What kind of wish is this?

Is that really all?

Hearing what Coola said, the Great Elder of Namek was shocked.

It was not what he had imagined... such as immortality, dominating the universe, etc.

By the way, what wish did King Frieza want to make back then?

Coola saw that the Great Elder remained silent for a long time after he said his wish, and thought that he disagreed, and he was immediately annoyed.

"Asshole, I have sacrificed my life for the Seventh Universe and fought for its survival, but now even this small wish cannot be fulfilled. I don't think there is any need to stay on Namek.……"

As he spoke angrily, waves of wind rose up around him, and the entire Namek began to tremble.

This frightening scene of words and deeds was filled with a strong sense of oppression.

Countless Namekians stared with wide eyes, horrified.

"Destroy it!!!"

Gula raised his hand to the sky, and a golden energy ball fluttered in the wind.

The terrifying energy emanating from it was extremely terrifying.

"Ah, wait, wait a minute, I can grant you this wish." The Namekian elder said hurriedly, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Oh, really?"Gula grinned, and the huge golden energy ball in the sky dissipated, and the strong wind around it suddenly stopped.

Everything returned to calm.

"Okay, let's collect the Dragon Balls and start summoning Shenron."Gula said.

He had seen Whis summon the Super Shenron, so he thought Namek's Dragon Balls would use the same trick.

Gula was very understanding, and Namek looked at him deeply.

He didn't dare to have any other ideas, and started to operate according to Gula's instructions.


Universe 6, Planet Sarada.

Son Gohan stayed here for half a day and taught some training methods to Caulifla, Gabekare and others.

Then, he went to see the king of Planet Sarada.

When King Sarada saw the earrings on Son Gohan's ears, he fell to his knees with a thud, shouting,"Meet the God of Destruction."

His action directly shocked Caulifla and others who followed him.

""Lord God of Destruction?" Caulifla stepped back two steps, staring at Son Gohan in disbelief with her eyes wide open.

When did Son Gohan become the Lord God of Destruction?

This was too dreamy.

They had never thought about it.

But King Sarada was knowledgeable and recognized the earring on Son Gohan's ear that could use the symbol of destruction.

Only then did he recognize Son Gohan's identity.

Son Gohan said:"King Sarada, please stand up"

"Thank you, Lord God of Destruction." King Sarada thanked him loudly, then climbed up carefully.

Son Gohan laughed and explained,"Hahaha, I'm not actually the God of Destruction. I'm just learning from Lord God of Destruction. There's no need to be so reserved."

"No, I dare not. You are also the Lord God of Destruction."How could King Sarada dare to be really presumptuous? He was scared to death. It was just a polite remark. Who dared to take it seriously

? Stop joking, okay?

If the Lord God of Destruction kills someone, he will not even have the chance to reincarnate.

He will be completely destroyed from this world and his existence will be wiped out.

How could King Sarada, who knew this, not be afraid?

Then, King Sarada entertained them with the highest standards and etiquette.

Of course, Son Gohan didn't like their food at all and was not interested.

Before leaving, Son Gohan said that when he was leaving the sixth universe, he would invite Kale Caulifla and others to play in the seventh universe.

This made Caulifla's eyes light up and look forward to it.

Son Gohan also instructed them to practice well and wait until the next meeting to test their practice results.

This made them a little nervous again.

Son Gohan himself was too powerful, and now with the halo of the God of Destruction, this made them look forward to it while increasing pressure.

After that, Son Gohan disappeared in a flash.

Only everyone was left looking at each other on the Sara Star



After receiving Alec's message, Granola left Cyril in a hurry.

What he didn't know was that Maggie and Oyl, who should have left long ago, turned back and lurked on Cyril.

Granola took the spaceship and rushed all the way to the base of the Sita family.

At this time, he was furious, and his eyes were filled with strong hatred.

"Hehe, Frieza, the damn Saiyan monkey... Good, very good, I can finally take revenge myself."

He clenched his fists, his teeth creaked, and his body was shaking with excitement.

Granola was originally a very rational person.

But when it comes to Frieza and the Saiyans, hatred will completely overwhelm him, and he will become crazy and lose his mind.

Soon, the base of the Sita family arrived.

After parking the spaceship at the parking place, Granola flew to the castle of the Sita family.

"Hey, isn't this Granola? What are you doing in such a hurry?"A yellow-skinned alien blocked Granola's way.

As mercenaries of the Sita family, many mercenaries dislike Granola very much.

Sohier is no exception.

Because Granola is arrogant and difficult to get along with, and his performance is outstanding, Granola firmly occupies the top position in the most unpopular list.

Granola didn't even look at him and continued to walk quickly.

Seeing that Granola actually treated him as air, Sohier was furious.

He dodged and blocked Granola's way again.

"Hey, do you have any good missions? Tell me, how about we complete them together? Please."

Granola frowned, murderous, coldly looked at Sohier and said:"Get out of here!!!"

Stared at by his cold eyes, Sohier felt cold all over, as if falling into an ice cave, and could not help but take two steps back, but his resentment towards Granola deepened.

"I don't mind selling your head to Alec."

He said this, pointing a gun at Sohier's head, with energy flashing at his fingertips.

Sweat rolled down Sohier's forehead.

Granola's eyes looked like he really wanted to kill someone.

Sohier's neck shrank, he was so scared, and rolled aside.

"I, I was just kidding, don't take it seriously."Sohir wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled awkwardly.

Granola glanced at him, his face cold and silent, but the energy at his fingertips dissipated.

He retracted his hand, raised his step, and continued to walk into the castle.

Sohier also left as if fleeing.

Granola successfully came to the center of the castle and met Alec, the leader of the Sita organization.

And Jas was standing next to Alec.

At this moment, his cold eyes were fixed on Granola.

Granola's eyes also glared over.

Suddenly, the air around them became a little colder, and there was a taste of tit-for-tat.

It was Alec who broke the deadlock and laughed,"Haha, Granola, you came really fast, you are worthy of being the strongest mercenary of our Sita family."

"very impressive!"


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