"Come on, this is called skill, okay?" Son Gohan laughed heartily, raising his hand and throwing energy bombs into the sky.

"You have no moral principles."Jiren cursed and slapped away Son Gohan's energy balls, almost mad to death.

Now his strength is obviously stronger than Son Gohan.

But Son Gohan is too tough.

Coupled with all kinds of weird moves, he can't be defeated in a short time.

Instead, he was tricked by him and took a Kamehameha wave.

Shameless guy.

Really shameless guy.

Jiren kept slapping away energy balls and successfully landed on the ground.

But Son Gohan's dense energy rain attack was still pouring down crazily.

It was as if this guy had infinite physical strength and infinite energy.

What a pervert.

Jiren moved at high speed, constantly slapping and dodging energy balls, constantly approaching Son Gohan.

Finally, he raised his hand and waved, and energy bombs gushed out from his fingers and hit Son Gohan.

The rumbling energy attacks kept exploding.

Thick smoke covered most of the battlefield.


Not as good as skills, Jiren chose to use power to crush.

He clasped his hands together. At the same time, a huge energy ball fluttered in the wind, as big as half of the ring, crushing towards Son Gohan and the nine warriors behind him.

Seeing such a large energy ball coming, Trunks and others' eyebrows kept jumping.

Son Gohan instantly raised his breath to the peak, gathered his hands at his waist, and used a Kamehameha wave to meet it.

Seeing this, Son Goku and others could no longer continue to watch the battle.

Son Goku and Vegeta both suddenly changed into Super Saiyan Blue form, and also sent out Kamehameha waves and Ultimate Flash.

Orange Piccolo once again became a warrior, he pointed his two fingers on his forehead to charge, and roared out a magic light killing cannon.

Purple and gold energy intertwined and rushed towards Jiren's shockwave.

Trunks also became a Super Saiyan 4 and fired a magic flash.

Cooler transformed into a gold form again, and tripled supernova to meet it.

Broly shouted"Ahhh" and activated the full energy of Super Saiyan Green Hair again, and a green energy shockwave hit him.

On the 16th and Selbensley, it also sent out qigong waves to meet.

At the beginning, the dazzling light erupted. With the sound of"Boom, Boom, Boom", the ring has accelerated the crash. The king and the destruction are equally nervous because they are really exciting. The blue tendons are straight , and the blood vessels are raised on the arm


Along with the sound of the shock wave, there were also the shouts of 10 soldiers.

"Damn it."The muscles on Jiren's arms kept throbbing.

He had already pushed his strength to the limit.

At this moment, he once again realized what the power of a team is.

If his other teammates were still on the ring, it would be a completely different scene.


Jiren's eyes blurred, and he saw that Son Gohan, who was still fighting, suddenly appeared beside him in an instant.

He raised his fist high and punched him in the waist.


Jiren's eyes widened.

Clone Technique?


When you are so focused on the attack, it is really fatal to face such a blow.

Jiren was hit by Son Gohan's punch and flew away like a meteorite.



The Qigong wave exploded at this moment.

The extremely strong Qi wave submerged the entire ring, and the scene inside could not be seen clearly.

Jiren and Toppo appeared in the viewing area of Universe 11 at the same time.

Because they fell off the ring, their fusion was also dissolved.

Even their clothes were brand new.

This was all thanks to the terrifying ability of the high priest.

"Still lost." Jiren lowered his head.

Toppo was also speechless.

They hadn't expected Son Gohan to be so outrageously strong.

Even after they fused, they couldn't defeat him.

The voice of the Clown God of Destruction suddenly rang out:"Jiren, do you know why Jie Qing didn't let you graduate?"

"Why?" Jillian raised his head and looked at the Clown Destroyer.

The Clown Destroyer said:"Because you believe in your own strength too much, and you will only believe in your own strength forever. He wants you to learn the importance of teamwork, do you understand?"

""The team." Jiren muttered to himself, turning his head to look at the gradually brightening arena.

At this moment, the voice of the high priest rang out:"Universe 11, all members are eliminated and cleared!"

Then, accompanied by the voice of the Omni-King, all the people in Universe 11 instantly became blurred and disappeared.

Before disappearing, Jiren vaguely heard a sentence,"Jiren, you have graduated……"

I don't know if it's the voice of the clown destroyer or the voice of teacher Jie Qing.


On the ring, the smoke gradually dissipated.

Then there were bursts of violent coughing.

Son Gohan held up a protective shield to protect everyone.

There was only a 10-square-meter stone left under their feet.

The huge ring, including the timing pillar, was blown into powder.

"Phew, I won.……"

Several people showed visibly happy expressions.

On the viewing platform, Beerus and the two Kaioshin also stood up and cheered.

""Hahaha, we won, we finally won!"

Unfortunately, not many people could share their joy.

The high priest floated up.

He said:"Congratulations to the Seventh Universe Team for winning this competition."

As his voice rang out.

A noble scepter appeared in the high priest's right hand.

He raised his hand and waved it.

The arena that had been blown up to a place where only a foothold was left reappeared and returned to its original state before the game.

Only the stone pillar in the middle for timing was gone.

"Wow, this is so exciting." The Omni King also stood up from his chair.

All the warriors of the Seventh Universe looked up at the High Priest and the Omni King.

The Omni King continued:"High Priest, according to the rules of the competition, only the best players can get the ultimate reward, the Super Dragon Balls."

"But who is the best warrior among the 10 warriors of Universe 7?"

The high priest said with a smile:"Of course it depends on the number of eliminations. The one with the most eliminations is the best warrior."

"So the best player should be Mr. Son Gohan"

"Well, it's just as I thought."The King of All said with a smile

"Okay, let’s give out the rewards next."


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