Time was short.

The King of Kai and the God of Destruction of each universe began to rack their brains to think about what game plan to submit.

But things are often like this, the more nervous a person is, the less they can think of.

Only the seventh universe had already made preparations. The King of Kai, Shin, quickly perfected the content and showed it to Beerus, then made several revisions before submitting it to the High Priest.

The submission speed ranked first among all universes.

With the Seventh Universe taking the lead, other universes also submitted their own plans.

Time was soon up.

All universes had submitted their plans.

The High Priest turned the scepter in his hand and projected the game suggestions submitted by the 12 universes into the air.

All the Gods of Destruction and King of Kai swallowed their saliva and waited nervously.

The angels were very calm, and they all had expressions of eating melons.

"Okay, let's see what good game suggestions everyone has prepared."

"Universe 1: Guess the Riddle"

"Universe 2: Solitaire"

"Universe 3: Card Role Playing Game"

"Universe 4: Hide and Seek"

"Universe 5: Treasure Hunt"

"Universe 6: Universe Fighting Tournament"

"Universe 7: The Tournament of Power"

"Universe 8: Counting Game"

"Universe 9: Cosmic Treasure Hunt"

"Universe 10: Rock, Paper, Scissors"

"Universe 11: Fighting Tournament"

"Universe 12: Memory Contest"

"Huh? Three universes have proposed fighting tournaments. Although the seventh universe calls it the Tournament of Power, it is actually a fighting game, and it has a very detailed process.……"

The High Priest smiled and said to the King:"Your Majesty, is there a plan that you are more satisfied with?"

"That cosmic treasure hunt looks interesting.……"

After these words were spoken, the God of Destruction and the King of the Ninth Universe were delighted.

The average level of humans in their universe was the lowest. If the King of All could choose the game plan they proposed, it would be a plus in the King of All's mind and would be good for their universe.

The High Priest said,"Does His Majesty want to play a universe treasure hunt?"

"No, I just think this is interesting, but I want to watch the Tournament of Power that Gohan's universe is talking about. What kind of game is that?" The King of All asked, fiddling with the toy car in his hand.

"This game, as mentioned above, within a fixed time, each universe needs to send several strong people to participate in the full-view fighting, until the opponent is forced out of the ring to be the winner. After the game time is over, the number of people on the ring will determine the winner. The universe with the most people left will win."

The King of All shook his head, looking confused:"I still don't understand, so what is a fighting game?"

"Oh, so His Majesty the King of All doesn't know what a fighting game is. I see, then, let's have a simple all-round match here.……"

Here it comes, the battle between the 12 Gods of Destruction is coming.

Son Gohan's eyes lit up and he was a little excited.

To be honest, he really wanted to see the battle between the Gods of Destruction. Just thinking about it was very exciting.

You know, each God of Destruction is not simple. When they are put on the same stage at the same time, there will definitely be an extremely exciting battle.

"Then, let's turn this place into a ring."

""Snap~" the high priest said and snapped his fingers.

As the sound fell, it was as if time and space shifted.

The Temple of the Omni-King disappeared instantly.

Instead, there was a huge rectangular arena.

Above the arena were 13 circular viewing stands.

The crowd that had been piled together was forcibly separated and divided by universe. The God of Destruction, Angels, and King Kai of each universe appeared on a viewing stand at the same time.

In the center, on the viewing stand with the best view, stood the high priest, the Omni-King, and the two guards of the Omni-King.

Son Gohan, who was originally standing next to the Omni-King, was also thrown to the stands of the seventh universe.

Incredible ability.

Just when everyone was stunned, they heard the high priest say loudly:"Okay, then next, please invite Mr. Son Gohan and Mr. Toppo to the stage"


Son Gohan was stunned.

So this wasn't how the plot was going to play out, was it?

What the hell, he wanted to see the battle between the gods of destruction.

How did he suddenly go from being a spectator to being a party to the battle?

"Hey, kid, stop being in a daze and get down quickly, or the Lord will be angry soon."

Berus reminded.

At this time, Toppo had already jumped and jumped into the ring.

"Well, all right." Son Gohan had no choice but to nod, jumped off the viewing platform, and came to the ring.

Toppo and Son Gohan stood 20 meters apart.

They looked at each other.

Speaking of which, Toppo looked very strange. He was very tall, but his legs were very short.

A big white beard made it impossible to guess his age, and his big hands with white gloves were more than twice as big as his legs.

In short, he was a very weird-looking human. From the perspective of earthlings, the ratio was not good at all.

The high priest also came to the ring and stood between the two of them.

He said,"Fight to your heart's content, and show the charm of fighting to the Omni King. By the way, if the fight makes His Majesty the Omni King dissatisfied, you two may face the end of your lives, that is, being eliminated.……"

"Ah, yes, High Priest."Toppo said quickly

""Okay." Son Gohan also nodded.

"Then, the game begins!"The High Priest raised his hand and announced the start of the game, then flashed back to the side of the Omni-King.

Toppo stared at Son Gohan and took the starting position for attack.

Son Gohan clenched his fists and suddenly became Super Saiyan 4.

Looking at Son Gohan's sudden change, Toppo was surprised for a moment.

But he was not too surprised, after all, there are actually many races in the universe that can transform.

""Hmph." Toppo snorted coldly, stepped hard on the ring, and rushed towards Son Gohan at high speed.

He decided to take the initiative.

Although Toppo's body shape is strange, his speed is extremely fast.

It took only a few tenths of a second for him to arrive in front of Son Gohan, and his huge fist hit him straight.

This guy is testing, Son Gohan thought to himself, raised his hand and slapped Toppo's huge arm, and Toppo's force was immediately redirected and passed by.

""Haaa." Toppo, who had passed by, did a roundhouse kick and swept across the air.

But Son Gohan quickly moved sideways, and Toppo's fierce attack immediately missed.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

But Toppo's attacks continued, and his legs kicked out repeatedly, making bursts of air explosions.

Son Gohan kept dodging, wandering around his attacks, and then punched out, hitting Toppo's lower abdomen

"With a dull thud, Toppo's body was hit hard and flew backwards.

Toppo's body rolled twice in the air and landed steadily on the edge of the ring.

He stared at Son Gohan with more caution.

Son Gohan grinned and said,"Ha, is this the level of the candidate God of Destruction of the 11th Universe?"

"Don't be complacent. You don't even have the aura of God. How can you beat me? Now I'll show you my strength.……"

Toppo said this with a gloomy face.

He clenched his fists tightly, and the muscles all over his body trembled. A layer of fiery energy immediately wrapped around his body, and the aura of God became stronger.

"Come on." Son Gohan waved to him.


Toppo snorted again and swung his palm.

Long-range attack.

A strong gust of wind blew in his face.

Son Gohan jumped into the air, and the place where he had just stood exploded.

"Then you will also take my move." Son Gohan said, and a blood-red energy ball flew out of his hand and hit Toppo.

Toppo was unable to dodge, and the energy ball exploded directly on his body. Suddenly, thick smoke and heat waves rose up.


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