Son Goku teleported into the battlefield, stopped Broly, and gave Vegeta a chance to catch his breath.

With his super high speed, Son Goku dodged Broly's fierce attacks again and again.

In addition, his strength is slightly stronger than Vegeta and Trunks, so he is slightly better at dealing with Broly.

Vegeta stood up from the dust, raised his right hand, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve.

He looked at Broly, his eyes were already furious.

He was the prince of the Saiyans, but he was beaten to a bloody mess by a wild Saiyan of unknown origin?

He couldn't accept this.

What's more, the opponent could beat their Super Saiyan Blue with this ordinary Super Saiyan form?

This is unreasonable. It's too explosive.

Trunks flew to Son Gohan's side and said with a bitter face:"Brother Gohan, I lost."

Seeing his discouraged look, Son Gohan patted him on the shoulder and comforted him:"It's okay, I may not be able to beat him"

"This Broly is really too strong, the scary thing is that he has not received any formal training."

"It was just the Saiyan instincts that were used in the battle, but even so, it had already demonstrated its superiority over ordinary Super Blue and Super Four.……"

"He is a super fighting genius."

Listening to Son Gohan's words, Trunks was stunned.

Indeed, Trunks, who had experienced the battle himself, knew very well the terrifying speed of Broly's improvement. It didn't take him too long to go from being defeated by ordinary Super Saiyans to crushing Super Saiyan 4, showing his amazing strength.

Such a devil-like guy is so invincible that it is both terrifying and exciting.

At this time, Son Goku, who had been fighting with Broly for a while, began to show signs of defeat.

Then he was punched away by Broly.

Vegeta stopped watching and followed Son Goku's attack rhythm and attacked Broly.

Son Goku turned over and flew back.

The two Super Saiyan Blue teamed up to fight Broly.

For a moment, energy was flying and strong winds were blowing back.

The three chased each other around Vampa for several times, and almost all the monsters on the planet were killed by the energy aftermath.

Broly raised his hand and threw out a series of Qigong waves, chasing Son Goku and Vegeta and bombarding them. The sky and the earth were full of energy storms generated by their battle.

Boom boom boom!

Another series of huge explosions.

Vegeta and Son Goku were both seriously injured.

Super Saiyan Blue transformation consumes a lot of energy.

In addition, they have been outputting at full strength, so their strength began to decline and they are no longer at their peak.

Broly's attack is more powerful.

""Hu, hu, hu~"

Both of them were panting.

They hadn't experienced such a hard battle for a long time.

Broly seemed to know no fatigue, and rushed towards them again, punching them one by one, making them bleed wildly.

In a blink of an eye, the two could no longer maintain their Super Blue forms, and they turned back to their normal black hair and fell into the dust.

Hiss, this sparring partner is too scary.

When fighting with Beerus, Beerus would deliberately let him go and stop when he had enough.

But Broly, who was running wild, didn't care about that. Every move he made was a killing move, making the two feel the threat of death for the first time in a long time.

""Ahem!" Son Goku and Vegeta both coughed and barely got up from the dust, but they were exhausted and could not fight anymore.

Broly didn't care about that. He swung his arms and threw two energy balls.

Son Gohan couldn't stand by and watched. He flashed twice and caught Son Goku and Vegeta. He threw a Senzu Bean to each of them.

The two energy balls exploded and the ground shook.

"Ahhhh……"Broly's green flames rose again, and he rushed towards the crowd.

Broly, who had completely lost his mind, did not realize that Paragus was actually standing behind everyone and was not dead at all.

It must be admitted that when Broly rushed over like a beast, even his father Paragus was scared.

King Kai and Jepit could not help but take a step back.

""Let me do it."

Son Gohan said, and suddenly transformed into Super Saiyan 4 and rushed forward.

Broly grinned and threw a punch.

Son Gohan also gathered his energy and punched through the air.


The two fists collided instantly, and circles of energy burst out with them as the center.

Everyone retreated one after another, and the energy above Vampa exploded, rushing into the galaxy, bursting with terrifying light.

