Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 997: Soul Hunting Hall Vice Hall


Chu Qianye and the others came in and stepped on the spot. After watching for a while, there were bursts of breaking through the air. The figures rushed over, and finally hovered in the place where the void was broken. With a little shock, looking at the world of magma rock, even though they knew that the Holy Flame of All Souls must be extraordinary, they did not expect it to be so extraordinary.

This lofty mountain is extremely chaotic at this moment. The world where magma rocks are surging is extremely violent, and the aura filled with flames is like a fierce storm of fire, as if only a little touch, there is a sense of crisis of being burned to ashes. .

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In the boiling world of magma rock, there is a huge black hole with a whirlpool. The black hole looks very weird. It is still spinning, and the boiling magma rock is even more terrifying. Some magma rocks are rolling out at any time. Then burned the space violently twisted.

"It seems that if you want to obtain the Holy Flame of All Souls, you have to enter the mouth of the vortex." Venerable Yuanjie looked at the mouth of the huge vortex and said lightly.

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

This huge spiral shape is like the entrance of death. Whoever enters will be swallowed, and who dares to easily test it?

"It seems that many people have stopped." Zhao Wanjun said: "In such a dangerous place, no one must dare to try the danger. After all, this place has an extremely powerful atmosphere of magma rock, and a slight contamination is a complete death. ."

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"We are not in a hurry, since we have already come in anyway, we will wait for a while. This is extremely dangerous, we will not be the first bird, wait for those powerful people to take action, we will wait for the changes..." Chu Qianye said, he Staring at the huge whirlpool mouth, he took a deep breath, thinking quickly about the next strategy in his heart.

Now that it has come to this area, think about the strategy first.

In this huge vortex, he felt a deep throbbing. It was a keen sense of crisis. He knew that he could not act rashly at this time, so he stopped and waited for the arrival of the Longmen and the Imperial Forest Alliance forces on the one hand. First, let’s take a look at which big clans and big forces are trying to make a decision, observe and observe.

Venerable Yuanjie nodded lightly. He is Venerable. He is more sensitive to the force of the tearing space generated by the vortex than others. This place is very scary, I am afraid that it is not so clear to enter.

While Chu Qianye and the others waited, the space quivered suddenly, and immediately at the mouth of the whirlpool, a black mist filled out, and a terrifying force surged out.

Everyone raised their heads in disbelief. Under the horrified gazes, everyone finally saw a few figures clearly. After the mist was dispersed, it completely appeared at the mouth of the whirlpool.

"Hunhunting Palace." Zhao Wanjun spit out slowly.

"And their deputy hall master and the one-eyed saint also came."

Looking at those figures with a frightening aura, the eyes of Venerable Yuanjie also shrank suddenly, and the aura in his body also began to revolve, which was obviously quite agitated for these visitors.

Feeling the actions of Venerable Yuanjie, Chu Qianye was also secretly surprised. He knew Venerable Yuanjie very well. It is impossible for him to be so nervous for no reason. It must be because of the monstrous strength of these people.

Six figures slowly appeared. One of them was wearing a black-gold robe and looked very unique. Although his face was extremely ordinary, his figure was also very thin, and the palm that slipped out of the black robe looked extremely ordinary, and looked like an unusually ordinary It's just a human being, but at the moment such an ordinary figure appeared, the breathing of the surrounding powerhouses also became slightly stagnant at this moment, and the eyes were obviously full of jealousy.

Chu Qianye's breathing was also slightly stagnant.

The deputy head of the Hunting Soul Palace?

Thinking of these guys supporting the blood clan, Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly became gloomy. It was these guys that indirectly caused his father to destroy his own memory. Fortunately, he can be recognized. I don’t know if his brother can control him here. Live emotions.

Fortunately, his brother has taken Longmen to experience.

Zhao Wanjun seemed to know about Chu Qianye and the Festival of the Hunting Soul Palace.

"Young Master Chu, don't be impulsive. This is the Deputy Palace Master. He has a reputation that no one can match in the Four Continents Wilderness. There are countless strong men who have died in his hands, even the big clans and big forces. He blatantly showed hostility to them, this person is very powerful." Zhao Wanjun said:

"More than a thousand years ago, this deputy hall master had blood-washed six major sects. The strength of these sects was as large as the current Sifang Pavilion. After the blood flowed into a river, those big clans and powerful forces were removed by him overnight. Including ten venerables, even the saint who helped out can only escape in embarrassment. His reputation is stepped up on the white bones, and even the overlords of the Four Continents who dare not easily follow him. Contend!"

When everyone heard Zhao Wanjun's introduction, they also showed a look of fear for the warrior in the black gold robe.

Others Chu Qianye may not recognize it, but Guan Qiantong and the woman he recognizes, she is the woman who entered the blood domain of Huangquan last time.

Those nearby forces, looking at this fiercely famous man, stood lightly in the air, as quiet as a piece of wood. Although there was no fluctuation at all, they did not dare to look at him at this moment, whether it was hatred or awe. Looking straight, they shifted their gazes one after another, afraid that they would be devastated because they offended this person with one look.

Chu Qianye was also secretly surprised by the reaction of these people.

The deputy head of the Soul Hunting Hall, he naturally knew that on the way, Long Jin personally listed all the information and important figures in the Soul Hunting Hall. This generation is heroic and cruel.

Of course, Chu Qianye was not afraid of cruelty, he was afraid of the hall master of the Soul Hunting Palace. For more than a thousand years, no one knew of this person, and there was too little information about him!

Chu Qianye narrowed his eyes and stared at the figure. With the emergence of the former, a powerful soul aura suddenly appeared in his body, and Chu Qianye secretly said.

The Soul Hunting Palace collects so many soul bodies and blood, which itself has a huge problem. What are these soul bodies and blood used for?

No one can know that the whereabouts of these guys in the Soul Hunting Palace itself are very strange. These guys scrape good things around and support the puppet forces.

The deputy head of the Hunting Soul Palace looked at Chu Qianye with enlightenment.

When Guan Qiantong saw Chu Qianye, his face was startled, and then he said a few words beside the deputy head of the Hunting Soul Palace.

The deputy head of the Soul Hunting Palace, the ancient well in his eyes did not wave, and then he said in an indifferent voice: "Hehe, the little Chu family, originally thought to be a declining ancient clan, did not expect to have such talents, waiting for me to collect ten thousand After Ling Shengyan, I will calculate the blood clan account with you!"

Guan Qiantong said: "Deputy Hall Master, this kid has obtained the blood of the two saints, and his strength is extraordinary. The previous few times our soul hunting hall did not pay attention to it, this kid can always save the danger."

The deputy hall master didn't realize it, he stared at Chu Qianye.

"It's okay, just let him jump for a while. This time we come to fight for the sacred flame of all spirits, don't grow branches." The deputy hall master said lightly.

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