Moyang Country.

Kelahua City.

This city is also the capital of Moyang Country.

Meeting room of the highest leader.

Sitting at the main seat of the meeting room is an old man in his sixties, and on both sides of him sit forty or fifty people, all of whom are bigwigs of Moyang Country, or people who are in charge of some kind of power.

"Everyone, what are your plans for the next war?"

"We have received news that Leiming Country is preparing to use nuclear energy, and the target of the attack is us!"

When they heard that nuclear power was going to be used, everyone's heart jumped, because everyone present knew the horror of nuclear energy.

One of the middle-aged men in armor slammed the table and said angrily: "These shameless kids, a hundred years ago, for the sake of peace, the four countries signed a treaty not to use nuclear power!"

"They actually want to tear up the treaty, treacherous!"

Another old man in armor beside him immediately echoed: "When have these villains from Leiming Country ever abided by the treaty? The 500 million star coins they owed us should have been repaid eighty years ago, but they completely ignored it."

"They are just rats! Don't they want to use nuclear power? Then we will use nuclear energy one step ahead and flatten them first, and see how they use nuclear energy!"

Several big men in armor agreed: "Agree, agree!"

Since the leader has already said that Leiming Country is going to use nuclear energy, then it must be correct. After all, if there is no completely confirmed news, it will not be brought to such an important meeting.

What's more, this is not a trivial matter.

An old man sitting opposite the armor said, "Not right, I think not right!"

"Once nuclear energy is used, what will be the consequences? Don't you know?"

"Where nuclear energy falls, mankind will be completely extinct. You must know that our nuclear energy is not the level of three hundred years ago!"

"And the four countries have made an agreement together. If any country uses nuclear energy first, the other three countries will follow suit."

"If we use it first and are dealt with by the three countries together, wouldn't Moyang country be finished!"

"So I suggest that we send people to negotiate with the three countries separately, to test the waters of Leiming country, and to leak the news to the other two countries and ask for their opinions!"

His words attracted the approval of the people in their row, who felt that it made sense.

Most of them were literati, and the one who first proposed to take the lead was a warrior.

For a long time, their Moyang country has advocated war for the warriors and peace for the literati.

The old man who just spoke immediately retorted: "Negotiation? Negotiation again! How do you negotiate?"

"The current world situation is that Moyang Kingdom and Shenlong Kingdom are in alliance, and Leiming Kingdom and Rizhao Kingdom are in alliance!"

"Although there is no formal alliance, it is an indisputable fact that our relationship with Shenlong Kingdom is the best. I dare to guarantee that even if we go to negotiate, only Shenlong Kingdom is willing to help us!"

"Rizhao Kingdom is impossible to help us, and don't forget that Rizhao Kingdom is currently fighting with Shenlong Kingdom. It is also because we are inclined to Shenlong Kingdom. Rizhao Kingdom has always been tepid to us."

"Of course, we also don't like Rizhao Kingdom very much, so the current way is to strike first. In war, the emphasis is on speed!"

"This is not something you can plan by typing on the keyboard!"

His words immediately attracted opposition from the literati on the opposite side, just as they were discussing fiercely.

Sitting in the main seat, Kortai, who had been silent, said slowly: "Everyone, please be quiet!"

Hearing him speak.

Everyone immediately quieted down and looked at him.

"Everyone, I agree with the war this time!"

"I agree to use nuclear energy first. We must not let Leiming Country seize the initiative. I believe everyone knows the horror of nuclear energy. Whoever takes action later will suffer!"

When the generals heard what Kortai said, they immediately agreed: "Yes, just as we thought. As users and controllers, we naturally understand the horror of nuclear energy very well!"

"It is precisely because of this that we proposed that we must take the initiative. It is too late to decide whether to launch after the negotiation is completed!"

And the literati still objected: "Leader, no, this is absolutely not allowed!"

"Once nuclear energy is used, what will the situation facing the world be like? The lives of all people will be destroyed!"

"Yes, leader, the use of nuclear energy will lead to the destruction of all people, and! But if the four countries are out of control, what will the situation be like? The planet will be destroyed!"Kortai listened to their words, thought carefully, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said: "There are two situations in front of us now!"

"First: listen to the advice of not fighting and negotiate first, but in the process, it is very likely that we will be bombed by nuclear energy first. The result at that time will be the destruction of our families. Even if they don't bomb us to death, our counterattack will be relatively weak!"

"Second: If we take the initiative to attack, there is a high probability that the other two countries will blame themselves, and it may also cause a nuclear energy war, but the advantage of this is that there is a high probability that we will be the winner!"

"Everyone, think about how to choose!"

"Who can use nuclear energy without my permission?"

Just as Kortai finished speaking, a calm voice came.

When everyone heard it, they were suddenly stunned. What's the situation? Who said this?

Chief Kortai didn't say anything, and even if it was Chief Kortai, he had no right to say this.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound, and I don't know when a handsome young man appeared.

This person has fair skin, regular features, and a pair of eyes as deep as obsidian.



Who is this person? When did he appear?

No one present knew Ning Tian who suddenly appeared.

After Ning Tian got the world's pattern in the small village in the forest, he did not waste any more time. He directly used the energy of traveling through the universe to locate the highest-level meeting room of Moyang Country.

"Who are you!" Kortai frowned and asked.

He thought secretly in his heart, could it be that this person is an agent of Leiming Country? But there are a large number of awakened people and warriors guarding outside the meeting room, and it is impossible to let people in!

This person seemed to appear suddenly, and I have never heard of such a powerful existence in Leiming Country!

Ning Tian ignored them and found a seat to sit down.

Looking at everyone, he said lightly: "Don't worry, I am not from the other three countries."

"Not from the other three countries?" Everyone muttered, could it be that we are from our country? If he is really from our country, then he is very powerful, and we can give him important tasks and use him!

However, before they could speak, Ning Tian continued: "I am not from your country either!"

"You are not from our country either, so who are you?" Kortai frowned and asked without any slackness.


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