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"The 500 times gravity training is finally completed. This gravity room will no longer be of any use to me."Coming out of the gravity room, Ye Shan was filled with emotion.

After completing the 500 times gravity training, Ye Shan didn't know what level of strength he had reached. Just by feeling, it would not be difficult to defeat the Great King God now.

In addition to the improvement in strength, the progress in other aspects also made Ye Shan very happy.

In the gravity room, he has been practicing in the Super Saiyan form. Along with the increase in strength, that trace of divinity has also grown slowly, from a trace to the current toothpick size. And this trace of divinity has begun to show signs of merging with the bloody consciousness (a combination of bloody breath and spiritual consciousness!). Ye Shan has no idea what effect it will have after it is completely merged with the bloody consciousness.

He walked to the side of the small pond and took a look. A mature-looking, tall Saiyan came into view.

"I was a child when I left Earth, but now I have grown up to this size. I don’t know how much time has passed on Earth, but I hope it’s not too long."In the end, even Ye Shan himself didn’t know how long he had been in this ancient era.

"This is...The aura of the King of Kings seemed to be fighting with a very evil guy. Huh? ~~ Why are there only three of them? Did one of the King of Kings die?...Oh no, the aura of another Kai is disappearing quickly."

Ye Shan paused and his face changed drastically. He didn't expect that when he was in seclusion, such an evil guy would appear in the North Galaxy. The four Kais united were no match for him, and one of them was even killed.

A few minutes ago!!

On a deserted planet, three people wearing Kai robes were besieging an evil creature with a pink body.

""Todd, Xiao, are you guys okay?" Leila asked breathlessly.

At this moment, Todd and Xiao were not much better than Leila. Their clothes were tattered and covered with mud. They looked so embarrassed. It was obvious that they had suffered a great loss at the hands of Kid Buu.

Xiao wiped the sweat from his head and exclaimed,"This guy is really a monster. He seems to have endless strength. After fighting for so long, he still looks the same as at the beginning."

"I can't hold on for much longer. I'll find a chance to catch him and you guys can give him a fatal blow!!"Todd rubbed his trembling hands and said with determination.

"Todd, what are you trying to do? Don't do this."Leila looked panicked

""Go!!!" Without waiting for Leila to finish, Todd roared and rushed forward.


With super-speed regeneration ability and super-fast physical recovery speed, although Little Buu has been attacked a few times after playing for so long, it is not a problem at all. As long as not a single cell is left in one hit, he can recover quickly.

The arm holding one hand shook, his eyes shot out a red light, the corners of his mouth cracked slightly, and he disappeared from the spot with a"swoosh".

Bang bang bang!~

The three Kais hit Little Buu at the speed of 6 fists, Kid Buu showed no fear at all. He looked violent and quickly repelled the six punches, and chased after the female Kaioshin.

He couldn't retreat any more!!

Leila gritted her teeth, and with a heroic look, she used both hands to catch Kid Buu's fists.

Kid Buu raised his mouth to reveal a row of cold teeth, and used his legs to push Leila back. Leila's feet pressed against the ground, but it was useless. Two obvious friction marks stretched longer and longer under Leila's feet.

"Good opportunity!" Todd's eyes flashed with brilliance. If he missed such a good opportunity, he would never find any hope of turning defeat into victory. He instantly went behind Kid Buu and clasped his hands tightly around his waist, shouting to Xiao:"Quick, use your strongest moves now to destroy this evil creature!!"

Leila struggled to break free from Kid Buu's hands and jumped to a few dozen meters away to stand with Xiao.

Kid Buu struggled and kept hitting Todd's abdomen with his back elbow. A large mouthful of blood and a few drops of saliva spurted out of Todd's mouth.

Xiao and Leila showed a trace of reluctance on their faces. If they used the most powerful Qigong wave to hit him, Todd would definitely be destroyed. After living together for so many years, the two of them couldn't bear to do it!

Seeing that the two of them were still considering so much in this situation, Todd, with blood all over his mouth, shouted angrily:"Have you forgotten what the responsibilities of us Kaioshin are? It is to destroy this evil creature that poses a huge threat to the entire universe. If we don't get rid of him now, the entire universe will be destroyed by him. What are you still thinking about? Do it!!!"

Leila wiped away the crystal from the corner of her eyes, and her expression became firm. A strong purple energy appeared in the palms of her hands.

"Leila, Todd is really going to die!!" Xiao murmured, and a huge energy ball condensed above his head.

""Xiao, Todd is right. Although I don't want to do this, it is our duty as the King of the Universe to maintain the order of the universe, even if it means sacrificing our lives!" Leila said firmly.

Kid Buu felt a sense of crisis from the energy waves in the hands of the two, and the force of his back elbow hitting Todd's abdomen was even stronger.

Todd's vision had begun to blur after receiving so many heavy blows, and his hands tightly clasped around Kid Buu's waist were already shaky and about to collapse. He was about to collapse, and he shouted with his last bit of strength.

"Hurry up, I can't hold on any longer!!"

Leila and Xiao looked at each other, and they threw out the highly concentrated energy waves in their hands with all their might!!

A huge energy ball that looked like a solid object, and an unusually thick energy wave blasted towards Kid Buu and Todd.

It's over~~

Todd looked at the energy ball and energy wave that were about to reach him, closed his eyes and sighed in his heart. Kid Buu glared at the two of them with his bloodthirsty eyes, and put his hands in front of him.

Leila's energy wave was the fastest, and Kid Buu and Todd behind him were instantly submerged in the impact of the energy wave, followed by Xiao's energy ball, which also hit the two of them.

The ground pressed down by the energy ball continued to sink, and a large number of small stones flew up. In a short while, the entire energy ball sank into the ground, followed by a violent explosion


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