How nervous can a person be?

Kale used facts to tell everyone that she could be so nervous that smoke came out of her head.

She herself didn't know why, but once she thought of Broly's majestic figure, she became very nervous.

Caulifla looked at her and discovered the fun of today.

She joked,"You said no, but look at you, your face is so red that it's about to burn."

"But then again, I still think that guy named Son Gohan is more handsome"

"The long, furry tail behind him is full of wildness, it's so cool."

As Caulifla was talking, she held her chin with her hands, and stars appeared in her eyes. She was definitely a little fangirl.

Kale disagreed with her, but did not refute her.

With steam coming out of her head, her mind was blank.


At this moment, the space shook.

Son Gohan came across the space.

Seeing Caulifla and Kale, Son Gohan raised his hand and greeted them:"Hi, Caulifla, and Kale, long time no see."

""Ah? Son, Son Gohan?" Caulifla froze for a moment, then woke up in shock.

Then she jumped up.

Then she circled around Son Gohan and poked his arm to confirm that it was a real person.

"Uh~" Son Gohan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Caulifla's eyes glowed and said,"Why are you here?"

"Aren't you supposed to be in Universe 7?"

"Do you have the ability to travel through the universe?"

"You are awesome."

Caulifla's series of questions made Son Gohan feel uncomfortable.

He still liked Caulifla's previous rebellious look.

Son Gohan couldn't say he hated this irritable female Saiyan wearing only a tube top, but he didn't like her either.

He had expected this black-haired loli to provoke him without thinking, and then he would beat her up.

But he didn't expect her to become so enthusiastic, like a little fangirl.

Son Gohan explained awkwardly:

"Because of Lord Xiangpa, I have been active in your universe recently."

Then he looked at Kaier, whose face was still red.

He asked curiously,"What's wrong with Miss Kaier? Are you feeling unwell?""

"No, I'm fine." Kale shrank her head.

Caulifla on the side, however, put her hands on her hips, laughed and said,"Haha, because we just talked about Broly, Kale got shy, and then she became like this."

Son Gohan:???

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Kale.

Sure enough, he found that Kale was even more nervous now.

Could it be... this girl likes Broly?

Oh my god, this is incredible.

If these two are together, what kind of child will they have?

Just thinking about it makes me excited.

Interesting, really interesting.

Thinking of this, Son Gohan also grinned,"Hehe, this is a good thing. Broly has been single for so many years and has always been lonely. Now he has a friend like Miss Kale, I'm sure he will be very happy."

"Really?"Kail looked up.

Son Gohan nodded.

"Of course, that guy is a loner, but he is kind. Although he doesn't talk much, he is a reliable person."

"People like him may appear cold on the surface, but they actually really want to make friends, right?"

""Miss Kaier, aren't you the same kind of person? Am I right?"

Kaier hesitated and didn't say anything.

But Caulifla, who was watching the show on the side, nodded repeatedly:"Yes, yes, yes, it seems that you know Kaier very well, it doesn't seem like you just met her."

"Haha, right?"

"You are amazing." Caulifla looked at Son Gohan in admiration.

"Well, I just know Broly." Son Gohan said

"Didn't Broly come with you?" Caulifla asked.

"Haha, he didn't come. I came alone this time."

""Oh, I see." Caulifla nodded.

Hearing that Broly didn't come, Kael was relieved, but she felt a little disappointed.

This was an extremely complicated emotion, and she herself didn't understand it.

""Hahaha, stay for dinner. I'll call Cabbe over as well." Caulifla said carelessly.

Without waiting for Son Gohan's consent, she gave orders and asked her men to prepare food.

Not long after, Cabbe arrived in a strange vehicle.

He jumped off the vehicle, ran briskly towards Son Gohan, and greeted him enthusiastically.

"Mr. Gohan, long time no see, how have you been recently?"

"Hehe, long time no see, everything goes well."Son Gohan said with a smile

"I couldn't believe it when I heard Caulifla say that you were visiting our planet Sarada. I didn't expect it to be true. Didn't Mr. Son Goku come?"

Cabbe was also impressed by Son Goku.

Because it was Son Goku who taught them how to transform into Super Saiyans.

He was very grateful and regarded Son Goku as his teacher. He was looking forward to meeting him again.

Son Gohan joked,"Dad is busy practicing. I came alone this time. What? Am I not welcome if I come alone?"

Cabe was shocked:"Ah, how is that possible? No way, we welcome Mr. Gohan very much."

Looking at Cabbe's embarrassment, Son Gohan burst into laughter.

Not long after, a table of"sumptuous" food was ready.

A plate of compressed biscuits.

A plate of dishes made of unknown plant leaves.

Several large pieces of boiled meat that looked half-cooked, of course, no one knew what kind of meat it was.

There were also several balls of hard pasta.

Several cups of unknown plant juice.

Caulifla and others warmly invited Son Gohan to take a seat.

Son Gohan frowned and looked around. He really had no appetite.

In his heart, he had already found out the reason why the Saiyans on the Sarada planet were so skinny.

If they ate like this, they would be skinny.

He couldn't help but sigh that the food culture of the Dragon Ball world was really backward.

Miserable, really miserable.

Looking at the enthusiastic Saiyans, Son Gohan gritted his teeth and sat down

"Mr. Gohan, I am sorry for the poor hospitality."Gabby said.

He was the only one among them who could say nice things.

This was one of the reasons why Caulifla asked him to come.

"Oh, it's really just plain food.", Son Gohan complained in his heart.

He laughed and said,"Hahaha, I'm not hungry, you guys eat more."

The Saiyans didn't have any guests, so they ate and drank heartily, looking like they were enjoying themselves.

It can be seen that even such food is not available to them every day.

This was specially prepared to entertain Son Gohan.

Poor Saiyans


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