Whis also said with a smile,"I'm looking forward to it, too."

Then he let go of Sun Wukong's arm.

Sun Wukong quickly retracted his hand, chuckled, and fought with Whis again.

On the other side, Broly watched the battle with his eyes wide open. The more he watched, the more excited he became. He was infected by Sun Wukong's fighting. The Saiyan blood in his body rushed wildly. He clenched his fists, and his body burst into a strong fighting spirit.

Then, he suddenly turned his head to look at Vegeta, who was also watching the battle on the side.

Feeling Broly's beast-like fiery gaze, Vegeta couldn't help but feel goosebumps in his heart.

He frowned, stared at Broly, and snorted coldly,"Huh, what are you looking at?"

Broly's smile was a little evil, he said,"Come, fight me"

""Hmph, come on." Vegeta responded with a stiff face.

He knew that he would face a tough battle next.

He was well aware of Broly's power. It was inevitable to get beaten.

But it was also a good opportunity to verify the results of his training during this period.

Thinking of the"destruction" energy taught by Lord Beerus, Vegeta's heart was hot again.

Although he only learned a little bit, Vegeta believed that his fighting ability had been improved to a higher level, and he was no longer the Vegeta of the past.

He was now Super Vegeta.

Then... Broly pressed him to the ground and beat him up.


A small incident occurred during the training on the second day.

The prophecy fish, which had been acting as a background, had insomnia.

Because of its insomnia, the people on Planet Destroyer were harassed by the prophecy fish and could not train normally or rest well.

Therefore, they decided to cure its insomnia.

Weiss pulled out a syringe and shook it.

Seeing the thick syringe and the glittering needle, the prophecy fish was almost scared to death, and fled madly, shouting for help.

"Goku, go ahead." Whis raised his hand and pointed at the prophecy fish whose face had turned blue with fear.

""Hehehe~" Sun Wukong rubbed his hands and rushed towards the prophecy fish.

His speed was extremely fast.

Before the prophecy fish could react, Sun Wukong's huge figure had already covered it.


Sun Wukong shouted, and his two big hands suddenly stretched out and grabbed the prophecy fish.

"Haha, I caught it"

"Ah, you barbarian, let me go, you are so rude."The prophecy fish twisted its body and struggled frantically.

But how could its carrot-sized body have any strength? It was tightly grasped by Sun Wukong and could not move.

Seeing that the prophecy fish was so dishonest, Sun Wukong licked his lips and threatened loudly:

"Hey, hey, hey, be quiet and don't move, or I'll make you into grilled fish with salt and pepper and eat you."

Hearing what Sun Wukong said, the prophecy fish trembled and really didn't dare to move anymore. When the savage Saiyans talked about eating, they were not vague.

The prophecy fish was really scared.

Sun Wukong shouted at Whis:"Mr. Whis, hurry up now!"

"Hohoho, here it comes."

Whis' figure flashed and instantly appeared beside Sun Wukong, and the needle pierced the body of the prophecy fish.

The vitamins for treating insomnia in the syringe were quickly pushed into the body of the prophecy fish.

The next second, the potion took effect, and the prophecy fish fell into a deep sleep.

Sun Wukong put the sleeping prophecy fish back into its exclusive fish tank floating in the air.

Whis put away the syringe and smiled:"Wow, vitamins are really the best medicine for treating lack of sleep."

Vegeta, who had been watching with his arms crossed, exclaimed:"It's amazing that fish can suffer from insomnia."

Broly also stared with a puzzled look on his face.

Whis smiled and said:"Yes, it is indeed extremely rare"

"But by the way, this is not a good thing. When fish become sleep deprived, it is a sign that bad things will happen in the future."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Everyone was stunned.

Broly:"Is it a sign that something bad is going to happen?"

Sun Wukong:"Is it a new strong enemy that has appeared? Haha, that's great."


Beerus punched Sun Wukong's head and said angrily,"Asshole, haven't you learned your lesson yet? I want to have a good sleep, don't cause me any trouble."

""Ugh, Lord Beerus, it hurts, really, how could I be in trouble?" Son Goku complained, holding his head.

Beerus snorted coldly:"Humph, anyway, you all should be steady. Now that Gohan is not here, I feel that none of you are very reliable. It's really not reassuring."

Son Gohan, who was far away in the sixth universe, did not expect that Lord Beerus would give him such a high evaluation behind his back.

Whis blinked and continued:"But it is not necessarily the case. Maybe nothing bad will happen.……"

Sun Wukong covered his head and asked,"Mr. Whis, when will Gohan come back?"

""Haha, I can't explain it clearly." Whis laughed and looked at Beerus beside him.

Beerus laughed dryly and said nothing.

"So what on earth is Gohan doing in the sixth universe?" Sun Wukong continued to ask

""Oh, I don't know either." Whis covered his mouth and chuckled. He was the one who didn't know anything.

Beerus punched him again and said coldly,"Boy, practice more and ask less." He had a tsundere taste.

He would never say that it was because Son Gohan was too arrogant that he let that guy go to the sixth universe for a"vacation"


In another starry sky of the seventh universe, its own story is also being played out.

This starry sky is filled with dense meteorites, and among the dense meteorites there is a relatively complete planet.

It is located in the center of this desolate star field, and those dense meteorites act as a natural barrier.

People who are not familiar with interstellar routes can easily get lost in the meteorites and cannot find the meteorite in the middle.

The four brothers of Sita have deeply developed this meteorite and turned the entire meteorite into their solid castle.

At this time, deep in the castle.

As the leader of the Sita group, Alec sat high in the main seat.

His two younger brothers and a younger sister sat on both sides in front of him, one body shorter.

As the eldest of the four brothers of the Sita family, Alec is also the tallest and strongest one.

Their family has aqua blue skin, everyone has dreadlocks, wears a red top with gold edges, and white loose trousers.

As the eldest brother, Alec is wearing a bright red robe and is looking up at his younger brothers and sisters in front of him.

The second oldest is called Oir. He is the fattest and the only fat man among the four. He is also the most straightforward. He can never hide anything and always speaks his mind.

The third oldest is a girl named Maggie. She has a lolita body and is very cute, but you can’t judge a person by appearance. She is a black-bellied woman who is ruthless and should not be underestimated.

The fourth oldest is called Jas.

He is short, with a bone chain on his forehead, and his aura is very cold.

Among the four brothers, Jas has the weirdest personality.

But despite his weird personality, he is the one who trusts and protects his brother Alec the most.

He has never disobeyed Alec since he was a child, and has strictly carried out all of Alec’s orders.

He has always regarded Alec as a benchmark of faith and the hope of revitalizing the family.

And he himself is just a perverted monster who can help his brother a little.


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