"Listen to me, you guys, you must win no matter what, otherwise I will destroy you all." Before leaving the ring, Beerus threatened loudly.

"Hohoho, if we lose the game, even if Lord Beerus doesn't perish, we will all disappear together." Whis seemed very relaxed.

King Kai Shin also raised his right hand and clenched his fist to cheer them up:"Teamwork is crucial in this game. Please cooperate with each other and fight together. Please, everyone"

"Come on, fight as hard as you can."Old Kai also said

"Don't worry, we will definitely unite together."Trunks responded to them.

After speaking, several gods floated away from the ring and sat on the viewing platform.

The gods from other universes did the same. After instructing the contestants from their own universes, they all came to the viewing area.

There are only 80 contestants left on the ring.

The contestants from each universe looked at each other, judging each other's strength, with ill intentions in their eyes.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion on the ring, and each universe was discussing its own strategy and layout.

At this moment, the high priest floated up and came into the air.

The huge ring was silent, and the 80 contestants looked up at the high priest.

The high priest put his hands behind his back and said loudly:"Okay, please be quiet."

Many contestants swallowed nervously and had not spoken for a long time.

Only to hear the high priest continue:"Then let me explain the rules of the game again. The game time is set at 100 tak."

Note: 100 tak, Earth time is about 48 minutes

"The pillar in the middle of the ring will continue to drop as time goes by, and when it falls to the same level as the ground, it means the game time is over."

The contestants looked back at the huge pillar in the middle of the ring and finally understood the function of this pillar.

Just now, many contestants were curious and guessed why there was a huge pillar in the center of the ring.

It turned out that this was a prop used to calculate the game time.

I just don't know if it can be destroyed.

The high priest continued:"In this game, the use of weapons other than skills is prohibited, and killing is also prohibited. Everyone's goal is to knock the opponent off the ring."

"Players who are out of bounds will be automatically teleported to the spectator stand, so don't worry."

"So, are you all ready?"

No one answered. The atmosphere on the stage was extremely serious.

Some people in the crowd were nervous; some were expressionless; some were excited; some were grinning and sneering.


The high priest raised his hand and waved

"Then I declare that the Tournament of Power begins now!!!"


As the high priest's voice fell, the contestants on the ring began to move.

In the seventh universe area,

Son Goku and Vegeta rushed out first.

Fura and Broly followed closely behind, and went to crowded places.

The chubby Majin Buu also jumped away, as if he had found a fun target and was going to have fun.

Only Son Gohan, Trunks, Piccolo, No. 16, and Sai Bensley were left on the ground, a total of 5 people.

""Eh???" Trunks was stunned. The development of the battle was somewhat beyond his expectations.

What about the unity and cooperation?

What about the cooperation to repel the enemy?

Why did it become fighting alone?


Son Gohan laughed:"Hahaha, expecting them to fight in unity is simply a dream."

""Tsk!" Piccolo couldn't help but spit.

Son Gohan turned his head to Sai Bensley and instructed:"Sai Bensley, if you see any teammates injured or exhausted, use Buu's ability to heal them."

"Got it." Sebensley nodded.

"Okay, then we can fight on our own."Son Gohan grinned and rushed out in a flash.

His goal was very clear, Universe 10

"ah……"Trunks was stunned. Brother Gohan also didn't want to fight together?

Piccolo was speechless:"……"

The two androids, No. 16 and Sebensley, looked dazed, as if nothing had to do with them.

When the players from Universe 10 saw Son Gohan rushing towards them alone, they couldn't help but sneer,"Come alone? Is this guy crazy?"

"Humph, this bastard is really courting death." One of the tallest men lifted his cloak, revealing a body of solid tendon meat, which shone with a mysterious luster under the light.

"Let me teach him a lesson." He said, not retreating but advancing towards Son Gohan.

Zamasu crossed his arms and watched coldly, intending to see the strength of the contestants on the ring first.

"Humph, all of you get off the stage and go watch the game." Son Gohan sneered as he ran, and suddenly his right hand turned into a palm and slapped out in the air.


The extremely strong wind swept the ring.

""What, what?" The strong wind surged, and the contestants from the 10th universe were stunned.

While they were surprised, the extremely strong wind had already swept their bodies and thrown them out of the ring.

The first time the 9 passers-by contestants, who the author was too lazy to name, were knocked off the ring by Son Gohan's palm wind.

On the ring, only Zamasu from the 10th universe was left with his arms on his forehead, struggling to support himself. His arms were already bleeding from the wind blades.

At this moment, Zamasu had lost his original calmness.

His pupils kept shrinking, and the shock in his heart had reached its peak.

What's wrong with the guy opposite? He killed 9 contestants from their universe with just a palm wind...

Is this really something a human can do?

It hurts, it hurts too much.

There was a piercing pain in his arm.

He was not the only one surprised.

The other contestants on the ring also saw this scene, and they all moved away from Son Gohan, fearing that they would be found and punched by Son Gohan in a while.

The 9 contestants who fell off the ring���Shadow flashed and appeared beside the God of Destruction and King Kai of Universe 10.

They had sad faces, with innocent expressions written all over their faces.

They all lowered their heads and said,"I'm sorry.……"

The elephant destroyer god Rumsey and the Kaioshin Kvass's eyebrows twitched wildly

"It's over, it's over, it's over this time, our universe is hopeless." The elephant destroyer, Rumsey, clenched his fists and stuttered.

It's not that he didn't want to find a stronger player, but he really couldn't find one.

Time was too short.

"Damn it!"

Gvas stared at Zamasu who was still struggling on the ring, and sighed secretly.

The 10th universe was really hopeless.

The opponent just launched a normal attack, and they were all gone. How can this be compared?

Damn, how could there be such a pervert in the 7th universe.

Angel Ks watched Son Gohan who was showing his power on the ring with interest, with a smile on his face all the time, without saying a word, and no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

On the ring

""Damn, bastard, how can a mere mortal possess such power?" Zamasu's forehead was bulging with veins, and his eyes were bloodshot.

He was dissatisfied, angry, and resentful.

Son Gohan's hearing was extremely good, so he naturally heard Zamasu's impotent rage."

How can I do that?

My power is all gained through my own practice.

How can I do that?"

Son Gohan appeared in front of Zamasu in an instant.

"If you are new, practice more. Get off the stage."

He punched Zamasu in the face.

Zamasu's face was hit so hard that it twisted instantly. His teeth were knocked out and blood splattered in the air. His body was like a broken sack and was thrown out of the ring by this punch.

It's over. Everything is over.

Everyone in the 10th universe was in despair. Everyone felt like they were falling into an icy cave.

When Zamasu appeared in the stands, the voice of the high priest resounded over the entire ring at the same time.

"All contestants in Universe 10 are eliminated.

All the contestants who were fighting fell silent and looked towards the direction of Universe 10 on the viewing platform.

This voice was undoubtedly a devilish voice that demanded the lives of all the people in Universe 10.


As the High Priest's voice fell, the King of All, who was sitting on the chair, raised his right hand, then slowly closed it.


The word"Eliminate" from the King of All reached everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in Universe 10, except for the angel Kss, along with the God of Destruction and the King of the Worlds, was evaporated in an instant.


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