Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1009: Be the first to break the line (five shifts)

Who said no.

Chu Qianye looked at the void in front of him, and sighed inwardly.

This Holy Flame of All Souls is too cunning.

Chu Qianye stared at the flame shadow on the void and shook his head gently.

The breath of these phantoms is very powerful, and they must have been very powerful warriors before they were alive. I didn't expect that after being killed by the Holy Flame of All Souls, they would become a kind of alternative puppets. If you fight with them, you really have to be more careful.

"Look carefully." Hebo said.


When the words were over, Hono suddenly roared to the sky and roared, and his momentum was shaking, while the figure rushed out quickly, such a momentum, it can be described as earth-shaking.

The figure roaring like a tide rushed to the three people in the void in the blink of an eye.


The three yelled violently, a storm of profound energy surged in their bodies, and the profound soldiers in their hands burst out with dazzling light, generating earth-shattering killing power, and fiercely and domineeringly at the violent fire slaves. under.

The figure at the top glanced at the stone platform below, frowned, as if thinking about how to break through this formation.


The power of horror spread in an instant.

The three of them were struggling to support, and the phantom above frowned and gradually became a little irritable, and the hono who came on the impact one after another shot.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Those phantoms between the voids were finally unable to stop the attacks of these honouras.


The screams pierced the sky, and everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Chu Qianye didn't care, he looked around.

Nine-nine centrifugal formation, although this formation is very mysterious, but it is not impossible to break through, and what he has to do now is to calm down and analyze these stone platforms and the surrounding stars, whether there is some kind of opportunity and flaw.

No matter how enchanting Wan Ling Sheng Yan is, it is after all a product bred from heaven and earth. In terms of intelligence, it cannot compete with human beings.


In the end, all four died in the hands of Hono.

The people in the Hall of Soul Hunting finally took action.

"It seems that the people in the Soul Hunting Palace also know the key and flaws in this. Let's take action too. At most, we can force this formation." Hei shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "You all prepare. "

After the words were over, the figure suddenly rushed out, Chu Qianye and others followed closely.


The black flames around him rolled, and phantom shadows swept out one after another, and the fierce fire slaves attacked like a frenzy.

Chu Qianye frowned and took out the Divine Shadow Sword from his palm.

He has now completed the first step with the photo, and now his thoughts can be reflected in the photo soon. Although he can't complete the synchronization, he can still gain decent power after all.

Looking at the violent looting of Huo Nu, the war sword in Chu Qianye's hand flicked, and the bright sword light rushed out in vain, rushing around frantically. Those Huo Nu who rushed towards Chu Qianye blinked. It was cut into two pieces and fell below Black Flame.


Feeling this violent sword aura, Hei Bo and Li Longhai were slightly surprised, and then turned their heads to look at Chu Qianye.

"Extraordinary kendo?"

But what they care more about soon is the war sword in Chu Qianye's hand.

"This class of mysterious soldiers, it seems that the Profound Qi Continent hasn't appeared yet."

Heibo and Li Longhai looked at each other, and they could almost see the surprise in each other's eyes. It seems that they still underestimated Chu Qianye's combat power, whether it was the extraordinary swordsmanship or the shadow sword in his hand. The aura that exudes is very extraordinary, if Chu Qianye is above the venerable, they would not dare to despise it.

Chu Qianye, who possesses extraordinary swordsmanship, is actually not a big threat to them, but if you add this war sword, it will be very different.

Li Ling also looked at Chu Qianye at the moment, his eyes filled with surprise.

The sparkle in her eyes seemed very curious.

"It seems that the nerd has an adventure during this time."

She stared at Chu Qianye and thought to herself.

"Fool, you quickly break the formation, don't let the people of the Soul Hunting Palace succeed." Li Ling said in a voice.

Upon hearing this, Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Zhao Wanjun, Venerable Yuanjie, Li Ling, Hei Bo and Li Longhai, five of them shot at the same time.

Almost all the martial artists present were venerable. Zhao Wanjun, the weakest in strength, was also a powerhouse of the fifth-order celestial realm. He barely belonged to a half-sovereign. However, after Li Ling returned, his martial arts cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds. Chu Qianye was quite surprised.


These venerables shot at the same time, naturally the momentum is not weak, and the flame figure is also turned into nothingness in pieces.

However, the fire slaves rushed up from below, even if they tried to kill them, it seemed to have no effect. These fire slaves continued to gush out, and the tide came from all directions, and it felt like they could not be killed!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, staring straight ahead, his body also lifted into the sky, his eyes fixed on the stone platform below, and Wan Lingshen's eyes opened immediately.

Everything in this space became more and more clear.

The faint mist dissipated, and Chu Qianye's eyes slowly flashed a bit of light.

The Ninety Nine Centrifugal Array, as expected, still has some doorways, it looks very complicated, but in fact it is still very easy to break, as long as you find the flaws in it, you can break it with a single blow!

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, and he saw something incredible.

Each stone platform is a nine-nine centrifugal formation, once someone breaks the formation once, then the remaining centrifugal formations will also change accordingly.

Chu Qianye showed a delighted smile.

"Got you!"

Chu Qianye's figure moved, and his whole body plunged suddenly.

When everyone saw Chu Qianye's crazy behavior, their expressions suddenly changed drastically.


Seeing this scene, Li Ling's expression also changed drastically.

But soon they saw something incredible.

Around Chu Qianye's body, a sword bell and bone spirit cold flame appeared.


After Chu Qianye went down, the entire space trembled suddenly.


Chu Qianye came out again, unscathed!

"let's go!"

Chu Qianye said lightly, and then rushed towards Shimen, and several people behind him woke up and hurriedly followed.

Everyone looked stunned.

What is this going to do?

Everyone looked confused and puzzled.

The people in the Soul Hunting Hall looked gloomy.

"Damn it, let them break the formation first!" The people in the Soul Hunting Palace said with a gloomy expression for a moment.

Chu Qianye swiftly reached Shimen, flipped his palm, and a strange stone coincided with the groove of the Shimen. When Chu Qianye put the stone in, the space shook again, and then, under the eyes of everyone, Shimen was big. open!

Chu Qianye and others rushed into the stone gate and disappeared in front of everyone.

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