Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz

Chapter 431 When the Flash Breaks

Raditz in a mysterious state and Hitt with his hands in his pockets are separated by the flying sand and dust, and the misty light dust between them like a veil floats leisurely, adding a desolate ancient charm to the scene.

Lian Suo stepped back a long way, making room for the two of them to fight. He knew that this was an incomparable battle. At his level, it was best not to participate, and even to watch it from a distance. so as not to be accidentally injured.

But the two of them seemed to be dead, and neither of them moved.

Raditz was thinking. He had heard of the Flash Time Kung Fu and generally understood the effect of the Flash Time Kung Fu, but it was not just a matter of talking about it. 0.1 second was very short, but it was enough for Hitt. It is impossible to break the flash time skill without taking a few blows and understanding Hitt's movements.

Hitt was waiting, he didn't need to strike first, he just had to wait for Raditz to counterattack when he attacked, if his moves didn't come out, it would be a fatal blow.

So the two stood firm with a delicate balance, and neither of them moved.

"It's so powerful, are you fighting with your mind?" Lian Suo didn't know why, so he could only guess. In his opinion, such two powerful people are powerful no matter what they do.

Finally, the collision of the two breaths disrupted the direction of the wind, causing sand and dust to fly wildly, and Raditz took advantage of the maneuver.

In the blink of an eye, Raditz rushed in front of Hitt, his fist raised and about to smash down.

But Hitt didn't move, didn't even take his hands out of his pockets, Lian Suo was stunned.

"Why..." He didn't finish his first word, his eyes widened, he saw Raditz disappear out of thin air, and then appeared behind Hitt!

Raditz moved to Hitt's back in an instant, barely charged, and punched out directly, the speed was beyond Lian Suo's understanding. It turned out that the attack just now was a feint, and this blow was the real attack.

This punch must hit, right? Lian Suo held his breath, his eyes popped out.


Sure enough, it flew with one punch!

It's just that it wasn't Hitt who was sent flying, but Raditz.

Lian Suo's excited expression froze on his face, blinked his eyes, and lost his ability to think for a while. Hitt was still standing there, but Raditz flew out? How can it be!

Raditz took off along a beautiful arc and then landed. He slightly relieved his strength and stood firmly, already 100 meters away from Hitt.

His time was skipped by Hitt just now, and Hitt's flash time surpassed Raditz's teleportation, resulting in negligible effect of teleportation. And that blow was aimed at Raditz's vitals, without mercy at all, and the heavy force hit Raditz in excruciating pain.

It is indeed the number one killer in the universe!

"Again!" Raditz shouted, and launched another teleportation, this time attacking from the front, also at an extremely fast speed.


Raditz flew upside down again, and this time the attack hit Raditz in the face. The huge vibration made Raditz faint for a moment, and blood dripped from his nose.

And Hitt put his fist into his pocket calmly.

"It's hard to imagine such a skill if you don't fight against Shanshi yourself. It's really useless to rely on ideas. You have to fight to understand this move." Raditz wiped off the blood stains and took two deep breaths. Next, attack again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, Raditz rushed towards Hitt and was beaten back again, leaving many scars on his body and bruises on his chest.

Lian Suo looked at the appalling scene, his jaw trembling, "What the hell is going on? Why can't I even see him make a move, and why does Raditz go directly?"

"Radiz, if you keep fighting, you will die. You have already lost."

Hitt reminded indifferently that he seemed to have no interest in fighting anymore. After all, the ability to flash time is too magical. If the energy is not a certain level, it is impossible to break through the 0.1-second blockade.

"Huh..." Raditz stood up again, "Go on, I have cracked your flash time."

"Really?" Hitt's eyes froze.

At this time, Raditz launched an attack and charged head-on again!

Hitt sighed silently in his heart: Isn't it the same? He activated the dodge time, walked in the gap of time, easily avoided Raditz's attack, and launched a counterattack. The punch was aimed at Raditz's throat and delivered fatally.


The same loud noise was the vibration from Hitt's hand colliding with Raditz's arm!

Hitt was stunned, Lian Suo was stunned, but Raditz laughed. He seized the moment when Hitt was in a daze, and punched Hitt hard in the abdomen. The heavy force made Hitt rubbed against the ground and retreated, opening two deep grooves.

"You..." Hitt's abdomen tightened, and pain followed. Raditz's punch was not light.

"How about it, I said that I have cracked your flash time."

"Is it a coincidence?" Hitt's eyes changed slightly, unwilling to believe it.

However, Raditz's next attack has already come, flying like a leaping dragon, as fast as lightning. When Hitt quickly flashed, but just 0.1 seconds later, he was punched again.

This punch passed through his defense and hit his chin directly!

Hitt was beaten back a few steps, his face changed drastically. This can no longer be luck, hitting yourself twice in a row means that the opponent really did it.

"How is it possible? How did you do it?" Hitt couldn't believe it.

The essence of flash time skill lies in jumping time, which cannot be compensated by speed in the general sense. Even Raditz's teleportation is useless, so how did Raditz do it?

"Your movement, I predicted your movement. From the blows I suffered just now, I observed your attack pattern, and then judged it, so I can figure out your movement after using the flash time."

"I see, your combat awareness is beyond imagination." Hitt admired Raditz from the bottom of his heart, and his interest was rekindled.

"So we can start the second round, come out with all your strength."

Raditz gathered energy on the basis of the mysterious state, and suddenly, a burst of sacred aura enveloped his body, and the flames from the inside to the outside changed colors, and the fiery red light shone like a rosy cloud. At that moment, Raditz was red-haired, pure and noble, and her whole person was sublimated.

Super Saiyan God!

"This is another transformation of yours?" Hitt's eyes were sharp, and he immediately noticed that Raditz was different from the previous one.

It turned out that not only was he hiding a hand, but the other party also kept a hand. What an interesting guy. Hitt's iceberg face, which had not changed for thousands of years, actually showed a smile.

"as you wish."

Hitt took his hand out of his pocket, and his momentum changed from calm and thick to sharp. As the number one killer in the universe, his attack skills are unique. Flash time is just a skill he is proud of, his real strength is far more than that.

Lian Suo, who was watching the battle from a distance, saw two figures fighting together, one sacred and noble, the other unfathomable.

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