"You make a lot of sense, but the Mao I'm talking about is not that Mao."

"What the hell is that?"

"Shut up!"

""Bang!" Son Gohan knocked Trunks on the head.

The two giant apes of different colors slipped away in an instant, leaving King Kai and Jebitu disheveled in the wind.

Looking at the direction the giant apes left, Jebitu asked:"Lord King Kai, what should we do now?"

King Kai Asin said:"I heard that Saiyans will lose their minds after transforming into giant apes, but the two of them can actually communicate, which shows that they are not as simple as ordinary Saiyans."

Jebitu said:"If they are not ordinary Saiyans, then what else could they be?"

King Kai said:"It is possible that they are Saiyans with the blood of the Saiyan royal family"

"As far as I know, Planet Vegeta where the Saiyans live was destroyed by Frieza decades ago."

"Only a few Saiyans escaped this disaster because they were on missions outside, including Saiyan Prince Vegeta. These two Saiyans are most likely the descendants of Prince Vegeta."

Jebit said again:"But why do Saiyans have such terrible power? The breath of the golden monkey just now was so terrible. I always felt that he could crush me to death with just one finger."

King Kai said:"Saiyans are a rare fighting nation in the universe. It is said that they can transform into the legendary warrior Super Saiyan. Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta because he was afraid of the appearance of Super Saiyans."

"But later, about fifteen years ago, Frieza was killed by a Saiyan named Son Goku. This Son Goku was the genius warrior who could transform into the legendary warrior, Super Saiyan."

"And this Sun Wukong is the Saiyan who was exiled to Earth when he was a child."

"This planet is the Earth, which means that even if the two giant monkeys just now were not Goku and Vegeta, they must have a close relationship with them."

"I never thought that the Saiyans are so strong now. I am really a frog in a well."

King Kai said a lot, then sighed and lowered his head.

Jebit said quickly:"Lord Kai, please don't say that. No matter how strong the Saiyans are, they are still mortals. Lord Kai, you are the greatest god in the universe."

"Having said that, I am a useless god." King Kai continued.

Jepiter simply changed the subject:"Lord King Kai, what should we do now? Continue to follow them?"

King Kai thought for a moment, shook his head and said:"Forget it, they obviously didn't want us to see them, so they left here. If we follow them, it will cause their disgust."

"I can feel that they have no ill will towards us, they are friends, not enemies, so we should try not to provoke them."

"Jepitel, let's go see Majin Buu's sealed egg. It's been tens of thousands of years since we last saw it."

"Yes, Lord Kaioshin." Jebbie nodded and put his hand on the shoulder of King Kai again. The two of them disappeared in an instant.


In a hidden deep valley.

Son Gohan and Trunks, who have returned to their human form, swam in the river, splashing water everywhere.

After swimming, they went ashore and put on their highly elastic combat suits, then each of them caught a huge crocodile, gutted it, and roasted it on the fire.

After turning into giant apes, they were in urgent need of nutrition.

Within half an hour, the fragrant crocodile meat attracted many cute little animals.

The two brothers tore off some pieces of meat and threw them to them.

The rest all went into their stomachs.

They patted their bulging stomachs and sat on a big rock.

Trunks touched his stomach and sighed:"Huh, it's so comfortable to be full. I think there should be nothing happier than eating."

Son Gohan clapped his hands and stood up:"Since we are full, let's continue the experiment"

""Okay, OK." Trunks replied.

Then, the two flew out of the valley and came to an open grassland.

They first transformed into Super Saiyans with a"boom", and then looked up at the moon in the sky.

"Boom boom!"


The heartbeat like a war drum sounded, and the two brothers turned into golden giant apes again.

But unlike last time, there is no need to worry about exposure this time.

You deserve the combat suit made by Bulma.

The strong elasticity is really beyond words.

Even if you turn into a 25-meter giant ape, it is still comfortable and convenient for exercise, without any impact at all. The quality is simply unbeatable.


Son Gohan and Trunks looked at each other, and then they fought each other. Suddenly, sand and rocks flew everywhere, and the wind blew violently.

After fighting for a while, they stopped.

Son Gohan said:"Sure enough, no matter whether you become a Super Saiyan or a Gigantic Ape first, the final combat power is the same, and it is also a 500-fold increase."

"Moreover, the speed after the transformation was not affected at all, and it was much faster than when I became Super Saiyan 2."

At the same time, Son Gohan made a deeper comparison between this state and Super Saiyan 3 in his mind.

The increase of Super Saiyan 3 is 400 times.

And the increase of Gigantic Super Saiyan is 500 times.

In this regard, the Gigantic Super Saiyan is obviously better.

As for speed, although the speed of Gigantic Super Saiyan is much faster than Super Saiyan 2, it should not be as fast as Super Saiyan 3.

So Super Saiyan 3 is faster in terms of speed.

As for endurance, the consumption of Gigantic Super Saiyan is not much, and there is not much difference from Super Saiyan 2, and the cost performance is very high.

Thinking of Sun Wukong's Super Saiyan 3 with amazing air leakage, Son Gohan has reason to believe that Gigantic Super Saiyan can beat in this regard. Of course, it is not ruled out that Sun Wukong's Super Saiyan 3 is not yet proficient

, so the consumption of physical strength and energy is so amazing.

Regarding this point, Son Gohan will wait and see.

As for defense, there is nothing to say.

The skin of the Super Saiyan is thick and tough, and its defense has reached an incredible level.

The small body of Super Saiyan 3 is simply out of reach.

However, the shortcomings of the ape-like Super Saiyan are also obvious.

Speed and ugliness are one aspect.

The main thing is that it needs the blues wave light generated by the full moon to transform.

Although Bulma was able to create equipment that produced more than 1700W blues wave light in the GT chapter, it is obvious that such conditions are not available now.

But now we can tell Bulma about this idea and let her make it in advance.

In addition, there is another way to solve this problem, that is the Saiyan secret technique: artificial full moon!

Vegeta can use his own energy and oxygen to create an artificial full moon.

Although this skill will extract part of the user's breath, the effect is no different from the natural full moon.

It's just that Son Gohan and Trunks don't know how to do it.

So this is also one of the shortcomings.


Trunks asked,"Brother Gohan, can you transform into Super Saiyan 2 based on the giant ape?"

Son Gohan said helplessly,"I've tried it, but it doesn't work. At least I can't transform into Super Saiyan 2 at the moment. It may be because my foundation is not solid enough now." Trunks said

,"Why don't you transform into Super Saiyan 2 first and then transform into ape?"

Son Gohan said,"You can try, but I have a hunch in my heart that it will probably not work."

Sure enough, after removing the ape transformation, Son Gohan first transformed into Super Saiyan 2, then looked up at the full moon and tried to transform.

But that familiar feeling appeared again.

After his eyes received the blue wave light, his tail trembled, as if he had been electrocuted.

Then his whole body was numb.

Although his heart beat faster and his blood boiled, he did not successfully transform into a golden giant ape, and his combat power did not increase significantly.

Transformation failed!


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