Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1033: Competing for the origin of Holy Flame (v)

"Let the people in the Soul Hunting Palace kill for a period of time. For a while, no one should be able to capture the original fire. I will find a place to make preparations to break the formation, and wait until the miscellaneous people are almost cleared, and then use the fire And puppets."

Looking at the situation in front of him, Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, but he became relaxed for a while. In the current situation, it should not be so easy to tell the victory or defeat. There are ten saints, and the sage wants to win. The source of fire, this possibility is not without, but too small.

So he is not in a hurry.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and his gaze swept towards the position of the seven feudal flags. If he wants to break the formation, he must arrange the formation cone and the **** pattern in these places. When the feudal flag is broken, the formation will be automatic. Disperse, the Seven Stars will also dissipate in the world.

However, it is obviously impossible to go by himself. This will attract Dulong's attention. At that time, he wants to fight for fear that it is impossible, so he can only let Hono or the puppet take action.

Chu Qianye moved in his heart, and handed the formation breaking cone and the formation breaking **** pattern into the hands of the puppet and Huonu.

After finishing this, Chu Qianye no longer stayed, his eyes gleaming with spirit.

"Senior, you first divert Dulong's attention."

The sister uncle in the void suddenly moved in her heart and swept towards the position of the poisonous dragon.

"Okay, I'm going now!"

Seeing the disappearance of the uncle sister, the deputy head of the Hunting Soul Palace was startled, and even abandoned the original fire?

But when he saw the whereabouts of sister uncle, his face suddenly changed.

"Damn it!" He thought fiercely, but he didn't dare to change his eyes easily. Instead, he stared at the direction of the original fire. This is the most important thing. Other things cannot affect him or affect him. judgment.

Dulong's face sank.

Chu Qianye quickly formed the seal, and asked the puppet and Huonu to **** the formation-breaking cone and the formation-breaking **** pattern, and rushed towards the position of the main banner. The effort disappeared in the blink of an eye, and it was already in the next moment. Above the position of the flag.

Hono and the puppet, in groups of three and two, did not reduce the power he currently controls.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

In the void, the venerables have fallen continuously, and of the eighteen venerables, now only twelve are left, and six venerables have been mercilessly killed.

Half the statue died more, and forty-five people died in the blink of an eye. They fell into the magma sea area, instantly swallowed by black inflammation, and disappeared into the world.

These are all strong people on one side, but now they die silently.

"Almost shot."

Chu Qianye, who was paying attention to the situation, finally spoke, and his gaze swept towards the position of the fire of the origin of the Holy Flame.

"Don’t participate in this battle. For the dead and half-sovereigns, you will receive the treasures from them. Our dragon gate needs to develop now. As for the imperial forest army, don’t take action or make fearless sacrifices. "Chu Qianye said.

"Once you are in danger, enter the secret space." The voice of Chu Qianye gave Wang Yiling, Zhao Sange, Wang Yuyan, and Li Ling and others.

"Metaworld, you will let me do it."

Chu Qianye turned his head and looked at Venerable Yuanjie.

Venerable Yuanjie nodded slightly, the next battle was quite critical, and he knew any difficulties.

Chu Qianye swept around. He knew that the Happy Saint must be observing in the dark. He hasn't taken any action yet because he is not in danger yet.

And once he shows up, the situation will become very complicated, which should be the reason why he didn't make a move.

"Boom boom boom!"

The terrifying killing continued, and those half-sages finally woke up. In front of the sages and the sages, they had no chance of winning at all, and continuing to fight was just a fearless sacrifice.

At this moment, twelve statues, ten saints!

Together with Chu Qianye and Yuanjie Venerable, this is the lineup that currently competes for the fire of the origin of all souls.

At this time, the half-sages stopped their hands one after another, stopped and watched, not daring to make a move.

"Poison Dragon, it's time to take action!" The Hall Master of the Hunting Soul Palace said suddenly.

When everyone heard it, their backs became chilly.

The Hunting Soul Palace still has a back hand!

Hearing these words, everyone's eyes suddenly flashed with deep fear and aversion.

These guys in the Hunting Soul Palace, even though everyone knows the nature of these people and understands that they can't be so kind, but when they really want to be shamed by them, they are still very unhappy.

The poisonous dragon touched his uncle with a palm, his body retreated, his heart flickered when he heard the words.

With a wave of his palm, dense phantoms swept out in an instant, turning into a cold, iron-blooded warrior.

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions were suddenly shocked.

Sure enough, the Hunting Soul Palace still has a back hand!

"This is a blood soul!"

Someone knew the goods and said with a slight change of face.

The blood soul, possesses a formidable attack, is absolutely loyal, grows fast, and is a monster that can actively cultivate!

Unexpectedly, the people in the Soul Hunting Palace would have such a collection!

Chu Qianye's expression suddenly changed slightly when he looked at the **** soul that was like a soldier.

These people in the Hunting Soul Palace are really not fuel-efficient lamps, and they still have back players.


The deputy head of the Hunting Soul Palace said suddenly.


Almost at the same time, the puppets and the fire slaves roared in anger, and suddenly took a step with their soles, rushing out toward the origin of the fire of the Holy Flame of All Souls, and in the blink of an eye they had already reached the origin of the fire. before.

The martial artists around, their eyes flashed with a burst of fine light.


The strong from all sides, his face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice.

The blood soul is more terrifying than the puppet, because it possesses its intelligence and controls the right to actively kill, so it is extremely difficult to deal with.

"Twenty blood souls!" Venerable Yuanjie's eyes throbbed violently, and his expression was a little ugly and said: "With the Seven Stars, the current situation is very favorable for the Soul Hunting Palace."

Chu Qianye smiled noncommittal.

It is advantageous, but the back hand he has left is not weak at all.

"The puppets and Huo slaves obey orders to attack the blood soul!"

Chu Qianye took a step on the soles of his feet, and Jie Yin shouted angrily.


Huo Nu and the puppets roared one after another, rushing towards the source of origin, densely packed figures in the void.

"Looking for death!" The deputy head of the Hunting Soul Palace, his face sank.

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts were suddenly surprised.

"I don't think so." Chu Qianye smiled faintly.

The other saints are also deeply involved in the attack, and there is really no way to ignore these, thousands of Huo slaves!

A hundred puppets!

This is the collection of Saint Yan of All Souls, and it finally made him cheaper.

The deputy head of the Soul Hunting Hall sank, and his figure flickered away, appearing in front of the original fire, and Chu Qianye was also standing in front of the pure black beads at this moment.

"Hmph, you baby, I wanted to kill you a long time ago, but I have been in retreat without a chance. I will kill you today!"

"I also wanted to meet you in the Soul Hunting Palace. I finally have a chance today!"

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