"Senior, can you teach me the ability to travel through the universe? I want to learn this." Son Gohan said sincerely.

The evil woman Bardos looked at Son Gohan and laughed,"Wow, this is not really a skill, it's just flying."

"Logically speaking, as long as the speed is fast enough, Mr. Gohan can fly back to the seventh universe by himself."

Son Gohan asked:"Then how long do you think it will take me to fly back to the seventh universe from here?"

"It will probably take a month, which is pretty quick.


How long? A month?

Son Gohan almost vomited blood after hearing this.

Although it is indeed very fast, after all, it is traveling through the universe.

But it is hard for him to accept that it will take a month to fly.

Oh, maybe I will have to work part-time in the sixth universe.

After all, working anywhere is not a job.

It would be good if I can improve my strength.

Bardos' eyes turned, as if she saw through Son Gohan's thoughts.

She turned her head to look at Champa who was sleeping soundly with a stone in his arms.

A plan came to her mind.

So she said loudly:"Lord Champa, it's time for dinner."


The sleeping Xiangpa suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up.

"Eat? Where?"

Xiangpa turned his head around in confusion.

There was no food at all.

He was fooled.

Xiangpa's face fell.

Bados' voice sounded again:"Lord Xiangpa, I want to discuss something with you."

"What?" Xiangpa came over, looking unhappy.

Damn Bardos, he was fooled by her every day, but it was different every time.

How could I, such a simple God of Destruction, meet such a black-bellied angel?

Xiangpa felt so wronged.

Bardos smiled and said,"Lord Xiangpa, there are guests here. As the host, how can you just go to bed whenever you want? Don't you think so, Mr. Gohan?"

Son Gohan shook his head,"It's okay, Lord Xiangpa can sleep whenever he wants. Not to mention that he sleeps with a stone in his arms, he can even pretend to be a mermaid and sleep at the bottom of the lake."

Xiangpa:... What are you talking about? Why does it sound weird


"Bardos, what do you want to say? He looked at Bardos.

"Lord Xiangpa, didn’t you want Mr. Gohan to come to our universe to be the God of Destruction?"

"Yes, but he is now Beerus' trainee God of Destruction."

"Hohoho, but isn’t Mr. Gohan in our universe now?"

"What do you mean?" Champa was confused and didn't understand.

Bardos continued:"Although Mr. Gohan is the trainee God of Destruction of Beerus, isn't he in our universe now? So he can also work here, he can also be the trainee God of Destruction of the sixth universe"

""Ah???" Champa raised his hand and scratched the back of his head.

Son Gohan looked at Bardos with an expression that said you know me.

Champa said,"Isn't this bad? Isn't this stealing Beerus' girl?"

Bardos:"Wow, Lord Champa, are you afraid of Lord Beerus? Wow, this is really rare."

Hearing Bardos' words, Champa immediately retorted,"You are talking nonsense, how could I be afraid of Beerus?"

"What do you call it when Son Gohan is both an intern God of Destruction in Universe 7 and working in our universe?"

"Yes, what is this called?"Bados also frowned, and couldn't think of an appropriate adjective for a moment.

Son Gohan said:"Part-time job"

"Part-time job? Part-time God of Destruction?" Champa and Bardos looked at him at the same time.

Son Gohan:...

I don't know why, but this title sounds cheap and ordinary.

Did he lower the status of the God of Destruction by his own strength?

Bardos nodded repeatedly and said,"Well, it sounds appropriate."

"Let's just leave it at that." Champa also said that he was very satisfied that Son Gohan could help him with his work.

The main reason was that they were competing with Beerus for people, and he could disgust Beerus.

This really hit Champa's sweet spot.

He was so happy.

Son Gohan said:"Did you overlook one thing?"

"What, what's the matter?" Xiangpa was stunned. Did he overlook something important?

Son Gohan said:"You didn't ask for my opinion."

"Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha ha." Xiangpa's mouth twitched, and he smiled awkwardly:"Yes, yes, then are you willing to be a part-time God of Destruction?"

Son Gohan grinned and said:"It's okay for me to work here part-time, but I have a small request."

He looked at Bardos and made a small gesture with two fingers.

""Hey, Mr. Gohan, what do you want to do? Why do you look so scary?" Bardos covered his chest with his hands and said vigilantly.

Son Gohan smiled and said,"After work, please teach me how to learn."

"Oh, so that's how it is, then what do you want to learn?" Bardos asked.

Son Gohan:"I want to learn everything."

Bardos agreed immediately:"That's no problem, of course"

""Okay, it's settled." Son Gohan smiled happily.

"Let's go and start working. Then he said

"Ah, are you in such a hurry? Xiangpa was surprised.

""Master Xiangpa, let me teach you an idiom. This idiom means to race against time. Never let laziness corrupt our souls. Once a bad habit is formed, it will be difficult to correct it in the future." Sun Wufan said

"Okay, that seems to be the truth."Xiangpa nodded blankly, and was fooled inadvertently.

Yes, yes, yes, that's the feeling we want.

It's time for Lord Xiangpa to work hard. Bardos nodded with satisfaction.

""Hohoho, let's go." Bardos laughed happily and tapped the ground with his staff.

The three of them immediately turned into a beam of white light and rushed into the sky, rushing out of the Destroyer God Realm.

So, on the first day of work, Xiangpa witnessed Son Gohan's culture of curling.

He first set a goal to destroy 50 death stars first, and he would never return to the Destroyer God Planet before completing the task. After a busy day, Xiangpa was exhausted.

When he returned after completing the task, he was exhausted.

He finally understood why Beerus ran away.

50 death stars a day, you can't stand this.

Look, it's only the first day, and I, Xiangpa, am tired and thin.

Xiangpa lay on the grass looking at the sky with no desire to live, and fell into thinking about life.

And Son Gohan began to learn the language of God from Bardos.

In a daze, Xiangpa was awakened by Son Gohan again.……

"Lord Xiangpa, it's time for us to go to work."

Xiangpa's fat face twisted into a ball:"……"


Universe 7.

Southern Galaxy.

Gula was doing one-handed push-ups in the training room, sweat rolling down his forehead.

He didn't dare to rest at all.

Since he said he wanted to take revenge on Son Gohan, he must surpass Son Gohan in strength.

Otherwise, it would be a pipe dream.

But Son Gohan is too strong now.

Judging from his performance in the Tournament of Power, he is still far away, not enough, far from enough.

So there is still a long way to go to catch up with Son Gohan's strength.

He also needs to work harder to make it possible.

But the facts told him that all this was not optimistic.

Because he clearly felt that his strength growth had slowed down.

It was no longer like when he first started practicing, and his combat effectiveness could advance by leaps and bounds.

So, he needed to think of other ways to solve this problem.

At this time, a person hurried to the door of Gula's training room.

The person who came was the core member of the Gula Mecha Team, Xaviza.

In the Gula Mecha Team, Xaviza's power was only second to Gula.

He was the second in command of the Gula Corps.

Shaviza knelt on one knee and said loudly:"My lord, we have a clue about Namek."


"This is really great news." Gula stopped exercising, stood up straight, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


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