(Special Extra)

Trunks took the time machine back to his own world.

He put away the time machine, then climbed into the ruined building, opened a hidden door, and came to the basement built by Bulma.

Although it was a basement, it was also transformed by Bulma to be brightly lit, as bright as day.

Trunks tightened his clothes and walked quickly in the direction of Bulma.

""Mom, I'm back." Trunks said.

Bulma turned around.

Bulma was already in her fifties. Because of years of hard work and living in fear all day long, her face was full of frost and she looked several years older than her actual age.

Seeing her son come back safely, Bulma's face was immediately filled with smiles, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes became more obvious.

""Hehe, is everything going well, Trunks?" She asked Trunks with a smile.

Trunks nodded:"Well, the special medicine was successfully delivered to Mr. Son Goku, but something unexpected happened during this period.……"

"???", Bulma frowned slightly and asked,"Unexpected things? What is it?"

Trunks took off the long sword behind him and put it on the table, then found a stool and sat down next to Bulma, and said:

"Mom, you may be a little surprised to hear this, because I met someone you would never have thought of in the past world. Do you know who it was? I met Brother Gohan who also came back from the future.……"

Bulma was stunned for a moment:"Gohan? Gohan who went back to the future? There is such a thing?"

"Yes, Mom. That Gohan is very strong, and his arms are intact. He is much taller than the Gohan we remember."

"He said that he was not killed by the androids in his world, and after practicing hard, he became very powerful, and then killed No. 17 and No. 18, bringing peace to his world.……"

Bulma was surprised and said,"How could this happen? Isn't time and space unique? There are actually multiple time and space. This is really beyond my expectation.""

"What happened then?" she continued to ask

"Later, Gohan taught me some ways to become stronger quickly. With these methods, I might be able to defeat the androids soon. Mom, did you build a gravity room for Dad before? Gohan said that the training speed can be accelerated by training in the gravity room."

"Uh... Now that you mention it, I remember that Vegeta used to practice in the gravity room. The gravity room he modified was a spaceship, which was actually made by your grandfather, but unfortunately the spaceship has been scrapped for a long time."

"But don't worry, mom will make another one for you. Compared with the time machine, the gravity room is much simpler to build and can be done quickly."

Trunks clenched his fist and said excitedly:"That's great."

After talking to Bulma,

Trunks carried the sword on his back and began to look for the Temple of the Gods.

But it was a pity.

The Temple of the Gods in this world had been destroyed by the androids at some point.

There were several broken rocks floating in the sky, floating up and down. That was the ruins of the Temple of the Gods.

The Kailin Tower had also collapsed.

Not to mention the Spirit Time Room, there was not even a house to be found.

As for Mr. Popo, he was nowhere to be found.

Trunks had no choice but to pin his only hope on the gravity room.

Half a year later, Bulma lived up to her expectations and finally rebuilt the gravity room.

Trunks began his day and night hard training life.

Two years passed like this.

Trunks found that he had finally broken through the bottleneck and became stronger.

Trunks' muscles swelled and became stronger than before.

This is the first small stage of Super Saiyan 1 advancement

"Humph, Brother Gohan, I'm here to avenge you."

Trunks carried a long sword on his back, soared into the sky with a golden wave of air, and went around the world to find Androids 17 and 18.

Hard work pays off.

Because he lost the game and got angry, No. 18, who threw energy bombs wildly, exposed his target and was successfully found by Trunks.

Seeing Trunks suddenly appear.

No. 18 transferred her anger to Trunks.

Without saying a word, she flew towards Trunks, ready to kill Trunks to vent her anger.

But Trunks, who usually couldn't beat her, suddenly went crazy today and punched her into a bloody mist.

Seeing that the situation was not good, No. 17 wanted to escape, but was kicked to the ground by Trunks, who was faster than him.

No. 17 staggered forward.

But Trunks soared into the air and an energy bomb slammed down.

"Die, you beast!"

As soon as Trunks finished speaking, the energy bomb exploded on No. 17's body, and No. 17 turned into powder in an instant.

The world finally returned to peace.

But Trunks did not forget to practice, because he knew that there would be more terrible enemies waiting for him.

In this way, a long time passed.

Cell, who was like a giant insect, finally couldn't bear it anymore and attacked Trunks.

But how could Trunks, who had been prepared, let Cell succeed?

Without any surprise, Cell was also killed by Trunks.

A few more years passed quickly.

One day, King Kai and Jepit He found Trunks, told him about Majin Buu, and then took Trunks to Planet Kaioshin for special training.

The first thing to do, of course, was to pull out the Sword Kaioshin.

Trunks finally pulled out the Sword Kaioshin after some effort.

Trunks did not forget what Son Gohan said, and found a way to break the Sword Kaioshin.

The Old Kaioshin was able to lift the seal and return to the world.

Later, the Kaioshin received the news that Babidi had arrived on Earth and was ready to unseal Majin Buu.

Although time was short, the Old Kaioshin still activated Trunks' potential.

Ultimate Trunks' potential is fully released. Release, the combat power is far beyond Super Saiyan 2.

Jepitel and King Kai sent Trunks back to Earth.

At this time, Babidi's men were still collecting the energy of the earthlings.

Majin Buu was not unsealed at all.

After a crushing battle, Dabura, Pui, Yego, Babidi, were all killed by Trunks.

Majin Buu's seal ball was hidden by King Kai again.

After that, Trunks asked King Kai to take him to Namek.

Trunks brought Dende back from Namek.

With the help of King Kai, the Earth rebuilt the Temple of the Gods, and Dende became the new God of the Earth.

The only difference is that this god no longer has Popo's assistance, and only has Trunks as a friend.

Later, Dende created the Dragon Balls.

With the help of Shenlong, the earth quickly recovered its vitality, everything was thriving, and everything was developing in a good direction.

During this period, Trunks found an opportunity to go to the underworld.

After a search, he successfully found the Z warriors.

But those people were no longer willing to resurrect.

Vegeta, who had been living in hell, had washed away his sins and reincarnated again.

Trunks returned to Earth, met Mai, and lived a happy life ever since.


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