Looking at the dragon in the sky still waiting for wishes, Son Gohan turned his head to look at Mr. Popo who was quietly standing under the tree and watching. He said,"Mr. Popo, I want to ask you a question."

Popo was stunned for a moment and said,"Huh, what's the question?"

Son Gohan's expression was very serious.

He said,"I once heard a story. The story said that when the old god had not yet separated from Lord Piccolo, he made a set of black star dragon balls. That set of dragon balls is now hidden deep in the temple. Mr. Popo, is this true?"

Mr. Popo had several question marks on his head, and then he shook his head like a rattle:"No, Gohan, where did you hear the legend from? When the old god made the dragon balls for the first time, he had already separated from Lord Piccolo. He had never made dragon balls before."

"I just happened to hear this from a passerby, is it really just a story?" Son Gohan looked at Piccolo again, with the same questioning expression.

"It has indeed never been made." Piccolo also shook his head.

Piccolo now has already merged with the Old God, so he must have obtained all of the Old God's memories.

Since he shook his head, it seems that the so-called Black Star Dragon Ball does not exist.

Good, good, stable.

Piccolo said:"Humans can make up all kinds of legends. This is normal and not surprising."

"Yes, indeed. Son Gohan nodded.

The dragon in the sky said again:"Haven't you thought of a wish yet? There are two more wishes.……"

Son Gohan looked up and asked,"Shenlong, can you give me the ability to predict the dangers of the future?"

"The ability to predict future dangers? Can you be more specific?"Shenlong asked

"In other words, can I predict in advance the dangerous things that are about to happen in the future, such as endangering the safety of the earth, endangering my life or the lives of my relatives and friends?"

Shenlong thought for two seconds, then said:

"It is a very dangerous thing to touch the issue of time"

"Well, I will do my best to let you get some knowledge in this area."

"This is a bit like the prophetic power of the Grand Elder of Namek, except that you can only foresee major dangers, and the prediction period is only within one week. Is that okay?"

"No problem, that's great, please fulfill my wish." Son Gohan said happily.

Shenron responded with a buzzing sound:"Okay, it's a piece of cake!"

Then, its eyes glowed red, and Son Gohan felt a strange power suddenly rising in his body.

This is the power of prophecy.

The power of prophecy that can predict future dangers.

After each use, it can predict whether major dangers will occur in the next week.

It just consumes some mental energy.

But it's not a big problem, using it once every few days will not have any effect.

"Okay, this wish has been fulfilled. Please tell me another wish.……"Shenlong continued

"Let's fulfill these two wishes for now." Son Gohan said

"OK, got it. Bye then." Shenlong's voice resounded through the sky, and his body quickly dissipated. Then seven dragon balls shot up into the sky and turned into seven streams of light that flew in all directions.

As the dragon balls disappeared, the sky cleared up.

The dragon balls that had only made two wishes only needed to wait for eight months for them to regain their luster and could be collected and used to make wishes again.

Piccolo looked at Son Gohan and said,"Gohan, you're thoughtful enough to make such a wish.……"

Son Gohan laughed and said,"Haha, after all, our Earth has been plagued by disasters and disasters, and every time we are in a passive position, we can be more at ease if we have the ability to predict danger."

"Well, yes, but we didn't think we could make a wish like this before." Piccolo nodded.

Son Gohan didn't want to continue this topic and asked,"Uncle Piccolo, how is it? How does it feel after this potential is triggered?"

"Haha, I'm very satisfied, but I think I should be able to become even stronger. I don't know what the additional gift Shenlong mentioned at the end means."Picco pinched his chin and thought.

But no matter how smart he was, he couldn't guess Shenlong's thoughts.

Shenlong also kept up with the times and played with mystery.

Son Gohan laughed.

Piccolo didn't know, but he did.

Shenlong's so-called additional gift was actually a new transformation.

A brand new transformation.

It can make Piccolo's combat power have a qualitative leap.

"Isn't it easy to know what the gift is? Uncle Piccolo, follow me.

Son Gohan put his arm around Piccolo's shoulders and led him to the Spirit Time Chamber.

"Go, where are you going?"

"Of course it's training." Son Gohan said with a smile.

He actually wanted to see Piccolo's new form.

How strong would it be?

Looking at Son Gohan, Piccolo said,"Ghan, you've become a training maniac now. You're more diligent in training than Goku. When you were younger, everyone said you didn't like to practice."

Son Gohan was silent for a moment and said,"Because a lot of things have happened, and there are a lot of people I want to protect.……"

Thinking of the dark time when Gohan carried the last light of the world on his shoulders and bravely moved forward, Piccolo's heart couldn't help but tremble.

Yes, maybe Gohan didn't like to practice.

But he had no choice.

If he hadn't practiced hard, he couldn't imagine what the world would be like now.

At least he and Goku are still living in the underworld and can't return to the human world.

And the earth is also full of smoke.

When Piccolo was distracted, he had been taken into the Spirit Time Room by Son Gohan.


In the Spirit Time Room,

Son Gohan and Piccolo were fighting fiercely.

But Piccolo was retreating again and again, looking like he was in a tough fight.

In fact, he was indeed in a tough fight.

Son Gohan's fighting power at this time was still stronger than his, even without any transformation.

"Uncle Piccolo, the limit, where is your limit?"

"Where is your strength?"

Son Gohan punched Piccolo in the face, and Piccolo was hit hard, tumbling twice and flying out. He fell on an open space in the distance.

Piccolo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up again.

"Limit? Have I reached my limit? Is that all?"Picco looked at his hands and fell into self-doubt.

But Son Gohan didn't give him time to think, a magic flash came towards him.

"No, this is not my limit.……"

""Haaaaa!" Piccolo's eyes flashed, and he shouted loudly, and his two palms suddenly stretched out to catch Son Gohan's Qigong wave, and the aura on his body began to surge

"His whole body was covered with electric sparks, and the surrounding aura began to become turbid, and the surging air waves seemed to be about to materialize.

"Here it comes, this kind of oppression."Son Gohan's eyes lit up, and he increased the energy output of his hands.

Piccolo was forced to retreat again and again, but the energy in his body was constantly getting stronger.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed.

A strange circular halo appeared behind Piccolo.

The halo burst into white light.

His figure also began to expand.

Piccolo, who was originally more than two meters tall, became taller and stronger.

The lines on his face became tougher, and he looked ferocious, and the two tentacles on his head stood up.

Not only that, his skin also changed its original color.

From green to orange-yellow.

Orange Piccolo!

Super Namek?

"Hahaha, Uncle Piccolo, what a powerful aura!"Looking at Piccolo's arrogance rising to the sky, Son Gohan couldn't help but laugh happily.

""Haaaa!" Piccolo pushed back the magic flash.

Son Gohan jumped up and dodged it. The energy wave exploded behind him, causing a gust of wind.

Piccolo looked at the changes in his body in disbelief.

"Uncle Piccolo, did you feel it? This is probably the additional gift that Shenlong mentioned."Son Gohan said with a smile

"Well, what a powerful force, Gohan, come and fight with me, hahahaha." Piccolo laughed, he clenched his fists, and the orange-yellow air waves on his body were overwhelming, so thick that he could hardly be seen clearly.

""Haha, OK, I'll keep you company till the end." Son Gohan also laughed and instantly transformed into Super Saiyan 4.

He knew very well that Piccolo couldn't compete with him without transforming.

Orange Piccolo was no small matter!


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