Investigate?" Lian Suo asked back.

Someone else objected: "I don't think this method is feasible. We don't have that much time now!"

"With only one week, they will attack our residence at any time!"

"Who can guarantee that they can find the place where their potion is stored within a week? Even if they find it, it is still a problem whether they can get close. This task is too difficult to complete!"

As soon as this was said,

Everyone present analyzed the situation and said, "That's right. This mission is too difficult. We can only prepare it as a backup."

"Yes, if we put all our hopes on this, then our place of residence will be in danger."

Lian Suo sighed heavily. He also felt that this plan was not going to work.

"Tian Yun, your plan is feasible to a certain extent, but the success rate is too low. We can't bet on the safety of the entire place of residence."

Then he sighed, "This time is too tight. If we are given another month, most of us should be able to practice the Eighteen Dragon Palms to the second palm!"

"By that time, why should we think so much? Just face them head-on."

Lian Suo's words immediately resonated with everyone. This time they also saw the power of the Eighteen Dragon Palms.

Many of them did not practice well before. Now that they have seen how powerful it is, many of them regret it. If they are given enough time, they will not be afraid of the Saiyans in the north.

Seeing the silence of everyone and the appearance behind them, Ning Tian knew that the opportunity to propose a proposal had come.

"Everyone, I have a plan too!"

Hearing the voice, everyone looked over and saw Ning Tian, ​​who made the greatest contribution this time.

Lian Suo couldn't wait to ask: "Oh? Ning Tian, ​​what do you think?"

Lian Suo didn't know whether other people's plans could be used, but he was sure that Ning Tian's plan could be used. As for why he had such an idea, he didn't know.

He just knew that he trusted Ning Tian enough inexplicably.

Ning Tian explained: "After the Saiyans in the north took the potion, their combat effectiveness almost doubled!"

"But according to my observation, after they took these potions, they can't always maintain double combat effectiveness, and it will gradually decrease!"

"And it will consume a lot of physical strength!"

"In this way, as long as everyone holds them back and constantly consumes their physical strength, victory is just around the corner!"

Lian Suo and others nodded gently. In the battle, they also discovered this. Many Saiyans in the north who took the potion were fierce at the beginning.

But as the battle prolonged, their combat effectiveness became lower and lower, and their physical strength was lost a lot.

As long as their physical strength is exhausted, then the winners will be themselves.

"Ning Tian, ​​how do you delay this?" Lian Suo asked in confusion.

Others also looked at Ning Tian in unison. The method is a good one. If the problem of delaying can be solved, it will work.

Ning Tian took out a book of exercises slowly: "I have a book of exercises here, called Tai Chi. Its essence is to overcome strength with softness and to use a little to move a thousand pounds!"

"Not only that, the difficulty coefficient of practicing this method is not high, and as long as you learn some basics, you can probably dissolve some power and use it to delay and consume the physical strength of the northern Saiyans. It is definitely the best choice!"

"Overcome strength with softness?" Everyone was confused and confused. They had never heard of overcoming strength with softness.

Seeing everyone's confusion, Ning Tian simply explained: "To put it simply, it is to use the least amount of power to dissolve other people's strong power!"

"Let me give you an example, Captain Lian Suo, if you learn this Tai Chi, when you fight with Feng Da, you don't have to worry about his overwhelming power."

"You can use the skills in Tai Chi to dissolve his overwhelming power and make his power disappear!"

Lian Suo's heart trembled uncontrollably, looking at the Tai Chi in Ning Tian's hand in disbelief, and asked in shock: "Dissolve power?"

"Is this skill really that powerful?"

Ning Tian didn't say much and handed over the skill.

Lian Suo took the skill anxiously and flipped through it.Come, and keep saying: "Good! This technique is good!"

"It's another peerless technique, absolutely comparable to the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

When everyone saw Lian Suo so happy, they instantly understood that this technique called "Tai Chi" was definitely not bad, and everyone showed joy on their faces.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the invasion of the Saiyans in the north.

Caulifla couldn't help but "grabbed" it for her brother: "Brother, let me see!"

"You kid!" Lian Suo muttered, but didn't blame too much.

Because he also wanted his sister to see the effect of this technique.

After Caulifla saw it: "It's a good technique, but I don't think it's suitable for me, it's suitable for Kaier!"

Kaier beside him asked in confusion: "Why, senior sister."

"It feels too gentle, I like hard steel! For frontal combat, this technique is very suitable for gentle people like you! Hahaha!"

Kaier said softly, shy and didn't speak.

Ning Tian was speechless. How could he be shy? If he encountered something that would kill him, wouldn't his whole body turn red?

He said, "Caulifla, if you don't want to practice Tai Chi, you don't have to practice Tai Chi. After all, you have already practiced the second palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

"If you can practice the third palm in the next week, wouldn't it be better!"

Everyone agreed with this: "Yes, Caulifla, you have already practiced the second palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and you can't fall back. If you practice the third palm, maybe you can really fight Wakli and Fengda alone!"

Caulifla immediately floated up, her expression was flying, and she was a little proud.

Lian Suo heard everyone's compliments and saw his sister's proud look, and immediately said:

"The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is indeed very powerful, but don't underestimate the enemy. Who knows what methods Wakli and Fengda can use next time?"

Everyone thought about it and felt that it was true. After all, no one thought that Wakli and his group suddenly had this potion.

Who can guarantee that they will have other medicines next time?

Seeing that no one was talking, Lian Suo reminded: "Okay, don't think too much, just practice Tai Chi!"

"Kai Er, take this Tai Chi down and make multiple copies, and make sure everyone has one!"

"Yes, Captain!"

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