Watching Baby completely reduced to ashes,

Son Gohan said calmly,"Humph, how could I let you go? Your life will only make me sleepless. It's not wrong for you to come for revenge, but it's even more wrong for me to kill you.……"

"Although the Saiyans exterminated your race, they also got the retribution they deserved, and that has nothing to do with me. I only know that you threaten the earth and my family and friends.……"

"In my next life, I will try to be a good person.……"

Son Gohan murmured, and instantly moved to Kaioshin Planet.


On the planet Kaioshin, the beans sprouted and grew again.

This time, 56 beans were planted, which really looked like a small vegetable garden.

When Son Gohan arrived, Jepiter had just finished watering the bean seedlings.

Son Gohan laughed and patted him on the shoulder. This man is the father of the beans in the Kaioshin world.

"Haha, Jepiter, you've worked hard."

When Jepiter saw that it was Son Gohan, his stern face rarely showed a half-smile.

"It's Mr. Gohan. It's not hard, not hard at all. I'm just bored." said Jepitel

"Come eat, eat." Son Gohan called out, taking out a capsule from the other dimension and putting out the prepared food inside.

Smelling the aroma of the food, King Kai Shin and Old King Kai also gathered around.

While eating, the two King Kais kept asking Son Gohan for some information about Beerus.

It seemed that they were quite curious about Beerus.

Son Gohan couldn't tell them everything he knew, but he also picked up some things to tell them.

Both sides were happy.

In fact, until now, Old King Kai still doesn't know why Beerus 75 million years ago Why did he seal him in the King of Swords?

He thought that Beerus was displeased with him at the time and wanted to play a trick on him, and as a result, the seal has been sealed for so many years.

Thinking about it now, he is still scared.

Son Gohan certainly knew why Beerus sealed him.

But he couldn't say such things.

There are too many things involved, and he is not the kind of person who talks too much.

So no matter how the old King of Swords asked indirectly, Son Gohan would not tell the truth.

After a while, Son Gohan asked:"Lord Kaioshin, can you help me find the location of Planet Vampa?"

"Wanpa? Are you going there for something?" Kaioshin asked.

"Well, there is something going on. Son Gohan nodded.

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll look for it." Kaioshin said, and then started looking.

A few seconds later

"Hiss, I found it. This planet is at the edge of the Milky Way. It's very remote and the living environment is extremely harsh. Do you really want to go there?……"Kaio Shinto

"Haha, of course, if you really want to go, it's good as long as you find it. Lord Kai, wait for me for a moment, I'll call Trunks over, and then we can go together."Son Gohan said hurriedly

"good……"Before King Kai finished talking about his myth, Son Gohan had completely disappeared."Mr. Gohan is still so impetuous in his work!"……"

"This kid just can't sit still, running around all day long."Old Kai also commented.

Jepiter laughed and said,"Haha, I think our Kaishen planet has become much more lively since I met Mr. Gohan."

He scratched the back of his head. He looked silly.

When Son Gohan found Trunks, this guy was poking at the little Bulla who was wrapped up in a ball of fur.

Then he was scolded loudly by Vegeta next to him.

"Trunks, be careful not to hurt Bra……"

"Asshole, be careful"

"Well……"Son Gohan didn't expect to encounter such a socially dead scene after teleporting here.

However, after seeing Son Gohan, Vegeta, who was scolding Trunks, stopped talking without any expression.

"Ahem, well, Trunks, come with me."

Son Gohan pretended not to hear and said directly

""Oh, okay." Trunks nodded and followed Son Gohan.

"Brother Gohan, where are we going?" Trunks asked curiously

"Hehe, a very fun place."Son Gohan laughed.

Fun place? Three black question marks appeared above Trunks' head.

"Come with me to Planet Kaioshin first." Son Gohan said as he stretched out his hand to pinch the back of Trunks' neck, then thought something was not right, so he put his hand on his shoulder and instantly moved to Planet Kaioshin.

Seeing that it was Planet Kaioshin, Trunks was a little puzzled and said,"Brother Gohan, what's so fun about Planet Kaioshin? I might as well stay at home and play with my sister."

Son Gohan kicked him and said,"Shut up, you useless sister-con."

Trunks rolled his eyes at him and said,"Haha, Brother Gohan is still talking about me. I don't know who goes home and hugs one in his left hand and one in his right hand. Aren't you also a daughter slave and a son slave?"

"Good boy, you even learned to talk back." Son Gohan was so angry that he punched him directly

"Hahahaha, look, he's getting anxious." Trunks laughed.


There was a cheerful atmosphere all around.

Trunks' personality changed a lot after everyone was resurrected, and he would joke around occasionally.

But don't doubt his speed.

The long sword behind him can chop down the enemy much faster than anyone else.

After punching Trunks, Son Gohan became serious:"Okay, let's get back to business. I'm going to take you to a place called Wampa Planet.……"

"Gohan, can you tell me what you are going to do on Planet Vampa?"Shin Kai asked.

This is also the question that everyone wants to ask, including Trunks.

Son Gohan smiled and said,"I got information from some places that there are surviving Saiyans on Planet Vampa, so I want to verify it."

"A lucky Saiyan? On the planet Vampa?"Several people found it a little unbelievable.

Trunks said,"Could it be my uncle? I once heard from my father that he had a younger brother wandering in the stars, but I don't know where he is now. Apart from him, there shouldn't be any other Saiyans."

Son Gohan said,"I don't know, so I have to go and see." King Kai nodded,"Well, okay, let's go together. Jepitel, thank you for your help."

""Yes, Lord Kaioshin." Jebit replied,"Put your hands on me."

Son Gohan, Trunks, and King Kai put their hands on Jebit.

King Kai gave Jebit the location of Wampa, so Jebit only needed a super teleport to teleport to Wampa.


A flash of white light passed by.

Several people disappeared.

The next moment, they appeared on Wampa.

This is an asteroid at the border of the Milky Way.

The resources here are very scarce, the climate is extremely harsh, and plants are also very rare.

Because of the strong winds for many years, the surface of Wampa has become bumpy and full of caves, which look like the faces of demons.

These natural caves that can be seen everywhere are crawling with strange monsters.

Looking around, there are extremely ugly monsters, devilish caves, and a fishy smell.

Several people couldn't help swallowing their saliva and felt extremely disgusted.

【Skirt]: 825316682


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