"Kid, how's it going? Do you feel it?" Beerus grinned and walked over step by step.

Every step he took made a thumping sound, as if he was stepping on Son Gohan's heart.

Son Gohan's blood flowed faster and faster, and his heartbeat became faster and faster.

His eyes suddenly burst into two dazzling rays of light.


Son Gohan, with silver energy surging all over his body, stepped on the ground and rushed towards Beerus.

""Ah, da da da!"

Dense attacks continued to pour down.

Beerus raised his hand to block them one by one.

The speed of both of them was extremely fast, and it was impossible to catch them with the naked eye.

Whis watched with a smile, being the only bystander.

His strength was far superior to that of Beerus and Son Gohan, so he naturally saw the fight between the two clearly.

At this moment, Son Gohan attacked frantically, and Beerus either raised his hand to block, or dodged sideways, or counterattacked.

In just a moment, Son Gohan was hit by Beerus countless times.

At the beginning, Son Gohan would retreat after being hit, but as time went on, Son Gohan seemed to be getting braver and braver, and it also stimulated the animal nature in his body.

Even if he was hit by countless punches, his fighting style was still indomitable, constantly entangled with Beerus

"Boom boom boom!"

The two exchanged countless punches.

Beerus was surprised to find that Son Gohan became stronger rapidly during the fight.


" Haa...



A purple column of air shot up into the sky.

In an instant, the breath of God filled the air.

It was like a materialized purple wave of air that enveloped Son Gohan.

The lake was in turmoil.

Son Gohan's temperament changed dramatically.

In addition to the wildness of a beast, there was also a bit of evil charm.

The silver hair turned silver purple.

One of his eyes was red and the other purple, which was indescribably evil.

His eyebrows disappeared, and his brow bones protruded, looking a bit like a bad guy.

The breath entangled Son Gohan was silver inside and wrapped in a rich purple outside, which was the same as the just... The two are incomparable.

This is the beast state plus the ultimate self-will!

Beerus finally pushed Son Gohan to his limit.

The purpose of the beast state is to fight like crazy.

To be precise, the ultimate self-will is more like a state of mind. The more you fight, the stronger and braver you become. You turn emotions into strength and turn other people's attacks into your own strength.

The beast state and the ultimate self-will do not conflict. On the contrary, they complement each other. They can bring the two forms to the extreme and burst out more incredible power.

Whis, who was watching the battle, laughed.

Beerus also showed a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth


Son Gohan rushed out quickly.

A huge explosion occurred on the lake, and the water surged into the sky.


A fierce punch has been thrown.

Beerus' whole body is wrapped in purple air waves. He wants to test Son Gohan's attack, so he also punches him.

The two fists collided.

The space collapsed.

Circles of air waves shot out in all directions.

With them as the center, the ground sank rapidly, and the entire Destroyer God Planet was crumbling.

At this moment, the two seemed to have turned into house-destroying masters.

It seemed that the destruction of the Destroyer God Planet was not a problem.


The two separated quickly.

The floating rocks were also destroyed with a bang.


Beerus was hit in the face and was knocked flying.


Son Gohan was hit on the waist by Beerus' knee, which was very painful.

Bang bang bang!

The two jumped into the air and wrestled together madly


With them as the center, a purple-black energy ball fluttered in the wind, kept getting bigger, and then exploded with a bang!


The two of them collided with each other again.


This time, their attacks hit Whis's palm.

Whis suddenly appeared between them and blocked their attacks.

Whis smiled and said,"Okay, Master Beerus, Mr. Gohan, let's stop here."

The two had to stop.

Their energy fluctuations were too large, and the damage caused was also great.

The small Destroyer Planet was seriously damaged in a short time.

The task of repairing it will fall on Whis again.

Beerus looked at Son Gohan's unsparing praise

"Boy, I was right about you. You are a good candidate to be a destroyer."

"With your current strength, you can easily defeat Jiren who has merged with Toppo."

"It's amazing that he made a breakthrough in such a short time."

Son Gohan smiled and said,"It's all thanks to Mr. Whis and Mr. Beerus' good teaching."

"Hohoho." Whis laughed and said,"Master Beerus, if I'm not mistaken, Mr. Gohan should have discovered his breakthrough opportunity a long time ago, but he didn't make the breakthrough until the battle with Master Beerus."

"This is going to shock Lord Beerus, hahaha"

""Boy, is this true?" Beerus looked at Son Gohan.

Son Gohan scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and retreated from his Ultimate Self and Beast Form.

"I was trying this form when I was fighting Jiren, but unfortunately Jiren didn't put enough pressure on me."

"So it was Master Beerus who helped me complete the evolution."

Beerus said:"……You are amazing."

Son Gohan asked curiously:"Lord Beerus, I am curious about something."

Beerus glanced at him:"What is it?"

Son Gohan:"How much strength did you use just now?"

"70%." Beerus said

"Really 70%? The first time you went to Earth to fight my father, you said you used 70% of your strength. Your strength just now is many times stronger than that time."

"Hahahaha, I really used 70% of it just now." Beerus laughed.

"Gohan, to tell you the truth, you are now stronger than some of the gods of destruction"

"But don't be complacent, you haven't defeated me yet."

Berus said with his hands on his hips.

Son Gohan nodded:"That's right, there is no end to learning, I will redouble my efforts to practice."

Beerus' heart skipped a beat.

I have to redouble my efforts to practice?

No, I have to do some special training.

Otherwise, sooner or later I will be surpassed by this kid.

Then I will have no place to put my face.

After roughly understanding Son Gohan's current strength and the degree of his mastery of"destruction",

Beerus began to customize a training plan for Son Gohan.

Among them, the training of the breath of God

『The practice and use of the"Power of Destruction".

The power and ability of the God of Destruction.

What things the God of Destruction should pay attention to.

After talking to Son Gohan for a long time, Beerus said,"Whis, I'll teach you."

Then he disappeared without a trace.


Son Gohan began to practice on his own.

After truly reaching the realm of the God of Destruction, Son Gohan entered a brand new colorful world.

This practice method is different from previous forms of practice.

It touches upon the use of some rules.

Things that were completely impossible to do before have now become easy.

For example, if Son Gohan was asked to collect Super Dragon Balls before, he really couldn't do it.

Because he couldn't collect Super Dragon Balls as big as a planet.

But now, he can do it easily.


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