The first direct attack, both of them were shocked back several steps, but Son Gohan forced the blood that was about to flow out of his throat.

What a terrible power!

The last time he fought against Cooler, he didn't have such great pressure now.

And now, his strength is several times stronger than that time.

It can only be said that Broly's strength is too amazing.


The two moved almost at the same time.

But Son Gohan, relying on instant movement, is obviously faster.

He instantly appeared behind Broly and slammed into Broly with a knee strike.

Broly was kicked out, rolled twice in the air, and then pounced on Son Gohan again as if nothing had happened.

"Humph, come on, who's afraid of who?" Son Gohan pushed his aura to its peak and rushed forward at a speed faster than Broly.

""Bang, boom, boom!"

Four fists collided violently.

The space crack exploded.

The two rushed into the colorful world.

Although Son Gohan's whole body was numb with every collision, he was extremely excited.

This kind of refreshing battle was exactly what he needed now.

After hundreds of punches, Son Gohan felt that the dark red hair on his body was soaked by the blood beads overflowing from his skin, but it didn't matter.

His super regeneration and super recovery ability could fully support


The unknown space exploded.

The two appeared again above the planet Vampa and wrestled with each other.

The golden and green energy split the sky in half, and lightning and thunder continued around the two.


A crazy howl.

An angry shout!

Broly's energy surged again.

His muscles were beating and swelling, becoming even stronger.

His blond hair became even more flamboyant, standing upside down, and then turned into an emerald green color.

This was Broly's Super Saiyan full power, or full energy form.


Son Gohan spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out. His right hand was instantly broken, and his heart was shaken into a bloody mist.

"Whoosh whoosh……"

Super recovery and super regeneration are triggered!

The body quickly reconnects the tendons and bones, the heart is reshaped, and the whole body makes a crackling sound.

Looking at Broly who looks like a demon, Son Gohan also lets out a long roar and starts to break through the limit.

The golden aura of the whole body instantly turns into rose red with fluorescent dots.

The hair color changes from black to orange red and then to blood red!

"Ten times Kamehameha wave!"

The hot and surging blood-red energy roared out and hit Broly directly.

Now that Broly has turned into this form, how dare Son Gohan hold back?

Broly also condensed two huge green energy bombs with his hands, combined them into one, and then hit Son Gohan.

One red and one green, they collided in the sky.

The space around them was shattered, and there were continuous dazzling thunders falling down, and roars erupted.

The Vampa planet began to crumble, and it felt that it could no longer support such an energy storm.

At this moment.

A white light flashed, and Whis and Beerus suddenly appeared in the sky.

Beerus looked up at Son Gohan and Broly who were fighting each other, and said with some surprise:

"Then, who is that green-haired boy? His power has surpassed some pustular gods of destruction, right?……"


【About Broly】(Only personal opinion)

Broly's growth is not infinite, but he has reached that point, accumulated to that point, just like potential is dormant in the body, just not developed.

And the fierce battle can be understood as accelerating the release of his potential.

If he can grow so fast infinitely, then don't play, just ban the account directly, the God of Destruction and the King of All will be killed by him in seconds, let alone other people.

In addition, Broly's golden pupil ape form (also known as the angry form) can suppress the Super Saiyan God, but it is slightly inferior to Super Saiyan Blue. Now Trunks, his Super Saiyan 4 is about the same as Super Saiyan Blue, which is weaker than Goku, but stronger than Vegeta's Super Saiyan Blue.

Broly's Super Saiyan form crushes the Super Saiyan Blue of Son Goku and Vegeta, so in the movie version, the two had to fuse Gogeta to compete.

But I don't think Broly and Gogeta are fighters of the same level.

Gogeta's transformation into Super Saiyan Blue to fight Broly is just a joke.

I think Goku's Ultra Sign can completely compete with Broly's Super Saiyan form, and Perfect Freedom can beat Green Broly. Green Broly should be between Ultra Sign and Perfect Ultra Sign.

The reason why Gogeta was released was because the audience wanted to see it, pure plot killing


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