Paragas' eyes were blurry and he was drowsy.

He wanted to strangle King Vegeta in his dream.

He had killed King Vegeta 999 times in his dream.

But every time he woke up, he found himself still on the planet Vampa.

Almost no one could understand the despair and disappointment.

Damn it...

King Vegeta deserved to die.

In a trance, Paragas saw that there seemed to be four people coming to the cave entrance.

They blocked the light, making the cave darker.

Such a real dream.

Paragas couldn't help but raise his hand to rub his eyes.

He looked again.

Then he jumped up from the rattan chair.

At this time, Broly had already stopped his work and looked at Son Gohan and others who suddenly appeared vigilantly.

It's just that he is not very good at speaking and has not made a sound.

Paragas, who jumped up suddenly, became ecstatic.

People, real people.

More than 50 years have passed, and he saw humans again, which made him very surprised.

Someone came to the planet Vampa, which means they must have a spaceship.

In this way, he and Broly can leave this ghost place.

But happiness comes and goes quickly.

Paragus saw the furry tail behind Son Gohan and Trunks.

His pupils quickly contracted and he became alert. He stared at Son Gohan and the others, slowly approached Broly, and said loudly:"Did King Vegeta ask you to come?"

Paragus thought that Son Gohan and the others must be Saiyans sent by King Vegeta.

The purpose was to check whether Broly was still alive.

Since they are still alive, there is a high probability that these people will kill to silence them.

At this time, Broly needs to come forward.

Son Gohan's eyes stayed on Broly, and he smiled after hearing what Paragus said:

"Don't worry, we are not sent by King Vegeta. The King Vegeta you are talking about died more than 50 years ago. Now even Planet Vegeta is gone."

"Impossible, don't try to fool me."Paragas sneered,"You want to kill people to silence them, right?"

He hid behind Broly and asked loudly.

Planet Vegeta was destroyed?

Is this possible? He said such words as if he was lying to a child.

It might be possible to fool the simple Broly, but it was impossible to fool Paragas.

After all, he was a captain.

"Well……"Sometimes it's just like that, the truth will not be believed.

Son Gohan was too lazy to talk to him and said directly:"Then you don't want to leave Planet Vampa, right?"

Son Gohan's unconventional approach made Paragus confused.

In this situation, according to common sense, shouldn't he continue to explain to him, or continue to lie to him?

Why did you skip so many steps?

Okay, you win, I want to leave.

Paragus's thoughts were disrupted, and he said in a daze:"I want to, I want to leave"

"Then stop talking nonsense. As long as Broly can beat him, I will promise to take you away from Planet Wampa."Son Gohan said, pointing at Trunks.

"Me?" Trunks pointed at himself in surprise.

Son Gohan leaned close to Trunks' ear and whispered,"Test his strength, but don't kill him, he doesn't look like a bad guy."

So that's it, Gohan wanted to test the opponent's strength.

No, what did Gohan say just now? Please play it backwards.

Gohan said to let the big guy beat me? And then take them both away from Planet Vampa?

Yes, that's the sentence.


It's really outrageous. Gohan's words are a bit too much.

I am your disciple after all, how can I let the other party defeat me?

Could it be that Gohan wants to test the big guy on the surface.

In fact, he is testing me, right?

Tsk tsk tsk, luckily I'm smart.

I've seen it all.

Come on, stepping stone wild big Saiyan

""Okay." Trunks' eyes were excited, and his fists were crackling.

Paragus' eyes also lit up when he heard what Son Gohan said.

No one knew Broly's strength better than him.

If Broly was not controlled by an electric collar, he would be so terrifying when he ran away.

Broly could crush a waste like King Vegeta to death with just one finger, not to mention these two Saiyans who looked weak.

His only goal was to leave the Vampa spaceship.

So he agreed decisively:"Okay, no problem, but you have to keep your word."

"I always keep my word."

Paragas also said to Broly:"Broly, then you go fight him, remember, don't kill him."

If you accidentally kill the other party, something might happen.

First, you don't know where the other party's spaceship is hidden, and second, you don't know whether what the other party said is true.

Therefore, it is not a good idea to break the rules and kill people for the time being.

Broly nodded and said simply:"Got it."

Trunks on the opposite side:"???"

What's going on?

You guys.

Damn it.

Trunks felt that he had to be serious.

""Let's go outside."

Son Gohan pointed outside the cave.

Soon, everyone came to a spacious area outside the cave.

Maybe because of Broly, there was no monster nearby.

Trunks and Broly stood face to face.

Trunks took off the long sword from his back and threw it to Son Gohan.

"Brother Gohan, help me get the sword."

Since the purpose is not to kill the opponent, there is no need for a long sword.

Using fists and feet can better show the excitement of the battle.

Son Gohan steadily caught the Brave Sword of Trunks, and then threw it into the other dimension.

Paragus stood not far from them, unwilling to stand with Son Gohan and others.

Mainly because he was afraid that Son Gohan and others would attack him.

Trunks looked at Broly, who was a head and a half taller than him, and asked:"Big guy, what's your name?"

Broly also looked at Trunks, and after several seconds he spit out a few words:"Broly."

What a long reaction arc, it seems that he is not very smart.

Trunks introduced himself:"My name is Trunks"

"Broly, turn into a Super Saiyan, it will be more interesting to fight like this"

"Super Saiyan? Broly didn't understand what it meant.

"Don't you know what a Super Saiyan is? Well, there's really no one here who can teach you."

"Look, like this."


Trunks clenched his fists and suddenly burst into energy, instantly transforming into a golden Super Saiyan.

Looking at Trunks with golden flames gushing out, Broly widened his eyes.

This was the first time he saw such a strange transformation.

To be exact, apart from his father, he had never seen other humans.

On the other side, the Paragas were dumbfounded.

What is super? Super Saiyan? What Saiyan? Super Saiyan...

In short, people are a little confused.

"Be careful, I'm about to attack you." Looking at Broly's stunned look, Trunks kindly reminded him.

""Yeah." Broly stared at him closely, his expression very serious.


Trunks stomped his feet hard on the ground, the ground cracked, and his body rushed towards Broly like a flash of lightning.


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