Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1031: Compete for the origin of Holy Flame (iii)

But after another thought, it was relieved.

The situation right now is very critical. Everyone is thinking about how to go afterwards. After all, with the urinary nature of the Hunting Soul Palace, once the spirit slashing is completed, then they will also be very dangerous next.

Rather than waiting for these guys to take action, it's better to figure out how to start!

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

The terrifying impact erupted fiercely, and everyone's pupils suddenly shrank, their eyes fixed on the front position.

The body shape of Saint Yan of All Souls was dim, and the body of Qianzhang suddenly shrank into a hundred zhang, but the seven flags still burst out with weird light. After bursts of blood appeared, the power of the Seven Stars was crazy. Surging out.

The terrible breath of power surged out frantically.

The extremely terrifying temperature quietly spread out...

"this is……"

Seeing this scene, everyone was secretly surprised, staring at the position directly in front of them. Around the body of Saint Yan of All Souls, the black flames dispersed, and the pure black beads in the center were attacked by the Seven Stars' evil forces at this moment, and suddenly issued. There was a scream.

"Slashing the spirit?"

\"H%\" debut

Looking at this scene in front of them, everyone was suddenly ecstatic.

Everyone looked at the pure black pillar without any movement, with a horrified expression on their faces.

Chu Qianye's soul rushed out.

Several soul perceptions rushed out almost at the same time. Everyone wanted to confirm whether this Holy Flame of All Souls was really killed. After all, it would be a bit weird for such a weird Holy Flame of All Souls to be killed. Yes, it's a bit beyond everyone's expectations.

Looking at the scene before them, everyone was secretly surprised.


Several soul perceptions, madness like thunder, spread out in an instant.

There isn't even the slightest movement?


"Has Saint Yan of All Souls really been killed?"

Many strong men suddenly showed a look of astonishment on their faces.

This is a bit weird, they don't believe that the Holy Flame of All Souls was just beheaded.

"Not dead yet!" A pill king of the Medicine League suddenly changed his expression.

As soon as everyone heard this, before they recovered, the Holy Flame of All Souls burst out in vain with a bright light, an aura of powerful power that incinerated the world, and roared frantically in the world.

Several strong men who were preparing to shoot were immediately shaken out.

Dulong's expression changed, and he didn't expect this Wan Ling Sheng Yan to be so stubborn, this is the Tiangang Beidou formation, and the strength of the Seven Stars is extremely powerful, and he didn't expect that it was not his opponent?


Saint Yan of All Souls was furious, and his huge body of hundreds of meters suddenly brightened. It was a pure black energy storm, surging in vain between heaven and earth.

"Damn it, die to me!"

The poisonous dragon's face sank, and the seal was quickly formed, while the seven star evil spirit roared and rushed away. With the seven terrifying power aura, he stepped out ferociously, the mysterious soldier in his palm, accompanied by the blood mist of the banner, surged, The breath of strength rushed up.

This breath of power that rises in the wind, exudes the power of destroying the world.


In a few blinks of an eye, they have swept to the front of Saint Yan of All Souls, and the monstrous seven power auras smashed out like an electric power.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

The terrifying breath of power blasted wildly.

Saint Yan of All Souls screamed, and there was no more sound.

Everyone was secretly surprised. Obviously, they didn't expect that the Holy Flame of All Souls would fight to the death at a critical moment. Fortunately, it had been hit hard by the Seven Stars. Otherwise, with its weirdness and power, it might not be its opponent.

In fact, the most important reason is the Beidou formation that day. If there is no isolation of this formation, the Holy Flame of All Souls can still mobilize the power of the magma sea area. Obviously this is quite terrifying. Once it can mobilize these Holy Flames of All Souls The breath of strength, that would be extremely terrifying.

And the power of the Seven Stars has soared to the realm of half-step dominance, which is quite lower than the seven half-step powerhouses who deal with the Holy Flame of All Souls at the same time, and cooperate with this ancient divine formation to kill the spirit body of the Holy Flame of All Souls. Naturally not difficult.

The spirit body belongs to nothingness, and when it dies, it will not affect the original fire of the Holy Flame of All Souls.

With this angry blow, the sky fell into a short silence.

Everyone's eyes were dumbfounded.

Just died like this?

Chu Qianye also focused his gaze on that Wan Ling Sheng Yan.

After confirming that the breath of the Holy Flame of All Souls had disappeared into nothingness, Chu Qianye glanced around, and finally landed on the deputy head of the Hunting Soul Palace and the poisonous dragon. At this time, these people were not injured after the battle. It was light, and his aura was a little sluggish. Obviously, the fight against the Holy Flame of All Souls had disappeared tremendously.

As the Holy Flame of All Souls was consumed, there was no more aura in the sky.

Li Longhai and Heibo were also a little embarrassed at this time. They also vomited blood to help enhance the power of the Tiangang Beidou formation. Their faces looked a little pale, obviously due to the huge physical exertion.

The powerhouses of the two sects, three valleys and four square pavilions have the same face.

Qing Xuan's eyes flickered, thinking in his heart.

The ten sages, eighteen sages, and half sages, their eyes flickering at this time, seem to be calculating.

"This cooperation is very successful. With everyone in a group, this animal has finally been killed, and we are considered to have made a lot of contribution to the Four Continents Wilderness, so as not to be squandered by the creatures." , Arched his hands toward everyone and said.

He looked like this, it seemed a little relaxed, making people a little bit unable to see his true thoughts.

"Thank you for your help, I'm not welcome for this kindness!"

The deputy master of the Hunting Soul Palace smiled faintly, and then leaned his palm towards the pure black beads.

When everyone saw this posture, they immediately understood the calculations of the Soul Hunting Palace.

"damn it!"

"Sure enough, it's still so insidious!"

Everyone was already in their hearts, and immediately turned around, and the anger resounded in this space.

Needless to say, when everyone saw the intention of the Hunting Soul Palace, they naturally refused to agree.

"Senior Poison Dragon," said the deputy head of the Hunting Soul Palace.

The poisonous dragon smiled faintly, and immediately closed the seal, and the seven star evil spirits suddenly raised their heads and looked at the people. Attacked and killed by the strong.

"Boy, it's up to you to break the battle!" Uncle Sister Shenyin said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Immediately with a wave of the palm, he took out the spirit stone and other heavenly materials from the Qiankun ring, and began to inscribe the **** pattern.

"Boss?" Third Brother Zhao looked at Chu Qianye and asked suspiciously.

Seeing the doubts in the eyes of several people, Chu Qianye did not explain.

"You pretend to attack first, but don't do your best, just participate with reservations," Chu Qianye said.

Zhao Wanjun and Yuanjie Venerable obviously knew what Chu Qianye was going to do.

"Okay, as soon as possible!" Venerable Yuanjie took a step on the soles of his feet and took the lead.

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