After a while, Kate’s mood improved slightly, and Veget turned his gaze to the star of Satan, looking at the star of sin.

“Kate, are there any restrictions on the tasks you take?”

“Restrictions?” Kate wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and raised her head aggrievedly, “What restrictions can the killer have, as long as he completes the task at all costs.” ”

“At all costs…” Veget laughed and narrowed his eyes, “how are the people on this planet?” ”

Veget has already planned that if it is of the same nature as the Saiyans, there is no need for this planet to exist.

Directly destroying everything here can also be regarded as doing something good for the sixth universe…

“The people here are warlike by nature and extremely cruel, and it is absolutely impossible for the weak to survive from here.”

“Huh? You know this very well, tell me, did you lie to me just now. Veget said, a smile on his lips.

Up to now, this woman still has something to hide from her heart!

Hearing this, Kate glanced at Veget, and finally lowered her head again…

“Actually, I am a survivor of the planet that they invaded, when the king here ordered the extermination of my people, Master happened to pass by here and saved me who was not killed in the end…”

“I hate them! I knew that you were strong and might be able to avenge me, so I took on this task. ”

“Hehe, so you’re using me?”

Kate shook her head, lifted her face, and looked at Veget seriously.

“It’s not about use, it’s about mutual benefit, don’t you want to learn the method of concealing the breath, solve that bastard, what do you learn, as long as I will, teach it all to you.”

“Well, hehe, that’s fun.” Veget laughed and turned his gaze to Satan again.

“If I destroy the entire planet, will I have to complete the mission?”

Kate was stunned, and then shook his head, “This way of exploding stars will only be counted as a disaster and will not be classified as assassination by killers.” ”

In such a situation, even if the task is forgotten, Veget is not worse than the 100 million cosmic coins, money for him, a fart is not a fart, besides, killing a person has to be so resolute, it is really not Veget’s style.

“Assistant, destroying this planet won’t cause any reaction.” Veget asked, asking before you start, or when you have a sure, it’s better to do it.

“No problem, the bloodthirsty planet will perish sooner or later, you just accelerated the process.”

“Well, got it…”

After getting the exact answer, Veget is good to let it go, and the planet that does not match the mainstream plot will be destroyed if it is destroyed.

Veget raised his hand, gathered a qigong bomb, and aimed it at Satan.

“Have you ever seen planetary fireworks?”

“What did you say?” Kate looked at Veget dumbfounded, not understanding what he meant.

“Hehe….,” Veget smiled, casually dropped the qigong projectile, and before hitting the target, condensed a shield with qi, wrapped the two of them and protected them.

Veget doesn’t need it, Kate can’t, and the aftermath of the explosion affects him and wants her life, just like playing.

Otherwise, assassins are all crispy…

Under the gaze of Veget and Kate, the qigong bomb smashed into the Satan Star, and at a glance as expected, the Satan Star bloomed like fireworks.

The moment the brilliance dissipated, the location of Satan’s star turned into a void, and not even a slag was left…

Such a scene, watching Kate can’t return to his senses for a long time, a planet, and countless lives on it, so simple is all over…….

It’s incredible!

After a long time, Kather came back to his senses and looked at Veget with complicated eyes.

“I don’t hate what you do, but seriously, you’re more like a demon than them!”

“Just like?” Veget smiled and lifted Kat’s chin with interest.

“For some, I’m scarier than a demon, but for others, I’m kinder than an angel, so I don’t care what others think of me.” – Malcolm X

The best way to treat demons is to be more fierce and cruel than them, in the world of the weak and the strong, no one is wrong, blame them for being too weak!

“Okay, so can we skip this task and go to the next task?” Veget asked with a smile, his expression was very indifferent, as if the person who destroyed a planet just now was not him.

“Huh? I promised just now, there is no need to do it anymore, there are still the previous conditions, and there is no …”

Without waiting for Kate to finish, Veget put his hand on her head, “Do you think the previous conditions were serious?” ”

“Don’t be silly, can a person like me be calm and negotiate conditions with someone who is countless times weaker than himself?”

“Actually, I just want to fight Hit, otherwise you think I will promise you?”

Veget’s words, listening to Kat stunned, she really didn’t think so much, but simply thought that Veget really agreed to her conditions…….

After thinking back and after thinking about everything, Kate tilted her head with a smile, “If you really can fight Hit, I originally supported Hitt to win, but now, it’s you.” ”

“How? Attracted to my charm? ”

“It’s not!” Kather blushed and gave Veget a big roll of her eyes.

“I just feel that you’re not bad…”

Vegett is this good person? I don’t know what thoughts the tragedy tower will have when he hears this sentence, the expression must be very sour.


After talking and laughing, Veget and Kate began to do other tasks, compared to the last time, these times, Beit, Git really played the role of a killer, sneaking to the target, and unknowingly killing him.

Veget is very smooth here, but Kate has encountered a lot of trouble, she has no assassination experience, even if she has the ability to conceal the aura, she has been discovered several times…

If it weren’t for Veget following her, Kate, a woman, wouldn’t know how many times she had died.

Over time, Veget and Kate completed more and more tasks, quickly gaining fame in the killer circle.

Some people call Veget the Grim Reaper, which means that there is absolutely no chance of survival after encountering it.

And Kate is known as the ominous blade, a sharp knife beside death, and the infinite murderous intent hidden under the beautiful face, which is also extremely dangerous.

Like Hit, Veget and Kate’s record of completing the mission has not failed once, which makes other killers inevitably curious, whether it is the legendary killer Hitt Strong, or the rookie killer Death Strong…….

Until one day, Kather pulled Veget to prepare to take the task, and in the hall where the task was distributed, the two took a dramatic picture with Hit……..

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