A few months passed, and the Dragon Balls revived and regained their luster.

Son Goku calculated the day for the Dragon Balls to be revived, and on the first day he went to Bulma to borrow the Dragon Ball Radar.

Bulma asked Son Goku what he was going to do with the Dragon Balls?

The honest Goku couldn't hide the truth, and blurted out what Son Gohan said.

Well, well, well.

So, Bulma got angry.

Of course, she wasn't angry with Son Goku or Son Gohan, she was angry with Vegeta.

You're so good, Vegeta.

Even Goku knows to love his wife so much that he has to collect Dragon Balls to make Chi-Chi young again.

Why haven't you thought about this? All you know is to practice day after day.

You wait for me, and I'll lose if you can get up tomorrow.

So, Bulma laughed at Son Goku and said,"Hehe, Goku, after you made a wish to make Chi-Chi young again, don't you have two wishes left? What are you going to do?"

Son Goku scratched the back of his head with his right hand and said,"Haha, I haven't thought about it yet. How about giving Chi-Chi a new set of clothes? She will definitely be happy, hahahaha……"

"Not good!" Bulma put her hands on her hips and retorted loudly

"Why, what happened? Why is it not good?"

"What about me?" Bulma pointed at herself.

"Do you remember what you looked like when we first met? And look at me now?"

"Hahaha, isn't it the same? But the chest seems to be a little flatter."Sun Wukong laughed and pointed.

Bulma was furious and punched Sun Wukong directly, but it hurt herself.

"Damn it, Goku, you bastard, make me wish to be younger, or I won’t let you go." Bulma said angrily

"Uh, OK, OK." Sun Wukong agreed repeatedly

"Oh, and Videl, both are 18 years old."Bulma said loudly

"Ah, OK, OK." Son Goku succumbed to Bulma's tyranny.

To be honest, he seemed to be afraid of only two people in this world.

The first one was Chi-Chi.

The second one was naturally Bulma.

Even Beerus... he was not afraid at all.

After getting Son Goku's promise, Bulma was satisfied and thought about how to take revenge on Vegeta tonight.

Son Goku took the Dragon Ball Radar and hurried to collect the Dragon Balls.

With Son Goku's speed, it wouldn't take too long to collect seven Dragon Balls.

After a while, the seven Dragon Balls were neatly placed in front of him.

Son Goku was very familiar with the summoning process of the dragon, so he quickly fulfilled his wish.

Chi-Chi, Bulma, and Videl, forever 18 years old, wish fulfilled️✔️

The dragon dispersed and the sky cleared up.

Meanwhile, on Baozi Mountain,

Chi-Chi, who was about to take Wu-Ten out to the town to buy some things, suddenly found that something was wrong with her body.

Her hands became softer and whiter, the fat on her belly disappeared, her chest became firmer, and her hips became more rounded.

She walked lightly and felt comfortable.

"Ah, what, what happened? Why do I feel like I’ve returned to the time when I participated in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament?"

Qiqi had a very deep impression of the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament.

Because a lot of things happened at that martial arts tournament.

One of the most important things was that she met Sun Wukong for the first time after she grew up, and then they fought in the ring, and then they got married in the ring.

So she will remember that year for the rest of her life.

Qiqi hurried back to the room, and then looked in the mirror. For a moment, she thought she was dreaming.

Really, I’ve really turned back to 18 years old?

What on earth is going on?

At this moment, Sun Wukong teleported over.

When Qiqi saw Wukong, she immediately pounced on him.

"Wu, Wukong, something strange happened, I seem to have turned back to my youth."Qiqi said nervously, but the joy in her eyes could not be concealed.

No woman can resist her body returning to the age of 18, no

"Hahaha, are you happy then?" Sun Wukong asked with a laugh.

"I was happy at first, but I was also a little scared. I didn’t know how I could suddenly become younger. Qiqi was a little worried.

"Don't be afraid, because I used the dragon balls to make you younger."Sun Wukong said truthfully

"Ah, really? Thank you, Wukong."Qiqi knew what was going on, and her worries disappeared all of a sudden. She jumped up and hung on Sun Wukong.

It seemed that not only her body became younger, but also her mentality became younger. Everything returned to the way it was when she was 18 years old.

"Haha, as long as you are happy."Sun Wukong hugged Qiqi and laughed. He didn't know how to say those gentle love words.

But if Qiqi was happy, he would be happy too.

Qiqi jumped off Sun Wukong, locked the door, and then leaned close to Sun Wukong's ear and said:

"Wukong, let me show you my 18-year-old body……"

The hot air blew on his ears, and Sun Wukong felt his ears were itchy and a little hot.

"OK, OK." His heartbeat became faster and hotter.

……(VIP payment link)……


The next day, Vegeta lay in the yard basking in the sun for most of the day.

During this time, Bulma passed by him and whistled at him with a ruddy face, but he looked blankly as if he didn't hear her. After not sleeping all night, Vegeta really felt very sleepy and tired.

""Dad, what happened to you?" Trunks asked as he passed by.

"Ah, Trunks? It's okay, I didn't sleep well last night."Vegeta waved his hand.

"Dad is really strange today." Trunks frowned in confusion and walked into the house.

""Mom... er, mom?" Trunks stared at Bulma in amazement.

What, what happened?

Mom seems to be very strange today. Is she dreaming?

"What's wrong, Trunks?"Bulma laughed.

"Mom, how come you've become younger? You look younger than me now.……"Trunks was stunned.

Not only did he become younger, but his face was also very rosy. He looked so beautiful.

"That's because Goku asked Shenlong to make me younger."Bulma smiled happily and told the truth.

"So that's how it is, then what happened to Dad?" Trunks pointed at Vegeta who was lying like a salted fish outside the yard.

"Your father, when he heard that it was Goku who made me younger, he must be jealous and angry, hehe." Bulma covered her mouth and chuckled

"Well……"Trunks said that he did not understand your adult affairs.

He planned to go to the gravity room for training for a while, and then go to find Mai for a date.

Compared with Bulma and Chi-Chi, Videl's contrast was not so strong.

After all, Videl's actual age was only 27 years old, and now her body was only 9 years younger, so it was hard to see any changes.

It was just that she lacked a bit of mature charm and gained a bit of immaturity.

After an hour of fierce fighting in the morning, Son Gohan kissed Videl on the forehead, then put on his clothes and teleported to the Planet of Destroyers.


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