Maybe all fusion humans have the gene to wander.

When the fusion human from Universe 3, Paparoni, saw Trunks rushing towards him, he laughed out loud:

"Hahahaha, I was already invincible when I used my fusion power. Do you still dare to come up and die?"

""Heh." Trunks sneered, teleported, and appeared at Paparoni's chest in an instant, and smashed out with his right fist wrapped in blazing arrogance.

Paparoni's size is dozens of times that of Trunks.

Trunks's brazen attack felt like a gnat trying to shake a tree.

But is it really like that?

""Bang!" a muffled sound

""Ugh~" Paparoni felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his huge body trembled and retreated, and in the blink of an eye, he had retreated to the edge of the ring.

Trunks couldn't let Paparoni go, so he moved at high speed to catch up with him, and swept his right leg across the air, completely knocking Paparoni off the ring.

As the huge body fell off the ring, the combined warriors disintegrated in an instant and appeared in the viewing area.

""What, what?" Universe 3's Kaioshin was shocked.

The God of Destruction who was driving the robot also emerged from the robot.

"How could it be? Paparoni was eliminated in two moves.……"


"All members of Universe 3 are eliminated and cleared!"

The voice of the high priest sounded at the right time, and Universe 3 also disappeared completely.

At this moment, only the warriors of Universe 7, Universe 11, and Universe 6 were left on the ring.

The demon Saiyan Kale exploded and fought back and forth with Son Goku.

Son Goku was getting more and more excited, recalling the scene of being killed in the previous battle with Broly.

Although Kale did not have the invincible power of Broly at that time, the style was almost the same, which made Son Goku very excited.

"Hahaha, luckily I have become much stronger too." Sun Wukong laughed and raised his hands to block Kale's crazy attacks.

The sonic warrior Despo from the 11th universe is indeed extraordinary and his speed is amazing.

Even though he was suppressed by Orange Piccolo and Majin Buu, he still did not lose.

The ability to increase his speed 1000 times instantly saved him many times.

The battle between Deep Blue Vegeta and the God of Destruction Toppo is also evenly matched. The fight is so fierce that rocks are flying and smoke is everywhere.

Hit's Flash Time Skill is indeed a very troublesome move.

At the beginning, Gula didn't understand his routine. , suffered a little loss.

But Gula's defensive attribute is really amazing. He was not broken by Hit's many attacks.

After being hit by Hit's moves, Gula figured out Hit's moves, and the golden energy burst out, forcing Hit to retreat again and again.

As for Jack and Caulifla's disruption, it was completely useless. The gap in combat power was too big, and the attack was like tickling Gula.

Gula took advantage of the situation and used them as soldiers to deal with Hit seriously.

At this moment, there were only Hit and the runaway Kale left in the 6th universe.


"Bang, bang, bang!"

Jiren struggled to resist Broly's attack.

"Hahaha, is this the best you can do?"Broly laughed out loud, his emerald green hair flying, like a demon.

After going through Whis's special training, Broly was still able to maintain some sanity when he was rampaging, and could barely communicate, but his personality was completely different.

"Bastard!" Hearing Broly's ridicule, Jiren was furious.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people on the ring, he became more and more anxious.

Now only the 7th universe was fully staffed on the ring. Their 11th universe was already more than half dead, and it was not just a simple disadvantage in strength.


Are we really going to lose?

Jiren kept asking himself in his heart.

No, no.

Seeing his teammates falling and standing up again and again, the fire in Jiren's heart burned more and more. He couldn't lose.

He couldn't lose.

This game was about the survival of the entire universe and whether his teacher Jie Qing could be resurrected.

Thinking back to the past, Jiren also completely exploded.


His voice even overwhelmed Broly's roar, resounding throughout the void.

The eyes of the Joker God of Destruction on the viewing platform lit up.

"Great, Jiren has broken through his limit, and there is still a chance."

The gods were also surprised to see Jiren's momentum soaring again on the ring.

At this time, Jiren's hidden potential was completely awakened.

His muscles expanded further, and the flames burning on his body were no longer just orange-red.

Instead, they evolved into a silver-white and rose-red flame. The flames were about to materialize, and the aura increased a lot.

All the members of the Pride Team were surprised and seemed to see a glimmer of victory.

This is Jiren's state of surpassing the limit!

"I won't lose to you!" Jiren roared and rushed towards Broly

"Hahaha……"Broly also laughed wildly and rushed forward.

A more intense battle broke out between the two.

"Boom boom boom!"

Jiren and Broly exchanged countless punches, energy radiated, and the ring had already collapsed more than half.

Jiren, who had broken through his limit, managed to save the situation a little, and was no longer passively beaten like before.

However, Broly was still crazier and stronger than him. It was just that the gap in strength was indeed narrowed a little.


Jiren leaped up and slapped his hands towards the ring.

Dozens of energy shock waves poured down, surrounding Broly and exploding wildly.

In the thick smoke, a green light suddenly expanded and illuminated the sky.

Broly rushed out of the explosion unscathed, raised his hand and threw a huge green energy bomb at Jiren.

Jiren raised his hand with a hideous face to block, and then knocked the energy bomb away.

Broly approached and smashed his huge fist in the air.

"Ahhhh……"Jillian was forced to defend himself, with his hands above his head, and Raleigh's fist hit his arm.


The place where Jiren stood exploded with a bang, and the ring collapsed faster.

As time passed, the huge stone pillar that calculated time had fallen by more than half.

The 11th universe lost two more players, and only Jiren, Toppo, and Despo were left on the field.

Hit from the 6th universe was also eliminated by Golden Frog.

The runaway Kale was no match for Super Saiyan Blue Son Goku and was kicked off the ring.

At this point, only the players from the 7th universe and the 11th universe were left on the ring.

"Universe 6, all members are eliminated and cleared."The voice of the high priest sounded again.

All the members of Universe 6 were silent for a moment and accepted this fact calmly.

Champa jumped up, made a face at Beerus, and gave him a middle finger,"Goodbye, brother!"

Then his body blurred and disappeared completely.

Bardos sat alone in the same place, his figure looked very bleak.

Beerus was silent. He stared blankly at the direction where Champa disappeared, and then hummed in a low voice.

At this time, the clown destroyer no longer had any hope of winning.

Even if he continued to consume and delayed until the end of the game time, the winner would still be Universe 7.

After all, at this time on the ring, Universe 7 was still full, but there were only 3 fighters left in their own universe.

How can they fight?

Fight with their heads?

Look, now more than half of the fighters in Universe 7 have crossed their arms to watch the battle.

Is this reasonable?


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